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    1. Olira 7 yrs ago


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In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Lady of the Void


Hilda would hop off the car, shaking her head. The cars out in the open, the extremely loud music, and the stolen guns... All of it was chaotic and extremely sloppy. These weren't expert criminals she was dealing with. They were just a group of rag tag thugs posing as characters of great power and reach. With a disappointed sigh, walk over to Marcus's hummer, opening the door. She'd plug her phone into the car's sound system, and begin looking for a song.

"You know... I expected them to come sooner or later. In fact, that's why I'm here in the first place."

The dark knights sprint out of the forest, setting themselves up into a formation. They'd stand in two horizontal lines, 10 in front, 10 in back. The front set would turn to the rear, falling to a knee and sticking their blades out like platforms. The back would crouch down into a sprinting position, preparing for their assault. Before it began, Hilda accidentally hits play, starting a song.

"Huh... Not the song I wanted... But it doesn't sound too bad. Go ahead boys! Make sure to leave one of those copters up. We need at least one messanger after all."

As the song began, the second row of knights ran toward the first row at full speed, stepping on the blades of the first row. With a powerful swing, The runners were flung into the air, clinging onto some of the choppers above. They'd begin slamming their swords into the copters, trying to disable at least half of them. The remaining 10 below stood up, surrounding Hilda and holding their blades up in defense.
In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay


Lady of the Void


As the man approached, a loud russle from around the shed could be heard. Sets of red glowing eyes began to shine from the the trees, all focused on Marcus. The mistress looked at him and calmy smiled, contrasting the sinister presence of her shadowy escorts. She'd gently blow smoke in his direction and speak.

"Ah... Very direct, very flirty, and very... open... with your clothing choice. You remind me of an Egyptian friend of mine. Maybe I'll introduce you to her some time...If you dont cross me that is..."

Hilda stood up, taking another slow puff of her cigarette. She'd look down the dirt path, again waiting for something to happen. Marcus's music was loud and the hummer was big. While it may not seem like a big deal to most people, Hilda isn't one to skimp over details

"Congratulations, Nero. You have weapons, but there are two things you should wonder: Where did he get them from and was he followed. While, yes, this is a dense forest, its not enough to ward off a trained PMC. If he was tailed, you all might have an issue on your hands."
In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay


Lady of the Void


She'd smile, enjoying the fact that for the first time in a long time, she was wrong about someone. She'd tap the cig holder, knocking the accumulated ash off the end of it.

"I've made a couple of deals with vampires before. Believe it or not, being on the run is a common issue among our kind. A simple solution to it would be to simply crush the hunters. And, of course... to do that, you need a force stronger than theirs. From where I'm sitting, it look like all you might have is a few other vampires and a dirty rag."

Hilda lets out a haughty laugh, holding her hand in front of her mouth.

"Of course... that part can be fixed."
In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay


Lady of the Void


She'd sigh. She wasn't smiling, but was also not frowning. Her face remained a plain neutral as she stared at the dirt path. Her white knight picked up it's sword, preparing it for a crushing blow. Again, Hilda raises her hand, causing the behemoth of a man to stop, lowering his sword once again. Hilda exhaled, creating a bird from the smoke of her cig. The bird would flutter it's wings, flying into the air before vanishing into the forest.

"In all honesty... I'm in the position to kill you, but I won't. Instead, I'll ask you a question. How do you enjoy constantly running?"

As she waited for his answer, the mistress began thinking of what he would say. Helga, being the pompous woman that she is, expects Nero to say he likes it. Being a person wanted for dead has a way of giving the person a feeling of caged freedom. She would know. But then again... Maybe Nero isn't the open book she think's he is.
@VitaVitaARStill accepting players?
In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Lady of the Void


"Soldiers! Set up around the shed. Keep yourselves hidden until I say otherwise."

On her orders, the knights would leap into the air, placing themselves around the ruined shed. Hilda made her way over to the black Impala and gently sits on the hood, being careful not to set off the alarm. She'd face away from the Vampire Hideout and instead looked at the road as if she were expecting something. Her great white knight would walk on the other side of the Impala and face the pile of wood, slamming his sword into the ground.

"Half of me wants to go into that place and burn it to the ground because of how rude that man was... I probably would if he was the only one there... Oh well. It's not really his fault the party was ruined."

She'd reach into her bosom, pulling out a long, black, ebony wood and rose gold cigarette holder and a pack of fancy cigs. With a gentle push, she'd stick the cig into the end of the holder and light it, taking a light puff in the process.

"If I were a betting woman, I'd say that those 'Hunter' people are on their way. It would make sense in all honesty... I mean,
seriously. Who leaves their cars in the open when they're being chased down? The forest seems dense, but not dense enough to keep a military away."
In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Lady of the Void

She'd slump down in her chair, realizing that the party is in shambles. She'd slowly float back to the now fixed, but empty ballroom.
Her twenty Dark Knights stood there at attention.

"Here we are... A perfect ballroom, but no one to celebrate with. My night has been ruined by a group of idiotic hunters and a vampire who doesn't know manners..."

Hilda stood up and the chair of mist vanished. She stretched out her hands and focused, creating a black and white portal in front of her.

"This party isn't over. It simply relocated. Come boys! We have some friends to visit!"

One by one, the black knights hopped into the portal, ending up in the forest, roughly 1/3rd of a mile away from the shack. Hilda stepped through after them. Knowing what was about to transpire, the black knights donned their weapons of choice.

In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Lady of the Void

"You and I both... I could have been at home writing as I normally do, but I got an invitation from a friend who has yet to even show up! And then I thought I could pass the time by helping that vampire, but he disrespected me instead! I swear... Men put me in a place of anger at times... The only men I can trust at the moment are my literal knights in shining armor."

The woman shook her head, tapping the gauntlet of her companion.

"So what did you have planned for this evening if it weren't for the party?"

In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Lady of the Void

"Oh, thank god... Someone relatively nice... Wait, you said you've heard of me? I'm famous!?"

Hilda clasped her hands together and begins giggling. Her white knight companion, embarised from her childish actions, sighed and shook his head. After a moment, Hilda would speak again.

"Why, do tell, my darling! What have you heard?"

In The Party 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Lady of the Void

As she watched Nero walk away, Hilda sunk back into her chair of black mist. She'd sigh and look around the destroyed space. With a snap of her fingers, 20 shadowy figures emerge from the floor.

"Boys, I'm sorry to bother you all at this hour, but can you fix this place up? There was a bit of a... um... event here. Take the corpses back as a reward."

The dark figures nodded and began to piece the place back together. As she looked around the room, she spots Shrivvle leaving. Realizing that there was no one here, Hilda floated after her as the white knight followed.

"Vampires, am I right...? They won't understand a single word you say unless it's 'Blood, blood, blood, I'm the strongest' or something along those lines... Seriously, stay away from them."

The mistress would laugh, looking at the girl for a reply.
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