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    1. shadowkiller912 10 yrs ago


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It is only the second week into this semester and I am bloody tired of it already...
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9 yrs ago
I am currently working on my literary analysis while watching the Pacquiao vs. Mayweather fight.
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9 yrs ago
I am currently working on my literary analysis.
9 yrs ago
Working on a research paper right now.


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I saw the new RWBY episode, I won't spoil anything, but it was pretty good I thought.

Dat Jazz theme though, I got something new to play on my Alto Sax now.
<Snipped quote by shadowkiller912>

I think it's one of the only stable RPs in general. Most RPs seem to go for a few months and then die while this has gone on for almost 2 years.

@Lucius Cypher I thought it was two only?

I agree with that. I had an idea that if their were more RWBY RP's that were stable, we could work with the other RWBY RP's to have one huge multiverse RP consisting all of our RP's in one universe.

I woke at 10 in the night :/ and now its 12 now. I am trying to pass the time before I feel ready to go back to sleep .
Is it just me but is H.O.B been the only stable running RWBY RP in the forums?
Sarina Tala Dei – Team JESS - Defending a Caravan

“Got it!”

Sarina kept her distance from the vehicle and with several charged attacks launched a flurry of stellar bolts onto the Deathstalker hitting to distract it for Estelle.

Vega Venetia – Team VGNB – Outskirts of the City

“I can still go stealth as long as I don’t fire of the triggers in dual wield. If only I could get suppressors on my barrels, I would be more viable to undertake stealthy maneuvers. Either way…I realized we are going dark on this.”

Vega thought of strategies to approach the target location. Napoli made a point of keeping quit as possible while Beryl supported the idea of him as backup; she realized she needed Napoli in this as well. Gratia was well, being herself. Vega leaned over in her seat placing her elbow on her knee and face on her chin as the nightly air hit her face. The problem was that they were going in cold. There was no information about the target location. She could not think of strategies until she has seen the building.

“Once I observe the target location, then I will make a plan of entrance.”

Vega nodded, walking towards Napoli. “Form Mercutio and Arsene into Scapino,“ as she turned her head to Beryl, “and give it to Beryl, her night vision will be effective in surveying the target location.”

Turning her attention to Beryl, “When we get there, use the sniper to survey the area and tell us what you surrounding the building and what is within the building."

New episode of RWBY reveals huge information and other than that, another great episode.


How long are you planning your contest?
Brain and body still recovering from thanksgiving, I got drunk. I thought I was going to die when I fell I sleep last night but surprisingly, I woke up with energy...so yup. :P

Also Black Friday, screw that, I'd rather buy everything online than get punched, trampled or shot at etc.

I claim the contest for now...messaging you. @Lugubrious
<Snipped quote by shadowkiller912>

Oh a story, detail details.

With my existing creative writing abilities, I got this in the bag.
<Snipped quote by Prince of Seraphs>

Sounds like my last eight months.

Though it was around 4am instead, and two and a half hours of sleep.

Those wore five months for men ENG 1B except the longest I stayed was up to 3am.

I remember in HS, I procrastinated on a Cold War project and it was due the next day so it took me an entire day and finished on the next day at 7 am. At least I got McD from the end of it and aced the project with an A.

And I am procrastinating right now lol. Now if you will excuse me, I have to work on writing a story.
How is everyone doing? Not no-lifeing Fallout 4 (or semester finals) too hard I hope?

Too much, stressful. I still need to finish my final personal statement for the applications. I am waiting for my ENG teacher to give me his opinions as I am stuck on it. Along with that I have a paper that is due tomorrow and is still not finished. I cannot play F4 on my computer and need to buy a new one but I have no money. :( Semester finals are coming up, I just hope I can pass Engineering which is hard.

Winter, a time of joy and festivity ironically makes me depressed, miserable and anxious. I have to fight a war within myself just to remain optimistic. I just want it to be Spring as that is the time I am always productive and happy. I also want this semester to end as I am sick and tired of it already.

Still in a community college. I hope I transfer out next year.
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