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<Snipped quote by Sage>

Like, Ghostbusters secretary, or Maggie Gyllenhaal secretary? ;)

you know.
If there was an award for corny ass writing, you'd win it.

Oh look it's my secretary.

<Xavian Drake>

'me always wan fi pick de ganja...'

It didn't take long for Xavian to adjust to the mainland's tongue, but his mind's dialogue remained as tropical as the scent of his herbal remedy. The light green bud was decorated with fine orange hairs, shaped like the clouds of a busy sky. Gentle, yet firm hands transferred the kush to a metal grinder built along the side of a wooden box. After a few cranks, the marijuana was dispersed into a finely ground state. Xavian, who sat cross-legged on the floor of his studio apartment with nothing but loose harem pants to garb, promptly began rolling a decent-sized joint of the herb.

'a lil' some to ease the nerve... a lil' some to forget ya troubles... a lil' some to heighten the senses,' he thought, melodically singing the phrases in his mind. He then removed a thin, cylindrical lighter from behind his ear, lighting the joint and indulging in the first puff. He let out a gentle cough as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"Mmmm...." he hummed as his eyes fell low and the faintest smile kissed the corner of his lips. He knew better than to enjoy the luxury of intoxication when there was work to be done, but all he was looking forward to was an job interview. After all, he didn't arrive with infinite funds to fuel his lost endeavors. No, Xavian had a lot of work to do, and he was well aware of it.

He took a moment to collect his thoughts. For the longest time, they had been scattered due to the overwhelming discovery of Prae and Licentia beings. He felt more fascinated than anything, but their sentience rivaled that of humankind; for this reason, he was reluctant to approach or study them in the ways he wished. When he had first set foot in the city, he was welcomed by an angry mob of Licentia who seemed more uncomfortable than the newcomer. He did not know why, but he did know better than to meddle with the disrupted energies of those who had already settled within his new home. Curiosity pulled at his leg nonetheless.

'...jus' round that block over by de corner thea' he thought as he walked down a busy road near what appeared to be a merchant's district. He was elevated - a term he used to describe the high he felt off the marijuana herb he smoked on occasion - and did not care if those around him could tell. Xavian still held a firm composure, not disturbing the wave of traffic moving around him, but not being absorbed into the bustling crowd either. He didn't stop to think why the volume of civilians increased with each stride he took, not until he turned the corner and saw the gathering.

It was large and disruptive, and it was located right in the warehouse in which he had recently applied for employment. His senses returned to full function and he realized he probably stuck out like a sore thumb. He didn't resemble any of the civilians in physical appearance nor stature, as every man, woman, and... thing present stood with a sort of purpose.

'Dem the folk that don' wan the prae-mon? Hm... seem like a fair fight to me.'

He didn't sympathize with the Licentia, for he wasn't well aware of their predicament. But he did vibrate well with their cause; if someone had to voice out against oppression, it must mean oppression was present, especially if such a crowd had formed. Xavian, having lost his train of focus, scanned the crowd which now gained his undivided attention.

Within him, he could feel a warm energy, as if his inner aura was stirring at the commotion. He didn't think twice of it; he never did. It was a tease to give it any thought. He knew what magic was. But he also knew that it was a mistress that ever alluded his embrace.

"This seems... rowdy..." he said to himself. He had no intention of fueling or disrupting the movement, but did bask in the idea of spectating. He was no fool though, and had already acknowledged the thought of being associated with the mob regardless of whatever his true intentions are. Still, he had no fear, so he stood.

Five minutes into the scene, he decided to pull out the second joint he had rolled. With a flick of his lighter, he ignited the herb and took the first puff. 'Gon' have quite de story for pa when I ride back home...'
Xavian Drake

Theme I | Theme II
~"Ya feel?"~


Alright so abilities and whatnot are good and I think the character is well made, good job. Also nice to see some individuals of a different ethnic background (woot Jamaicans [*Has a half-Jamaican sister* :P])!

Anywho, one thing I'd like to mention. Since Xavian should be capable of fear, just perhaps he has not experienced it yet due to his lifestyle and perhaps him feeling like he's already dying slowly (due to Rose Mist).

So yeah, things like fearing the loss of friends (should he make some that aren't just acquaintances) and perhaps fear of pain/death and some other stuff may exist. It'd be something worth exploring I think. Hopefully I'm not intruding on your writing style and intentions by saying this, but I felt I should note that while he is not afraid of most things, that he may find himself fearing things in the future due to his limited experiences (Jamaica is a relatively small island in terms of the scope of the world and I don't think it's widely populated by Licentia or Prae so he would not have much exposure to them).

Anywho. Aside from that, he's totally accepted! :)

Good to know. I agree to him being capable of fear. He hasn't experienced it yet, but it would be quite a scene for him to encounter something that truly makes him feel afraid for the first time.
Alright, cool, just let me know.
Xavian Drake

Theme I | Theme II
~"Ya feel?"~

Got fired yesterday, so I'm using some of my new found free time to re-read this rp :P

Damnnnn haha, I re-read it recently and while I cringed at some of my corny ass writing, I enjoyed the story and characters a lot.
Superpowers are real.
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