Avatar of Nyxella


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6 yrs ago
Current "So remember, to look up at the stars and not down at your feet... It matters that you don't just give up." - Stephen Hawking
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Hi there, I have interest in what this might offer, all depending on one question: will this function as a sandbox with plots primarily driven by players or will there be a central story?
Ooh still interested! Working on my girl.
<Snipped quote by Nyxella>

I'm not going to put any hard limits on villain power but try not to go too insane. Remember, don't put down anything you wouldn't want to fight. If you put instakill as a pre-redemption power there's a decent chance some version of that will come into play.

As for everyone else, I think this is good enough to get started on some actual stuff now. I'll get to posting that character guide I was talking about, then an OOC.

Right, use commonsense haha got it. Had to ask. Cool, looking forward to seeing the OOC.
Interested! Might have an illusion-weaver in the pocket. Question, are there any upper limits to the scale and extent of our villains' powers?

Edit: For example, no instakill, no immortality. Self regeneration unless decapitated. Teleportation limited by sight and memory. Etc., etc.
The Knight's role sings to me. Watching with interest.
Expressing interest. This looks promising.
I'll be applying. See you soon, Icey.
Still interested!
Oh my God, pledging interest faster than old/ancestral Kai can summon up a cube of katchin. My girl is 100% earth-grown human. I'll either edit the bio into this post, or post it after all the hype I'm sure this will attract.
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