Avatar of Partisan
  • Last Seen: 27 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Vuurvos
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2152 (0.59 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Partisan 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
I'm still God.


If we are marked to die, we are enough
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires;
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England.
God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more, methinks, would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart. His passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse.
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.

Most Recent Posts

Kekkerino @ Tatsuya
Don't think so. Was hoping for some more posts today to move on but I'll have to wait 'till tomorrow morning. Hope to have seen a post from everybody by that time because I'll be moving things on Red Sage side anyway.
@Dawnscroll Rostering here will show you who's what. :)
@Dawnscroll smallER numbers than the confederation, small squads sounds about right, but it's a lot more disorganized given there's no real heirarchy, they've just designated 1 person as the 'lead commander' more or less. Uniforms.. well, it's just whatever clothing you wanna wear with a red armband. No real 'uniforms' apart from that. Haven't given it much time.

Secret bases, yes.
@Raijinslayer I'm gonna wait to see if others interfere.. Higoho might refrain if enough people step in, because then it'd quickly become bothersome to attack him anyway.
@Dawnscroll depends on the character, If it's a Red Sage then being in the base is probably best, if a confed, well, that's up to @Savato
@Raijinslayer that's not sleep, that's the drugs I slipped in your drink.
Seijo Tametomo

Lady Commander Tametomo
Red Sage

If I Die Tonight

Seijo jumped from branch to branch as she jumped among the trees, heading for a nearby underground shelter. It was built in the Five Nation War 11 years ago, and had been in use by the Red Sages ever since. Behind her she heard the voice of a boy, which happened to be Nori, but whose name was unknown to her at that point in time. “An unusual kekkei genkai?” she'd ask, without looking at him, simply keeping her eyes on the objective. It was about an hour travel, even at shinobi pace, so they had a bit of traveling to do. “No, you can tell me about it now. I'm sure you know all clans are allied with the confederation in essence?” It must be the nerves of being in battle, or perhaps being singled out by Yakoul made him say stupid things like 'perhaps a new clan allied to the confederation'. The confederation didn't handle in alliances - just in politics.

“Furthermore, I'm sure there'll be more Hyuga to oppose us. And there are several Hyuga in our ranks too. Civil war can split clans you know.” she added, pushing off against a tree branch again. She wasn't quite sure why Nori didn't know that they'd be tracked at all times, but that the Confederation also would be tracked. It was like a mutual understanding between the two armies, that they both tracked eachother and that there would never be a fight which both sides didn't agree on after this.

“Don't worry. We have sensory nin at most our bases. And Yakoul isn't interested in stealth anyway. We'll likely see them coming miles away. I shouldn't lie to you - Yakoul is more powerful than me, but it isn't a shinobi. It's a weapon, and it isn't particularily subtle. That's why it'll never kill me. I can see what it does long before it even knows it's gonna do it.”

Yudai said something about a first aid kit, but Seijo didn't answer. There would be medical attention at the base, and well, a shuriken wasn't enough damage to warrant using a lot of first aid right now. He'd just have to suck it up for the time being. It didn't take long for Mikoto to add himself to the group - or rather, for him to speak up. He too had some info he wanted to share. The audacity of some of these recruits was amazing, but they were annoying too. To think that she'd want every detail of every confederate shinobi was idiotic. Never the less she pretended to be interested, as to not give off an air of superiority. As far as she was concerned, she was just a shinobi, fighting for what she thought was right. Not some supreme commander, although she did think that it had a nice ring to it. Supreme Commander Lady Tametomo.. hmm.. “Sure, tell me about this Uchiha. Perhaps I can take a Sharingan from them. It makes beating Yakoul a little bit easier.” she said, seemingly a joke, but her face didn't show anything indicating that it was a joke. Perhaps they were serious. “Might as well take a Byakugan while I'm at it. Best of both worlds. Yakoul wouldn't stand a chance.”

After an hour, give or take a few minutes, they would arrive at a hidden base - similar to Orochimaru's, but less.. active. Besides Seijo, most of the Red Sages in the cast would be with her. Most other shinobi kept going, returning to their homebases. It was clear that even though Seijo was a leading figure in the organization, but the organization was very decentralized, with other captains having their own bases, and different ideas on how to tackle issues. Never the less the Red Sages acted as one fist, which was a good thing lest they'd be wiped out already. Seijo had landed in front of a small tunnel entrance, with small vines hanging above and to it's sides. She entered the tunnel, approaching a small grey blastdoor. It was likely strong enough to stop a few shinobi for 10 minutes, even if they pelted it with strong jutsu. Even Katsuko would have a hard time getting through these..

As she approached, the door opened, showing a woman in a secretary uniform, with a flak vest over it. She held out a clipboard to Seijo, bowing her head slightly. Seijo simply took it, signed whatever it was and handed it back. “Let's get inside, I have another mission in store for us. We'll likely head out later tonight, or possibly tomorrow. It depends on what intel we receive.” she'd say to the small gang of Red Sages behind her. “And where the hell is Arima?” she asked in an annoyed voice, wondering where the boy had gone. She walked off, going to her personal room, making herself ready for the meeting in the conference room. She might not have explicitly stated it, but most of the guys in the cast were invited. They'd probably receive some message later.

The facility was small, since it was Seijo's personal base. There were a few shinobi on guard duty, a sensory room where approximately four shinobi were watching the premises through sensory techniques, an information center with radio's and CCTV's as well as old style telegrams, a conference room which was really just a room with a round table in it, and some screens. Then there were the barracks wing, which was where there were individual rooms for all shinobi including the Red Sages in the cast. The rooms were small, with a bed, a desk and some storage items. Seijo's personal room was in this wing too, at the end of a hallway, noticeably a bit more luxurious given her permanent stay in this base.

