Avatar of Sloth
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Sloth
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1473 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Sloth 10 yrs ago
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@Shadow Daedalus & @Sterling, if you guys are still around, do PM me some time about those Zkreli shenanigans. I've been handling a lot of family stuff these past couple weeks and most of my scant free time was spent either writing sheets or watching Orange is the New Black. And anime. Sorry about that. But fear not friends! I have returned from the land of eternal silence with a completed character sheet! It's not my best work and it's probably wonky as hell, but feast your eyes and let me have all that scathing criticism.

You know what? Screw it, I'm in. I mean, with a motto like Great Power, Great Responsibility, how can I resist?
Anyone want further connections with House Lothlahr ? I'm trying to finish up my char sheet and was considering the Relations Part

<Snipped quote by Sterling>
if @Sloth is still making a House Minhyr character it might be wise to talk, since neighbors.

I probably am. What since I have this work in progress sitting around in my PMs.

But yeah, I'm around if you'd like to do that, though my current idea was that Minhyr wouldn't have been attending the conclave for very long at RP start. As for relations between the only two Zkreli Kingdoms in general? I'm completely open to discussions on the matter.

Maybe I should just give in to impulse and make that 13 year old Imperial Prince.
Why do these things always get like 20 posts before I even notice they exist?
28 Oliver Jonas Queen Chaotic Good

“I'm a fair man. So I'm going to let you start running. When you're a dozen yards away, I'll try to bring you down. You could get lucky. I might miss.”

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N
EARLY LIFE ■ 1988-2009

[ ߜ ] F A M I L Y
Robert Queen: Formerly Star City's most prominent billionaire, Robert Queen was a self-made man who innovated numerous technologies during the microcomputer revolution, forming Queen Industries in the latter half of the 1970's and amassing his considerable fortune through savvy business acumen and, according to whom you asked, less than moral business practices. By the time of his death in 2009, Queen Industries had gone from a group of friends building computers in their garage to a multinational corporation dealing in all manner of technology, from military equipment to spacecraft to cellphones. The company was eventually re-branded as Queen Consolidated in the 1990's. Queen Consolidated is often seen as the west coast equivalent of companies such as Stark International, Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp.

Moira Queen:

Thea Queen:

[ ߜ ] A L L I E S
Arsenal (Roy Harper, Jr.):

Proxy (Wendy Harris): Elder of the Harris twins and a bona fide computer genius, Wendy first encountered the Battling Bowman during his investigation of Constantine Drakon, when, at the time, she was working with Arsenal

Marvin Harris:

John Diggle: A decorated veteran of the United States Special Forces, John Diggle received an honorable discharge according to the Sole Survivor Policy following his brother Andy's death during an operation in Qurac. He has since become a freelance bodyguard. After some months as Oliver's glorified babysitter, Diggle learned Ollie's dual identity as the Emerald Archer and has become one of Green Arrow's closest confidants, and now works as a security consultant at Queen Industries.

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan):

[ ߜ ] A S S O C I A T E S
Slade Wilson:

Felicity Smoak:


[ ߜ ] E N E M I E S
Malcolm Merlyn:

Simon Lacroix:

Constantine Drakon:

Lawrence "Crusher" Crock:

The Mandarin:


Anatoli Knyazev:

Isabel Rochev:


Prometheus: Will be happening

Onomatopoeia: Will be happening

[ ߜ ] N O T E S
Notes? What notes?

What the heck, I'll give it a shot.
Discipline: Strong Style pro wrestling


(Drew told me to do it. Blame no one but him. You guys have fun unless Drew manages to convince me to roll Mel Masters or some crap.)

