Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
5 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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@KronshiNah, he fell and Topaz was supposed to help him, but Peridot dropped cause of life or somethin'. I was just going to forget that happened and intro Reggie a different way, as I really don't think it would be smart to include him in the current set of affairs.
[@The Erroist]Iffin' you're still looking for mages to fill in spaces, i got an idea for one rattling in my head-space. Actually two, and neither of them are what you'd call. . . nice. But hey, what's life without a few jerks to spice things up.
Fuckin' finalyy posted and it wasn't completely crap, so I'm feelin' pretty good right now. Woo!
Jaden Locke

"Like fucking hell." was all that Jaden said as he looked around, quickly spotting Seth was making his way over towards the exit. Wasting little time, he quickly picked Vix up and (with a mutter "Real sorry about this!") placed her limp form over his shoulder. Not particularly noble or dignified, no, but at this moment he figured/hoped that Vix would understand the need for expediency. Once she was properly situated, James made his way quickly towards Seth, signalling for the Pikachu to follow them while also keeping an eye out to see if anyone was coming his way. Luckily, it seemed that due to his interference, they were busy trying to keep their forcefully-evolved pokemon contained, and while Jaden hated leaving them like this, he knew that attempting to rescue anyone alongside Vix would be too much of a burden right now. And he wasn't leaving her behind, not after his inattentiveness got her stolen in the first place.

Quickly catching up with Seth, he didn't say anything at first, offering the red-haired boy a quick glance before focusing on the exit again, letting out a low grumble as he set his pride on the back-burner for a bit. "Thanks for the help."

@Saltwater Thief
[@Holy Solider]


"I don't think he cared too much about you, all things considered. Still, it'd be best if we don't run into that fuck again, as I don't think any of us could really take him, not without getting hurt bad, and I ain't putting my life on the line for a fuckin' stupid thing like a tent." Noibat continued to recline in her seat, not getting up an inch. She wasn't in dire need of any healing, and if it was just scratches or brusies, she'd rather get some Oran and Sitrus berries than have to rely on Human tech. When The charmander made a fuss about Rasa's hand, however, the dragon-type couldn't hold in the irritated groan that rumbled out from her throat, rolling her eyes at Meintja's concern for the trainer girl's 'injury'. "Just calm your fuckin' tits, Charmy. It's just a scratch, and not even a big one. It ain't something that'll make her keel over and die or nuthin'. And if it was, then I'd probably ditch her next chance I could. Anyone who can't take a baby bite like that has no right to tell me to but my hide on the line for them." While Noibat's tone stayed even, her eyelids had parted slightly to form a light glare at Rasa, watching her next actions very closely.

Korrigan 'Korrey' Umbraisis

"Well you are a bundle of energy aren'tcha?" Korrey said as he walked after his newly minted partner, flexing his right hand a bit and looking at the red marking that had formed on his hand. He was a bit disappointed at how. . . simple the ritual seemed. Like, the two fo them had held hands, the woman chanted out some old gobbledigook while the the other guy sprinkled water on their hands and that was it. He had been imagining something so much more grandiose in his head, but it was whatever. He was still pretty stoked that he had finally gotten his partner, though the fact that his partner was a girl did complicate things a tad. Okay, so I really have to remember to put on the Pajamas I packed, and probably try and curb my habit of walking around in my underwear. . . especially in the mornings.

Feeling his face heat slightly as his mind followed that particular train of thought a tad longer, he quickly zeroed back into his surroundings as he just avoided walking into a nother student, having gotten momentarily lost in his thoughts. "Hey, give me some credit. I was hopped up on some fantasy novels when I came up with it, and it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. Don't regret, though. . . also, hold on a sec, I got to handle something." He spared a glance over to his bags, taking a moment to jog over and open up on of them. Reaching in, he pulled out a special glass container, with sigils on the outside that signified that it was magical in nature. Inside of it was , who was looking positively estatic to be outside of the darkened depths of the luggage container. Korrey would quickly jog back to where Felicity and the volunteers were waiting, holding up the lizard so that he could properly introduce himself by shaking his small body to and fro, mouth open wide in the lizard equivalent of a big stupid grin.

"Felicity, meet Vulcan. He's my love-able dummy of a bearded Dragon and is very glad to make your acquaintance. I'd have liked to properly introduce you to Festus, but they're a bit busy still sulking, for whatever reason. Now, uh, what were you askin' me about aga-oh right, where I'm from and why I talk a bit funny." Placing his chin on top of Vulcan's container(an action that caused more shakes of happiness), Korrey thought a bit about how to go about explaining it. Well, I'm from Erridun, but unlike most of the people here, I wasn't exactly rollin' in dough. Livin' on the streets meant that I didn't really have anybody to teach me how ta' speak proper, and ya know what they say about old habits."

"but enough about me, tell me a bit about you, Blondie? If we're goin' to be partners for the whole year, best get to knowin' about each other sooner rather then later. So, to engage in a bit of tit-for-tat, where do you come from? Got any interests or hobbies, mind tellin' yourdreams for the future, and other such random bits and bobs of info, ya?"

@Invader Len
@GutshotPretty sure queen and mana echoes makes infinite amounts of both sliver tokens and mana.
Welp, I know what Laz is going to do once the entourage shows up. This is going to be oodles of fun.
Sayrui’s wandering eyes were met with an obviously irritated glare from Marianne, who seemed to have mostly sobered up from the effects of Juno’s leaf, though her eyes did still seem a bit glassy. The Hunter looked like she wanted to say something, but kept quiet after looking over her current partner, eyes darting over to where the bag lay, tantalizingly out of her reach.

”You look like you had fun. Did the beast give you that much trouble, or did something else try and steal your kill?
Sorry that it's taking me forever and a half to get this post up, but it's that time of year with finals and junk. Will get a post up tomorrow for sure.
@TheHangedmanHey, better learn from you, then find out the hard way later.
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