Avatar of Nytem4re
  • Last Seen: 10 days ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1056 (0.28 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Nytem4re 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current The irony of someone telling other people they have nothing better to do when they write on a roleplaying forum is not lost on me
4 yrs ago
Goodbye alt man it was nice knowing you
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Oh don't worry they're just terrorist sleeper cells LUL
4 yrs ago
I’ve worked min wage jobs and I’ve done the bare minimum and have still gotten the measly ten cent raises yearly and good references from them. There really is no point, bare minimum gets you by.


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Rare photo of gil during special forces exercises
won't you get in trouble for disclosing that you're a part of the Shaldag Unit?

Probably won’t because if he was really spec ops he wouldn’t be posting his picture and advertising the fact he was part of said spec ops group.

More likely just some guy doing “stolen valor” over the internet. At best he is a grunt pretending to be big bad spec ops boi
<Snipped quote by Nytem4re>

i can be your toyota auris hybrid, baby

I said V8 engines only gtfo you dont fit my standards

don't let this side conversation distract you from the fact I NEED a toyota x subaru 1x1


will the smut be in threads or in PMs?

Thread cuz mods can't stop mechanical smut that would be machinist

PM me daddy Nyt,
I promise I won't bite.
Spank me hard we'll have some fun.
We will play until we see the sun.
I wanna play so very lewd,
'Til people think we're horny and rude.
So pick me for this amazing story,
Smut and sex in all it's glory.

Need vehicle registration before I accept anyone for my toyota x subaru smut smh dirty meatbags get out
<Snipped quote by Sierra>
You cared enough to comment.

Yes, this is a joke. I've known Nyte for many years and he would never actually write anything like this. This is satire.

Yeah. This is satire.

My real 1x1 request?

I actually want someone to play a toyota in a toyota x subaru rp.

The rper must be a toyota with a V8 engine, using only premium fuel, rear spoilers, and leather car seats. Hondas need not apply.

TW: there will be graphic scenes of rear ending, as well as having several oil spills as a result from the t-bone position.

Who the hell wants to rp with a woman when you can rp with a fine tuned racing machine.
Interested. PM me?

I no rp with rpers who have pee pee

<Snipped quote by Nytem4re>
Wow, this is so disgustingly ableist, smh. You should be ashamed of yourself, cishet scum.

You may not like it but these are the most ideal standards.

looking for womyn only so I can impose muh sexist standards on the guild

Muh cis heteronormative mind insists I must have a straight female player with blonde hair that is 6'4 and blue eyed. She must be specifically of the aryan race. Must have an IQ of 140, and have the political views of the 1940s gestapo. Must be conceived using artificial wombs and genetic engineering to ensure she is the perfect white female. Did I mention you also have to be vegan? Graduating from an Ivy league is a must. Harvard preferred. Must also have stage 4 thyroid cancer. I must stress you must have a widows peak. If you have to wear glasses turn back now four eyes. Lastly, she must also be orthodox christian. Other sects of christianity trigger me so don't apply if u r not orthodox christian.

Plot will be loaded with XXX smut

Yes I am adult
Roleplaying is a hobby, not a job or governmental institution. The Equal Laws act does not apply.

If they want a specific gender and you don't like it..

Don't join. They're not obligated to give everyone a chance at rping with them. Just like how any rper can say no, u cant rp with me, to another person for any reason

That doesn't make them immune to criticism but the people in here screaming "SEXISM AND DISCRIMINATION" are kinda taking it too personally. Not being to join an 1x1 rp based on gender is shitty yes, but it's their choice to make.

Yes, they are closing themselves off to many potential rp partners, but it is their choice to make nonetheless. They have no obligation to open their rp up to everyone. Now if they were doing this in a group rp that's creepy as shit ye.

But 1x1 are 1x1s, they are private affairs. It's called 1x1 roleplay, not EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 1x1 roleplay. If you don't like that simply don't join their rp or pretend to be the gender they're asking for.

I don't see why everyone is up in arms about it.

<Snipped quote>

In short I have no idea what you are trying to communicate; can you rephrase?

<Snipped quote>

So you are saying that the mods did not reply to certain users at all?

I don't see what the miscommunication error is. Catchamber seems to understand.

And he was the one I was replying to in the first place.

<Snipped quote by Nytem4re>
I didn't say that it should be considered normal. I just said that it wouldn't surprise me if it happened.

I just meant in general, not necessarily towards you. For once, I'm pretty sure we are in agreement.
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