Avatar of Pineappletumble
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  • Posts: 323 (0.11 / day)
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    1. Pineappletumble 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current That awkward moment when you've been away for a few mouths and have to catch up with everything.
8 yrs ago
Is it weird that I have a good mental image of most of the person just from their usernames?
8 yrs ago
Sleep is a commodity.


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Kenny was still weary of how perfectly everything seemed to be going however he couldn't help but feel a little exited at the prospect of some basket ball. The shapeshifter had never been great at the game but he knew his way around the court, still that smoke kid looked like he needed a bit of a hand.

Picking up the bouncing ball he petted Scott's shoulder and handed the ball back to him, "I think you still have to dribble it when moving like that" he chuckled and took up a started to do some warm up stretches.
"You close the door to wash your face?" James joked his mood lightening as he finds that he wasn't the only one bothered by this 'early start' to the day. He got the idea that something else was bothering her but thought better then to press of information, based on what she'd told him the night before the last thing he needed was get on her bad side anymore then he already might have been. Taking his seat opposite Iris he cover reveals the continence of an English breakfast, James calmly takes up his fork and makes short clear work of the dish.

Once done with his food James took up the envelope, giving it a once over he opened it. Surely they weren't going to be sending every message with an envelope now. Moving his plate to one side he laid the map out so both Iris and himself could see it, a quick skim was all that was needed to to surmise the note's continence.

"Ok all we gotta do is get down to the banquet hall, seems easy enough" James said placing placing the note atop the map, once Iris was done he lead her down the simple halls and stairs to the banquet hall.
Kenny should be there too.
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Stepeny could tell that how they traveled was going to be a point of debate no matter what method they took. He couldn't help but chuckle they sounded a bit like an old married couple, he probably should have been paying more attention to his surroundings but their little argument added some life to what would have been a dull stroll.

"It’s going to be fine Griff, what would happen if the monster's not as inland as you think?" He was more just fueling the fire of the argument then actually getting involved.
A fork lazily prodding his food and occasionally bringing it to his food Kenny sat in silence, nothing seemed quite right about all this. Aside from the restriction of powers this orphanage was way too inviting for his taste. There was a saying that went around one of the first orphanages he'd been staying at 'If something was too good to be true, it probably was'. Still for all his musing and internal debating on the whether this was a hoax or not he still had the same smile on his face. Despite the small laps earlier this morning his seemed to keep his face stuck in the same shape, almost as if it had gotten stuck that was long ago.

His food was done in good time in comparison to some of the kids there and he followed whoever he could upstairs towards the gym. He should probably stick by that Leo kid, while he seems to be a little out of it right now he's clearly been here a while. Guys like that made pretty valuable friends in places like this. Standing off to side near enough to Leo to hear he would introduce himself to this other boy but first he would respectfully let them finish it didn't look like it was his business.
Beep, sorry I should be posting later tonight.
As far as James was concerned the morning could have never come, it had been so long since he'd actually made it to a bed before falling asleep. Still the morning sun had other plans and its light trickled into the room and began to dance along his features. The warmth of the light might have even been pleasant if it hadn't been forcing him to stirs from his slumber. A loud yawn escaped from the waking man and he stretched out in the bed and went to roll over, however instead of the soft form of the mattress being there to meet him he felt himself falling.

With the stinging pain of the fall James could feel the memories of last night came running back reminding him of what had been happened. Groaning his pushed himself up into a sitting position and rested back on the bed's side, he could hear the sound of what was presumably Iris playing around behind him. Slowly but surely he got to his feet having to use one arm to steady himself and the other to fend off the offensive rays of light still filling the room.

"Morning" he grunted as he staggered passed Iris and into the bathroom, the sound of flowing water was almost as refreshing as its cool caress. His vision was slowly coming back into focus. "That should do for now" he stated more to himself then anyone else and feeling slightly better trudged back into the bedroom "What do they want now or was the envelope just complimentary?" he said actually able to notice see what was on the tray Iris was holding.
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Stepney nearly choked on his own saliva, the brutality of the words Amaya chose were not exactly what he had been expecting considering her behavior on the trip here. Though to the rocker's credit he didn't seem so put out as Amaya might have hoped, reluctantly Stepney took his attention of the failed seduction before him and turned it back towards the discussion of travel. He calmly listened, not really minding one way or the other in what way they traveled. Though maybe they should have actually worked out an actual order for who decides what way the group travels, a rather perky tune cleared the haze of through as the musician made his way ahead.

"Well we better make a decision soon, before he decides for us and I'm pretty sure it’s not his turn to pick" he gestured for one of them to lead the way "you could always flip for it"
Sorry if this is rude but I do count 3 sentences in Blue's last post.
I'm happy for you to post first, Iris would probably wake up before James anyway.
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