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8 yrs ago
Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.


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A reboot sounds good to me. I'm open to continuing the Kinabalu Mission through flashbacks, or if it's necessary, just wrapping it up altogether in a quick summary. It's a bit of a bummer to miss out on some action, but I'm excited to see how things go now that all the character will be together.

Also, now that the sites calmed down and everything isn't turning into errors, I'll have my post up for Ophelia shortly.
Just about finished with my post for Ophelia, @Prisk. I'll move that plot-line along and if I can fit it in, I'll try to have a post for Subira in reply to @Rockette's post!
@Wade WilsonI had a hard time grasping the setting at the very beginning too, and to be honest I think it really helped that I kind of made my own lore to fit into the story. I used a lot of pictures I found over the internet to get a feel of the setting for myself (usually low to moderate fantasy art with a futuristic/mid-high tech feel), and I feel like the pictures Prisk and Rockette have posted in OOC have also really helped. Also, I came into this kind of expecting a final fantasy sort of theme, and I still have that same impression even this far into the roleplay.

Now that I'm reading over what I wrote I'm not too sure if any of that was helpful, but I do hope you join the party!
I hope this hasn't died out, and if it hasn't I'm definitely still interested and ready for what comes next! Looking forward to continuing, or an update -- either way, I hope you all have had a great week! I've finally moved into my new apartment and I can finally say, I'm extremely comfortable and settled!
You've caught my attention! I'm a little packed right now when it comes to roleplays, but if I find the room and inspiration I'll probably go with either a Mage, or an Adventurous Elf.
K I N A B A L U S U M M I TSubira ArendseA Dark Figure

As soon as Empathy latched onto her leg and waist, Subira felt her inner emotions being forcefully dragged out. Terror, frustration, along with the buried feelings of powerlessness, and greed. She felt violated, and by a woman who knew nothing about her. This entire situation could have been avoided had Selene not rushed in and attacked, but then again, Subira knew of the other girls fatal desire. Dark eyes watched the bubbling shadow morph into a face, and as she felt real fear well up in her chest, a burning, hot rage bubbled in the pit of her stomach and overtook her emotions. Like a hive controlling its host, the celestial bodies within the bruiser redirected her focus and emotions, syncing their own needs and feelings with her own frustration until their voices came to her in the form of intuition.
Save Selene.

Dark eyes flickered from the roaring black void to Selene's form, waiting and ready to be swallowed up and granted her wish. While it would have been nice not to hear the other girls apathetic and dark comments for the rest of the operation, Subira knew they needed her strength. Like fine hairs, electricity began to ripple across her skin and clothes as Gijimani granted her it's speed, and resilience. Jaw no longer hanging in awe, and anger almost radiating off of her, Subira's mouth was twisted in an irritated scowl as she glared at Selene from behind her sunglasses.

"You idiot."

Without fear or hesitation, she grabbed the tar like tendrils of Empathy that were wrapped around her waist. Twisting them around her hand, the bruiser tugged on the woman's shadow, ripping it like fine material until it snapped from its source. Once her waist was free, the Guardian tore her ankle from Empathy's grip and rushed for Selene.

Like lightning, Subira left a trail of electricity in her wake as thunder clapped above. Racing against the sweeping black void for her teammate, she moved at blistering speeds, body visibly blurring as she darted from behind Thael's shield and across the clearing. Seconds felt like minutes, and once she was no more than a few feet away from Selene, Subira reached out and pounced. Losing her sunglasses upon jumping, she tackled the other girl to the side and effectively pulled her out of the way of the attack, tumbling hard across the clearing thanks to her own momentum.

Picking up a cloud of dirt as they came to a halt, Subira quickly rolled to her knees and crawled to her teammate. Adrenaline pushing her to act so compulsively, Subira grabbed Selene's shirt collar with a vice like grip before lifting her off the ground and bringing her a mere inches away from her face. Subira bore daggers at the scythe wielder despite knowing that this reaction would probably do nothing for her cynical teammate. However, frustration and adrenaline was fueling her right now, and frankly -- she still didn't care for Selene's opinion!