When you spend a fair amount of your time stopping intergalactic invasions with your friends every other month, it becomes quite hard to hide your disappointment when confronted with another addition to the "wild and wacky" file of villain. Sure, just a moment ago Oliver had been quite fervently freaking himself out, but you try taking anything around you seriously when an imp in a top-hat appears in front of your eyes claiming responsibility. If they were there purely as playthings for the machinations of what he could only assume was probably some poor sod who'd been kicked around by Barry enough times that he'd decided to pick on easier targets, Ollie couldn't decide whether he should've just kept on walking or chuckled out loud. Well, he had an explanation for everything now. Magic. Why was it always magic? At least it was something new.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Ollie One?”

Ollie didn't have much time to ponder his scenario before one of his fellows addressed him. He silently made a note to himself to ensure that he'd come up with a different way to refer to them rater than using Myxl-Pixel or whatever's numerical order.

"What, that this guy's name sounds like a pill for erectile dysfunction?"

The Arrow designated as one scratched the bottom of his goatee with his free hand at the thought, staring into the eyes of his arcane captor. So, the little guy wanted the trio of bowmen to duel each other on the spot for his own amusement? Chase each other around the island for a few days before someone slipped up and got themselves killed? Surely putting them all in the same spot at the very start didn't exactly fit that theory very well. The Battling Bowman took a risk and looked back and forth between his two other selves a couple of times with a slight hum before he rested his eyes back on the forestry in front of him.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but-"


Oliver didn't waste any time aiming his bow, nocking an arrow, and firing a perfect shot careening towards Mister Mxyzptlk's beady eyes. When your calling card as a vigilante and the entire reason you were allowed to chat at the Justice League water cooler was your skill with a bow and arrow, you had to be one hell of a good shot, and there was no wasted movement in the sequence. Too bad only fractions of an inch away from its target, the arrow seemed to twist and shift and essentially get swallowed by some invisible force.

"Now why would you go and do that? The game's only just begun!" A wicked grin is all that met Ollie's gaze after his test shot. Well, you win some, you lose some.

All the Emerald Archer could do was shrug.

"Figured I might as well try. What, was Mumbo busy?"
Note: Sloth clearly isn't a very good romantic writer and should avoid it at all costs in the future. That and writing while tired.

"I honestly can't tell how you thought that abomination was a good idea." The voice of one Dinah Laurel Lance brought a mischievous grin to the face of one Oliver Jonas Queen while he ran his fingers over his freshly shaven facial hair. It'd taken him nearly a month to accumulate the amount of fuzz necessary to properly bring his new creation into existence, and all the while his companions had made disparaging remarks at his expense. He swore George probably would've laughed at him too, if dogs could laugh rather than pant rapidly.

"So you're saying a Van Dyke is out of the question?" Ollie turned from his bathroom mirror to shoot one of his trademark "looks" at his better half. It was a particularly important night for the two of them and the billionaire by day, battling bowman by night thought it might be fun to surprise those around him with a bit of a makeover. Sure, he could've just grown your average, everyday beard, but where was the fun in that? How many people do you know that have goatees anyway?

"Absolutely not." Dinah responded in a cold tone, but the smile she was trying desperately to hide betrayed her words. Ollie had already determined that she'd come around to the new look within a couple weeks. "Don't tell me you invited me over just to show me your new face warmer." Ollie responded with a chuckle before closing the distance between them and embrace her with a quick kiss.

"Of course not. I've got something better waiting for you in the Arrowcave." Though she no doubt had a million and one remarks to respond with, Ollie was grateful that Dinah had decided to keep her silence and instead give him a skeptical raised eyebrow and crossed arms. "No, it isn't what you think." was all he could retort with before readjusting his left arm around Dinah's shoulder and leading her towards the much less extravagant area of the Queen Mansion where Green Arrow, Black Canary, and the rest of their merry band operated their "night-time dalliances" as Ollie liked to phrase it.

The look on Dinah's face when she saw the motorcycle waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs was priceless. The Emerald Archer made a mental note to himself to see that exact expression as many times as he possibly could. The sheer wonder and flustered awe was enough to increase his heart rate drastically. The bike had taken him nearly three months to build from scratch. Nothing else was worthy of her. Sure, finding the time to sneak off to his private garage in Lamb Valley in-between the already hectic life of a billionaire vigilante was difficult, but for Dinah, nothing was impossible.

