Avatar of Negatomsk
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 68 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Negatomsk 8 yrs ago


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Fine by me.
Would prefer no judge at all. Win-or-loss I've never needed one.
@Doc DoctorPost up.

@Devil Remove me as well.
@Albatross City

I offered! And was told to save it for the tourney.
As for Gonad, the difference is fundamental. McDonald's and Five Guys, a garage band and AC/DC. The 'real deal' is above petty speculation.

Pretty big talk considering two members of the alliance have already beaten you, with one having beaten Gonad himself, but keep talking.

Good shit, Lee. H2H combat is not some cheap gimmick to be toyed with on a whim for the sake of a trend. I held this opinion in silence, not wanting to offend. This ridiculousness has gone on long enough now, though. Don't mistake this for a power trip, or simple bragging. The truth should be evident in what I'm about to say.

Any luchadores who remain in this tournament, I'll deal with in a manner so comically effortless, so repulsively severe, that forever after when they contemplate the description of a punch or a kick, a grab or a throw, the memory will surface like the white whale Ahab so foolishly sought after. The heart will clench, breath will come short, cold sweat will run down the back. Turning the true basis of all combat into a three ring circus? A half assed forum dispute?

Luchalliance. Perhaps you've just never seen a character literally shit down the severed stump of their enemy's neck. I'm willing to toss my sense of humor aside to demonstrate.

The point of a tournament is to have fun, and we all thought we'd have that fun by tailoring our characters to a theme and tossing them in, at least such was the idea until the profile-policing drained any chance of fun out of this for most of our members. And for you, who submitted Gonad Yaksplitter, pro-wrestling bearer of the Beardforce, to call our themed profiles ridiculous is the height of hypocrisy.

That said? Bring. It. On.

@GeravenI'll take you on if it's a fight you want...
Throwing my hat into the fire... is that how that phrase goes?

Availablity: Generally free to post at least once a day, outside of Wednesdays or Sundays.

I'm in.
Reso frowned; this hadn't worked out at all. Xio and the girl whose phone he'd stolen were fighting in earnest now. The girl was thrown and there was nothing he could do to divert that disaster, so instead Reso turned to Xiomara to defuse another, only to find himself staring at the rambling goat-faced (goat-legged?) man, who was now declaring his intentions to punch Resolution in the face if he did not flee. Past the goat, he could see that in fact, the barkeep had thankfully caught the girl and deposited her harmlessly on the ground. One disaster averted, he turned his attention back Dunnaman.

"...I certainly won't be leaving, and if you're looking to try to strike me..." The key turned in the ignition once more, electricity sparking in Reso's eyes before bursting forth to cover his face, consuming and igniting his flesh as he grew once more to assume the form of the Engine. "You're more than welcome to try, but I wouldn't recommend it."

Hopefully the thought of laying his hands on an electric skeleton would drain the fight out of this drunkard. If not... well, Reso could certainly take this outside if necessary, but only at the barkeep's insistence.
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