All of her self control and patience was being tested right now, and instead of giving Selene a well deserved punch in the face, Subira released her frustration through a sincere threat, "Do that shit again and I'll be the one to end you!"

Shoving Selene back down into the dirt, tense breaths came from the bruiser as she pushed herself up from the ground with a grunt, scowl still visible on her face as she attempted to sort through her own thoughts and calm down. "Sorry -- but, hear me out. We need to move as a team right now, and rushing in like that will not only get you killed, but all of us as well." Turning her back to Selene and focusing on the stranger still blocking them from the mine entrance, Subira pushed aside her own morals and made her teammate a promise, "Once this mission is over and we reach the front lines, I promise to never stop you like that again. Go crazy for all I care -- but right now, we need you."
I really don't want to step on any toes, but also don't like seeing this thread go without a post for so long. I'm almost finished with a post for Subira, and while I would have had something up sooner for Ophelia, the site outages had killed the post I had wrote out for her. :/

Already rewriting it though, but I probably won't have it out until after my next reply.

Also, @Prisk and @Rockette, maybe we should do a roll call? See who's still around / interested -- and it might be a good time to give the interest check a bump, too?

Nekoyama Midori

For the most part, Midori had stayed in the back and avoided any major confrontations. As a medical-nin, she didn't belong on the front line, and without worry, she watched her team take out the enemy shinobi they came across. It wasn't until they came to the front of the compound that tension seemed to rise following an attack, and the appearance of what she could only assume was one of the Seven Mist's Swordsmen. However, if one wasn't enough to worry about, the arrival of a second had forced an exasperated groan out of the kunoichi. "Oh, come on!" Beside her, Raiden had sunk into an alert crouch and hissed at the swordsman. Eyes narrowed and ears pinned back, his black fur bristled in alarm as he easily sensed the killer intent from the two kiri-nin.

Somersaulting back to avoid the first attack, the arrival of the third swordsman had easily thrown Midori off guard, just barely jumping out of the way as he swung the massive, spiked sword. As she landed a few feet back, her heart skipped a beat as she watched Ikaruga get flicked away by the assault. Holy shit! Her wide, golden eyes stared in concern and horror, fearful that she had just seen her own teammate get taken out on their first mission. Fortunately, she watched Ikaruga roll to his feet as blood dripped from his arm and into the water below them. “You guys probably don’t need me to tell you this, but avoid touching that thing at all costs!

Shifting her gaze from Ikaruga to the Samehada wielder, Midori felt her throat run dry. So far that was two amongst the group who were injured in some way, one of which was a jonin leader. If she were in any other situation Midori wouldn't have hesitated to tend to them, but surrounded by elite enemy shinobi, the medical-nin knew stopping to heal any of her team would just put them and herself in a compromising position. Instead, Midori swallowed her fear and took out a kunai before widening her own stance. If she couldn't support her team with her medical skills, she'd do her best to support them with her own strength and offensive tactics.

It was unwise to move without a strategy, but she didn't think it'd be all that easy to run away like Saborama had suggested. Not to mention none of her team, besides Ikaruga, were mid to long range fighters. Without shifting her gaze from the bearded shinobi, Midori called out to Hageshi in search for some guidance, "Sensei, what do we do?" It was either fight or flight, and with Captain Minaru already intercepting the enemy, Midori could already assume that the latter decision was no longer a choice.
Advancing plot tomorrow. Please let me know what's up if you haven't posted yet and otherwise face character extermination. Sincerely, the asshole GM.

Personal matters have kept me away and busy, but I've almost finished my post. I'll have that up later on today.
How's the rest of you peaches doing? Been quite barren here lately.

Things have been relatively chaotic for me. Rushed move, job change, potentially looking into going to college. And I just realized my last post was a little more than two weeks ago -- christ. I've been cooking up a post for Ophelia this past week, and I'm just waiting on @Ozerath to post so I can follow it up with a reaction from Subira. By the weekend I should be much more free, but I'll try to have something out sometime during the week. So --

The Wicked Witch of the West went her own way.
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