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    1. Ryteb Pymeroce 10 yrs ago
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Hunter motioned for her to sit down, as he explained what he meant. "I have... an ability. Apparently me brain processes information quicker than everyone around me. At least, that's what the marines told me parents. Though it's not that at all. I can... sense the flow of the world, and the emotions of people. So don't play coy with me, Anna. The winds of the Marine still flow around ye. I just want ye to know, the other rumours about me are wrong."

After finishing, he stood up and made his way to the holding cells. He threw one of his flintlock over to Anna and addressed the prisoners: "Right, we only need fifteen of ye lazy sods, and I can't be arsed to go through a lengthy interview process as the marines may be on our tail. So here's the deal, I'm going to shoot at random into these cages, and the fifteen who ain't dead get to come with us. Sound fun?" He cocked his pistol and pointed it at the cage.
I'm on a horse.
That attack stung, but now he had the battlefield advantage. He played the Reptile Ride to gain maneuverability, climbing on the beast as he prepared to charge his opponent. Playing his own Throwing Chakram, he threw the bladed disc such that it would bounce into his opponents blind spot before rebounding towards her. With a second Arcane Longsword, he charged at his opponent to deal a dangerous slash. His Sentry was given the order to attack any creature the bitch summoned.
Hunter had finally managed disassembling the last of the guards, the walls coated in the blood of his foes, when the mercenary lass walked in. Apparently the captain had sent her here to help out, though that was kind of unnecessary. Out of politeness he responded to her question.
"Eh, the bastards didn't get much of a chance to call out for help. The screaming might have ticked off some of the remaining guards, but I guess we'll just have to deal with that later."
He joined his crewmate in walking towards the holding cells. That line she had muttered was starting to niggle away at him. Deciding that the only way to get an answer was to ask, he cleared his throat to get her attention.
"What rumours have ye heard about me? Of course, the mysterious Deadeye should be no stranger to exaggerated tales, though ye really ain't that much of a mystery, marine girl."
"Tch... you uncouth knave. It's clear I will have to put you down myself." Ryteb said, angered by the Scallywag. He played the Arcane Longsword and Sturdy Sentry. Charging forward, he slashed straight through the Scallywag.
"Continue the attack men! Take down this wench in the name of our Lord!" He yelled, charging forward to engage his opponent.
Edited my post
Fair enough. Considering my officers wear mech suits, the electromagnetism isn't required. Plush it makes it a bit more medieval if I have the Infantry carrying shields.
@Ryteb Pymeroce Nice. Cool history tbh. I guess that the feudal system wouldn't be replaced, but rather humans added another step to it. Above your Emperor is the Human IMMORTAL GOD EMPEROR THORISAN, who would be in direct command of your ruler. Like a monarchy really. Of course the large ships above your capital and the ships in orbit definetly take away from that feel, but the system won't change.

Tech still aches, its like a small cut that just wont go away. I considering the long standing history of your somehow not galactic empire, I can agree with human tech level. Medival twist is okay, but please spare me the laser crossbow. Thats like a plasma weapon without any mechanisms of a plasma weapon. Magnetic crossbows and kinetic longbows sound legit tho, if you think you can live without shiny beams of energy. I dig ion swords tho, even if they don't make any sense.

On the subject of modular armor, its basically the same level as human exo-armor, which enchants movement, offers relative protection from small arms and improvised weapons, but not from anything larger. I guess yours could do much more raw protection, being medival and all that. If you intend to go with that magnetic field, then I wish that you'd severly nerf that, or maybe add it as an attachment to shields that soldiers carry. An armor that negates all forms of attacks with relative ease and no obvious drawbacks (not according to your description) sounds way too OP.

This won't matter that much when we make the events in IC, but I feel like its important to set the rules of power. Imagine breaking free very quickly with advanced tech and then rampaging the while friggin galaxy cause you have so much power. Ruins the desperate feel this RP is trying to convey. Plus it would raise the question whether the humans were even able to conquer everyone.

Yeah... that was kinda my fuck up when explaining the magnetic field. The concept I was going with was that they never discovered gunpowder. So, as they were using less powerful crossbows, they figured out that using a magnetic field could bend the trajectory of the bolts making it a non lethal blow. A side effect was that it neutralised laser fire, due to it dispersing the electromagnetic waves.
About 2000BE. Emperor Xythaen the First ruled around 4000BE, though that was before they entered space. The lastory Emperor before Zane died about 500BE
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