Avatar of SheriffLlama
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 600 (0.16 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. SheriffLlama 10 yrs ago


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Suh dudes? Name's Llama.

Stuff I Like
- Dungeons and Dragons (Real RPG)
- Video Games (The Last of Us is my favorite game)
- Photography (I'm a professional, so it's kinda my thing)
- Film (Currently in Film School)
- Dogs (...no explanation needed)
- Good Rappers (J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Joyner Lucas, etc.)

Stuff I Don't Like
- People. (Jk, but I'm a super introvert)
- Cats (The antithesis of dogs)
- Lil Yachty, Lil Pump, Lil Xan, Lil Baby (You get the point)

Most Recent Posts

I'll be honest, I've lost motivation, so I'm gonna pull out of the game. Good luck with it guys.
Idc what we do, but if we cut to Atlanta, we need to make sure we agree on the events that went down in Harlan beforehand
@MissCapnCrunch still here!

Virtual Reality World: The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim // Homeworld

As Roman arrived in his Homeworld Penthouse, the gore from the fight disappeared from his avatar's face as his clothes changed to his suit pants and shirt. As the girls arrived soon after, he pulled up the map, checking it again. "We've got to go to the Independence Hall in Philadelphia. He said. "We've got to blend in and not draw attention." He made a slight gesture towards Prox's... appearance.

Roman quickly selected a different outfit from his inventory and his clothes swapped to dark jeans, boots, and a black t-shirt that fitted to his avatar's muscled torso. He selected an accessory and a pair of sunglasses appeared, hanging on the collar of his shirt. He opened his map, navigated through Homeworld to Philadelphia. "We're gonna search that place inside and out. You two take the inside, i'll circle the area from the outside and search the surroundings, too. I don't know what we're looking for, but... if it looks out of the ordinary, point it out." He opened a private voice chat party and invited the two of them.

He opened the map they'd looted from KandyMandy again, inspecting it another team, checking every inch of it to garner what information he might have missed. All it said was that the clue was at Independence Hall, but nothing else. There had to be more, though. Some kind of code that he wasn't noticing or something that required decrypting. A location wasn't good enough. It might have been a start, but he'd already suspected the Liberty Bell of being involved in the clue. There had to be something... Earth shattering. Someone had to have found something of a clue beyond a location. Helen Grey was by no means simple, and couldn't be expected to create a simple test, but there had to be someone that had discovered its meanings, but still the leaderboards were stagnant.

It was ironic, really. Roman's family was very wealthy and had never even feared not having enough money. Despite his and Sarah's wealth and inheritance, all of their money couldn't help them on this quest - at least not the core of it. Ironically, you couldn't just buy the power that came with the position of CEO of Virtual Reality. He shook his head as he returned to reality - or rather what seemed like reality.

He looked over to his sister and let out a breath. He didn't say anything, but just hoped she would be as invested into this as he was. She knew him better than anyone. She knew how much he wanted to complete this quest. In the rare occasions that he openly talked, he often talked about the quest. He dreamed of the events that could be waiting for the people that deciphered the clues. Now he had the first sliver of realization; that the dreams might have been more of a possibility than he'd ever known.
I won't have time to post until Friday, so please go ahead
@Vocab No forgiveness, only lifetime vendettas and grudges.
Holy crap I screwed up the color tags real bad. I'll fix when I get home
Finally got a post up! Sorry for the late response my dudes.
Sawyer DuPont

Sawyer pushed his skateboard through the thrift store, but slow enough to stay on pace with Reyna. He looked around the store as he blew another puff of smoke into the air. He held his hand out a brushed the rack of coats as he rode down the aisle. "Yeah, you know who was the token troublemaker before you came along? He muttered. His jabbed his thumb to his chest. "If it's fun you're looking for, then I have some ideas. I've always wanted to spray paint a massive sack on the gym floor at the high school... cause that's what the whole place smells like, not that you go to school enough to know that..." He muttered, then stepped off his board.

In the next aisle was a small rusty bike. He puffed some more mango into the air then pocketed his vape pen. He grabbed the bike by the handle bars and sat down, though it was far too small. "Just for the record, watch yourself with the vape-hate. You don't wanna end up like Jack Grayson. I duct taped him to the flag pole at school at the beginning of the year.

He stood from the bike as he saw a police cruiser pull into the lot outside and park in a spot. He grinned to himself and walked back to his board. "I'll bet you ten bucks you won't try and ollie onto the hood of that cop's car."
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