Avatar of Rilla


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6 yrs ago
Current It turns out that you can, if you message your friendly neighborhood moderator.
9 yrs ago
Working, essentially, second shift blows. I hate getting home after midnight. xD
9 yrs ago
Any day now, I'll have my first kid. Mini Rilla. #Awesome


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Valucre <3
Lucky for you someone messaged me about something different. Otherwise it could have been weeks.
I was already informed. Also interest in the thread.
I feel like I should read things here.
Order of occurrence:

: takes me to link area. And says download it or open it.

I hit open it, because is downloaded.

Takes me to the friends screen, where I have no friends, and no one wanting o play wumpus.
Took me to the main area where I has. O friends and no one wanting to play wimpus
Told me to open the app. Did. Nothing.
Where do I go to paste in the code?
Discord stuff:

Rilla#5601 or TheJosephBanks2223@gmail.com
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