Seijo undressed herself and got dressed in something more.. comfortable. She simply put on a black top, some skinny jeans and white slip ins. It was more comfortable than her battle dress - though she looked much less imposing. When she was done, she left her room, walking past the other rooms and going towards the conference room. As she entered she pressed a button, dimming the lights in the room and turning on the screens. On the screens were pictures of two warehouses, close to each other, within a fenced off area. Kohonjenpou Warehouse, Amegakure, 2.13 AM. it said below the pictures, indicating that this was indeed a warehouse within Amegakure. Luckily for the Red Sages these warehouses weren't specifically in Amegakure, given that Amegakure had grown tremendously over the last 11 years. More so, it was in the industrial area of the large village, though it was more like a mega-city at this point in time.

As soon as she had thought of what to say, she'd walk out of the conference room and hail the nearby secretary-like looking woman. “Call all the Shinobi that entered with me, and bring them to the conference room. We'll be taking back some things that were stolen from us.” The lady bowed slightly with a nod and then rushed off to bring all the people into the room. Every Red Sage within the compound would get one of these invitations - nobody was exempt.

As soon as that had been arranged, Seijo went back in and sat down on the large chairs in front of the screen, waiting for the rest to arrive. As soon as everyone had arrived and taken a seat in the comfy, but ultimately simple chairs, she'd start the meeting. “Welcome. I hope everyone is alright after that interesting mission. Is there anyone who has anything to remark, comment, or tell me about it?” she'd ask, waiting for a reply. Meanwhile the pictures were still up on the screens behind her, so anyone could take a look at them.

Higōhō Hyuga

Hamajō Confederation

@Raijinslayer @tex @l0ck0n @Nero @KenyeIsMyLife

Higiho kept walking as Tanjo answered him, only mumbling something to himself about the 11th corps being assholes, sneaky, and scumbags. Probably because they liked to stalk around the Hyuga compound at night, thinking that they were invisible to the Byakugan somehow. Nothing was less true. The Uchiha girl as well as Tanji elected to follow him, but that didn't bother Higoho nor did it make him feel any better. As they walked up the stairs Higoho's path was suddenly blocked, by some red wearing bastard. If he remembered correctly this fellow was some sort of.. smith? Regardless, he was a Konohagakure shinobi, that much was sure, as could be indicated by the Konoha headband he was wearing. The guy started spouting some shit in Higoho's direction, a mistake by any means given Higoho was quick to anger at most times. He stopped him mid-sentences, and grabbed him by the collar. He had accepted everything the guy had said, to a degree, though he was visibly angering more and more up until the point where Tatsuya, or rather, 'Bishamon' had called him a bastard, and making it known he was a branch member. “What did you say, you fucking dipshit?” he said, saying the words so venomous that if someone had called him a viper, they might've been right.

“Maybe my clan looks at me like I'm nothing, but I can assure you that everyone in Konoha looks at your clan as nothing more than glorified smith's, useless pieces of garbage that can be discarded at will. I'll gladly be a bastard, son of a gambling addict and a whore, before I would ever consider being part of your useless clan, you pig fucker.” he said before lifting his right arm into the sky and bringing it down on Tatsuya - Bishamon - his face. Again, the clone would likely disappear, only angering Higoho some more. His fist now began shaking as he withdrew it from the cloud of smoke the clone would leave behind, before forming the tiger seal quickly. BYAKUGAN! he said, before the veins around his eyes tensed up again.

Using the Byakugan he scouted the area, looking for wherever that fucker was that had used his clone so cowardly to insult him for no reason. He finally found him, standing downstairs again with the people he'd just left. He groaned in anger, pushing himself past both Tanji and Kaori, shoving them aside as he directly headed for Tatsuya. As he approached the boy, he pointed his finger at him. “HEY! Who the fuck do you think you are, using your clones to insult me?! Come here and take your punishment you useless piece of garbage!” Higoho was approaching the boy rapidly, ignoring those around himself and Tatsuya. He walked past Zetsuba, who was seemingly heading away from the group, almost running into him.

It was then that Katsuko decided to make his explosive extraction, smashing his club into the ground and sending dust and debris into the air. Higoho got caught in the cloud of dust, but luckily wasn't smashed aside due to having some distance from the landing point of the giant club Katsuko had used. Never the less he was shook a little bit, but not enough to stop him. He walked out of the cloud towards Tatsuya, still heading for him, seemingly not even shaken by Katsuko's exfiltration. The cloud might've just made him look even more impressive than he really was.

SETSUKO! What are you doing talking with this scumbag? Do you know what he thinks of our clan, and of the side branch? I'll fucking kill him, so get out of my fucking way. I'm warning you all.” he'd say to Setsuko, who almost seemed to be flirting with Tatsuya. Another reason to think even lower of Setsuko, who barely had any mastery of the Gentle Fist at all. Unfit for the Hyuga name, but a Hyuga none the less. The only reason he knew her at all was because she'd attempted to speak to him a few times, but Higoho was largely uninterested by her, opting to practice his gentle fist instead, or even doing errands such as going grocery shopping. Anything was better than talking to her, but now, now she was flirting with the enemy..?
@Dawnscroll well, the title says no, it's not, and coincidentally that's the same thing that I'm gonna say.

Feel free to make a character, but ensure you read the OOC 1st 3 posts and you'll be good to go!

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