Avatar of Rhythmloid


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I have too many ideas for rp and I’m afraid I won’t be able to like, act on them all... I just need like... more hours in the day...
5 yrs ago
It feels so good to start back up again. I miss roleplaying.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Oh, it’s my 3 year anniversary. I didn’t even know
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I
5 yrs ago
I think I might take you up on that. Could I


Let’s keep it brief

Name: Rhythmloid, Rhythm, Mäuschen, Famine
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Drawing, playing and listening to music, video games, writing, roleplaying, talking on discord
Residence: California, USA

Music/Arists I listen to: Ghost, Jack Stauber, Aurelio Voltaire, Billie Eilish
Video games I play: Overwatch, NieR: Automata,Bloodborne, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Smash Bros.
Instruments I play: Flute, Piano, (soon) bass guitar

Discord servers I run:
Overwatch (specifically Crusaders): discord.gg/RqQrs23
Bloodborne: discord.gg/KBbDJSv
Ghost (the band): discord.gg/5wQqX78

Most Recent Posts

@TwelveOf8 That's a better idea. Besides the amusement park is behind the board walk. Just a big cluster of boats can swarm the docs.
@TwelveOf8 I tried to make it based off of Monterey, CA. Its kinda cold with fog almost every morning. But sunny later in day. But that does seem like a good idea

Oh wait, i think i already put that
@Rhythmloid I forgot to ask you, who is the logo for? The new description that you gave me
@Mr Allen J Yeah that thing
LOL true @TwelveOf8 maybe that's why I like Rolo so much...

Erm... anyway...
@TwelveOf8 Jiggly as in ass? Or dick? Idk what your preferences are, I just like tiddies
@TwelveOf8 I'm a connoisseur at anime tiddy and bara tiddy. All tiddy is great
@TwelveOf8 Its not! I don't wanna be a weeaboo! I just like jiggly things!
@TwelveOf8 Im a weeb. I watched too much anime as a child and its coming to haunt me. I try my best to stay away from it.
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