Avatar of Musaki Hajime
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 160 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Musaki Hajime 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Just trying to do my best~ Don't give up, people!
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8 yrs ago
Getting back into the swing of things, slowly, but surely! Thanks a lot to POOHEAD189 for getting me back into it =)
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8 yrs ago
Let the Games begin!
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Most Recent Posts

I've come to express interest in the name of MANLY spirit!

"giving you junk... giving you junk... junk... junk" The words echoed within his soul and the look on his face became twisted into a sneer of pain.

In a very animated way, Cayde gasps at Keira's comment on his precious loot. "Gah!! No, no, no!" He exclaims, pointing at her. "Don't jinx me like that! I still have to get my legendary skin!!"

Seeing her smile, at the very least, made him feel at ease. Maybe she was okay afterall. That'd make his life easier. As she goes off to help Lauren and Amelia, Cayde follows suit with the large Darius. It never cease to amaze just how the man worked. He was always "go big or go home" with everything. Thankfully, the two shared similar taste in music, since even though he usually wears headphones, the bass of Darius music could be felt through the floor boards. As he looms over Amelia, glass of milk in hand, you can really tell just how tall he is. He's like a freakin' titan! ... don't tell him I said that

"Hey, hey, now! Save some for the rest of us, dude~" He calls out to Darius, giving him a large grin and takes his seat at the table. "Granted, if all the food did get gobbled up, I have at least 2 weeks supply of cup noodles to last me, so don't feel too bad if you do eat us outta house and home"

Cayde isn't the best person to have in the kitchen. Smart he may be, but cooking did not suit him. Ever since the stew of yester-year, the gamer swore off that "stat" and kept on moving. Still, the environment here was nice. Had it really been so long since he moved here? With these people? Doing amazing things? Sometimes, Cayde could hardily believe it. But it's true. A blue hedgehog told him. It had to be true.
New GM post up. Have it guys =)

@Hell Coos@The 4 Winds@Valor@Marquise



With an uncontrollable yawn, Cayde stands not even five feet away from his bedroom door. In the back of his mind, he already regrets leaving his safe haven. ‘Maybe i should suggest room delivery …’ a stray thought runs through his mind before a small scenario plays out. How would that go over? Hmmm. Nah. It isn’t worth the effort nor worth having to listen to another lecture about “responsibility” and all that nonsense.

He checks the time again, this time using his smart phone, and his brain switches gears. The date. Cayde couldn’t forget this. The gamer who stays couped up in his room doesn't have many people he would call “friends” but if there is one, it’s Keira. They joined up around the same time a few years ago and despite her simple, happy-go-lucky and trusting exterior, she held a lot of depth. Cayde saw through her facades quickly and decided to ignore them for the time being. However, it didn't strike him as odd until last year when he noticed activity in the dorm. Normally, he is the only one up past 3 am most nights so stuck out to him.

Curiosity got the better of him and he saw Keira’s ritual. A send off of sorts. Cayde decided on that day that he would watch her back. If anything were to expose her defenses, he would shield her. He didn’t question why. He just did it.

Why bring this up? Well today is the same day. 2 years ago, Keira lost someone important to them. Though you wouldn’t know with how she is walking toward Cayde with a hungry expression that could eat the words you speak to her.

“Mornin'" He gives a two finger salute before shining a grin. “Looks like the head chef’s shrill has reached us all” His joking tone tries to add levity to the situation. Something to keep the mind off of darker thoughts. “It sucks in a way! I’m this close to breaking into a new level! So close to a loot box~”

Now this was the Cayde everyone knew: a die-hard gamer who thinks of life itself as a game. For now, he keeps up his own facade to cheer up Keira up. At least he hoped it does.
Update:Today was quite busy. I forgot to send out the pms to the UNF folks but that has been squared away. If your characters have additional questions or queries, feel free to ask them in-character.
And posted!

@Hell Coos@The 4 Winds@Valor@Marquise


I said it before and i'll say it again: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! =D
Gotcha, I think i misunderstood. I'll edit real quick
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