"Happy anniversary, Prettybird." Ollie proceeded to nearly be crushed by the ensuing embrace, and all his work, all the juggling and running around like a headless chicken, was validated, when that beautiful voice said the three words every man wants to hear when they present a gift to their significant other.

"I love it."

The next morning, Ollie had his head blissfully buried in Dinah's back when he first began to abandon the warm embrace of sleep. If it were up to him, he'd likely have stayed there in a state of euphoria forever, but life was rarely that kind, and Ollie allowed himself a deep groan before running his hands across a strand of hair that he wasn't currently drowned in.

"I didn't think you'd love it that much." The archer grinned to himself when thinking about the cost of the vase he'd have to remember to replace sometime this week. Still very much in the process of waking himself up, Ollie lifted the lids of his eyes and was rather bewildered to discover pitch blackness greeting him. Had he waken up in the middle of the night and probably woken Dinah on one of the few nights that they permitted themselves the privilege of sleep? An abundance of questions flooded into Oliver's mind before he rose his head only a foot or so further to then be met with the sight of what he could only assume to be a stone wall. The bowman could only sit there with his mouth agape before a warm voice spoke to him from below.

"What is it, Ollie?"

The man in question's eyes immediately went wide when the sound registered in his ears. That wasn't Dinah's voice. Forebodingly, Ollie slowly moved his gaze south, only to confirm his fear with the cold glint of onyx eyes staring back at him. Those eyes could only belong to one woman. A woman he'd since desperately tried to forget. Sandra Hawke.

Oliver subsequently leapt out of the bed at the sight, simultaneously letting out a scream he didn't hear but knew escaped his lungs. He fell particularly hard onto his back and was met with the cold embrace of the ground. Just as quickly ordering himself to his feet, Ollie discovered that Sandra and the bed he assumed he was sleeping in had vanished, only to be replaced by a stone bed that appeared to be carved out of the wall of the cave he found himself in. Not only that, but Oliver quickly found out that not only had Sandra disappeared, but he was fully clothed. Not in a three piece suit or tuxedo, but in the guise of the Green Arrow. Sufficiently panicked, Ollie's head darted from one side of the cave to the other before he saw light behind him.

He never sprinted as fast as he did then, and the sight of a bow and quiver of arrows at the entrance of the cave did little to settle his mind.

Disoriented and frankly freaking the hell out, Oliver had been wandering aimlessly through the thick brush and trees of the area for what he guessed was about ten minutes. That was, until he'd heard the sound of multiple sets of feet rustling for about five seconds before they suddenly stopped. He knew them to be human feet. You learned the difference between the sounds of mankind and those of the animal kingdom when you spent years marooned on an island. Though he could hear the voices in the distance, he couldn't quite make out what the two were saying, and in a rather bold move, he decided it probably be better to approach them now and find out just where the hell he was rather than going through all the hoops of proper reconnaissance.

What he was not expecting, however, were two near identical figured to himself. Immediately, the Archer's mind set out a sigh of both relief and panic. While he surely hadn't slept with Sandra Hawke on the night of his two year anniversary, someone, somewhere had decided it'd be a good idea to fuck with him, and Ollie could only hope to find them in order to show the wacko what happens when you mess with a man who knew how to make human pin cushions.

"Should I assume it was one of you two who brought me to this goddamned hellhole?"
IMO it's way too soon for Watchtower lol.

If the Empire can build a brand spankin' new Death Star every few months, I don't see why the bottomless bank accounts of Tony Stark, Lex Luthor, etc. with the combined brilliance of Reed Richards and whoever else wouldn't be able to make the Watchtower happen in a few years.

I see your point though.

It'll just happen after the inevitable Justice League Unlimited Expansion.
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