Avatar of rocklee
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 184 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. rocklee 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
i'm not i'm busy
1 like
8 yrs ago
Alcoholic kind of mood lose my clothes, lose my lube cruising for a piece of fun looking out for number one different partner every night so narcotic outta sight what a gas, what a beautiful ass.
8 yrs ago
They Get Up And Kill. The People They Kill, Get Up And Kill.
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i am just a sad sap.
who wants to role play yaoi all day
and who loves that cute bowl hair freak on the white sheets in my avatar picture
I am a mess of a human being
i love gore too
praise the almighty loaf

Most Recent Posts

@rocklee You're not in trouble Lee, I promise, I was just making sure you understood all our guidelines! ^.^ As the lovely Delta said earlier you are good to go now. Thank you listening so well and fixing everything for me, I really appreciate it!

@Dynamo Frokane I am seeing this and oh my goodness @MyCatGinger, you're a babe!! I mean I always had my suspicions, but you just confirmed them for me. Now I can say with complete certainty that not only are you one of the funniest and kindest people on this guild, but also one of the sexiest!

Sorry guys, but Ging is my bae. <3

P.S. Boss, is it your real birthday yet? My American clock has me all confused. But if it is then HAPPY FRICKEN' BIRTHDAY and if you ever do come to Texas and it's the right season (I'm all about those rules. ;) ) I'll take you dove hunting! :D

Oh of course I am glad the GMs aren't horrifying alpha walruses trying to eat my soul
<Snipped quote by MyCatGinger>

<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

It's a love triangle! Well, you have Bozo beat in the appearance category, so you're one step ahead, Boss! :D And Bozo, I'm saying this because you've chosen not to reveal yourself yet, not because you're any less handsome or attractive than the Boss is! ^-^

<Snipped quote by rocklee>

If you ever need any help with regards to roleplaying, feel free to shoot me a PM and I can get back to you with some expertise real fast! :P The same can be said for any of the other three GMs, as well as most of, if not all, the players. I actually GM'd my second RP (meaning I ran it), and it turned out to be OK, however that was simply beginners luck. Considering this is only your second RP ever and you joined something more advanced than most, I can act as your guide and help out, if you so desire, however we expect you to obey the rules and keep up :3 But I have confidence, considering you're already looking better than me when I started out.

i'm flattered thank you.
@rocklee I wouldn't say you were "in trouble"; rather, you were advised on the way things run here, further increasing your knowledge of roleplaying! :3 I still learn new things about RP and myself every single day in regards to writing, and everyone here was once an amateur in regards to roleplaying at some time.

Despite this, we continue writing so we can get better at it and, most of all, have fun with others! If you felt discouraged or apologetic, don't - we're all very understanding people and we can understand circumstance can make things a royal pain in the butt! :P

I gave your app a looksie in Dollie's place. Might be a little short for her tastes, however it looks really good in my opinion! Consider your app accepted, unless another GM says otherwise. :D

Oh thank you! I do need improvement so this really helps. This is only my second RP and i feel like a took a very big bite with this one but I think I can do it!
@Narcotic Dollie

I fixed The bio and persona hopefully to your expectations. Now i'm fixing that damned post and everything should be squared off and A OK
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

I ship it

@rocklee Would you like some help? :3

well I got in trouble....But I still do thank you!
@rocklee I'm sorry, I think I confused you earlier! While we here at Shine City are always accepting new characters, you still have to go through an approval process before you can post in the IC section or move your CS over to the character tab!

Now Sonny seems like a lovely character, but I'm going to need your 'Persona' section to be just a bit longer than that. I usually look for a bare minimum of two paragraphs, but I love, love more because I'm a sucker for details! A way that you could lengthen it up for me is by changing the 'Persona' heading to 'Bio/Personality', that way you can add a little spiel about your character's history! You don't have to tell us everything, just some of the basics so we get a good understanding of where he comes from!

Now I see that you've already posted IC, which is a no no if your character hasn't been approved yet, but I'm sure it was an honest mistake, so no worries! Plus it gives us a great opportunity to go over the quality requirements of this game!

We require all posts to be at least three paragraphs long. Now I know what you're thinking, "But Narcy! My post has a lot of dialogue, so I have three paragraphs!" or, "I hate reading long paragraphs, they hurts my eyes! That's why I write short, three sentence paragraphs instead!". That is absolutely, 100% fine, we all have our different ways of writing and I don't want to make you feel like I'm putting you in a box creatively. I too love shorter paragraphs and dialogue out the wazoo, so you are not alone!

A good rule of thumb to remember is that a standard paragraph has about five sentences in it. So if you have a lot of dialogue in your post or you just like writing shorter paragraphs so it's easier on the eyes or something, aim to give me at least fifteen sentences and we should be golden.

Also, this game is in the advanced section, so we have to answer to the highest grammar standards. This doesn't mean you have to be perfect, we all misspell a word or forget some punctuation every now and again, but we do need to make sure we are proof reading our posts. There are a few lines in your last post where you did not begin the sentences with capitalization, left the punctuation off the end, and did not capitalize the letter "I" when referring to yourself (or in this case, Sonny!). I need you to fix those for me, as well as adding a few more lines to it to make it longer. If you're struggling to add length you can always describe Sonny's surroundings more, or maybe what he's wearing, or the temperature outside, etc., etc. Details are your friend, embrace them!

Let me know if you have anymore questions, darlin'!

i understand i just was very confused on the details so i am glad i am told this so i can correct everything and do this right. Im am very embarrassed sorry i will fix everything now. So I need more in my post and I should've been approved and i'm so sorry about that. I will be sure to proof read more closely. I was in a place where i was always busy so I couldn't pay attention. I am usually more detailed i'm sorry. Again I hope you do not think of me as an illiterate child breaking all the rules.
"No no no no no please don't hang up we have to talk about this!"

"Your going to be fine. Stop acting like a child i'm hanging up"

"No, please don't hang up! Just....why are you moving?! You were supposed to be my guide..My partner in crime you know?"

"Ugh I already told you this a thousand times; I have a job opportunity in Europe for my company. I'm taking it no matter what"

Sonny stopped in the middle of the side walk and leaned on some random building "Please don't leave me". He took a few shallow breaths as he started to panic "I cant be left alone out here! I don't know anyone. I don't know what to do without you! Please let me go with you! I'll pay for the full rent and everything is you stay!"
"For gods sake grow up! I'm tired of you being a dependent you are going to learn to survive on your own. Good bye. I'm leaving tomorrow"

The call ended.

Sonny looked at the phone in horror before redialing over and over only for the call to be declined each time. He held the phone to his chest as he looked around 'what now'. He's going to alone! what should he do!. He started to hyperventilate at the thought of his friend leaving. Soon he counted to 3 and took in his surroundings. Where was he? Great he wondered off again not paying attention to where he was going.....Again.

The sidewalk was filled with people hurrying along. He looked at the building and saw through the glass; there was pretty people chatting and talking inside. Letting out a sigh Sonny calmed himself 'I still have one day until....the unknown' . Taking a deep breath he wondered around the new crowded streets hoping to find a familiar street name. He continued walking observing the tall brightly colored buildings and extravagant signs. Well they don't call it shine city for nothing.
oh no i feel so overwelmed i dont know where to start can someone help me

@rocklee *Looks at title* Well, it still says "Always Accepting", so I'd assume so!

Ah! The smart ass in me is back!

ah yeas and my dumbass side shall never leave
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