Avatar of SoleAccord


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4 yrs ago
Current That's being a writer sometimes, man.
4 yrs ago
Because they can't be apart.
5 yrs ago
We should PUSH the climate SOMEWHERE ELSE!
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
I hoped you were lying Odin. Fuck... anyone but him.


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I gotta be swift as a coursing river and all that good shit. I'll try xD
When you're not plotting to kill someone like Ginny xD

Let me change it tomorrow. I can't be fucked tonight. I'm tired. I'm dreading the return to my fic. Lol you ever wake up and question if you ever had talent? God.
Ours is a life of disappointment.

Dude no lie, people like that pisses me off too sometimes. Not Hermione's fault, she just wanted to prove herself, but some people are really obnoxious about it.

I caught it, I liked it, and yeah I would guess that Botans mood made it feel blegh xD
I wish you luck that you can get one page in. That other asswipe that abandoned you because you wrote a lot is irksome; kinda reminds me of some people that did that to me here. Hope they're doomed to never see a page of their rp's progress. A curse upon thee.

Hm, did Hermione have any girls for friends? Was it really just Ron and Harry???
Oh yeah, I remember you finally got your 9th Doctor. Been like two years you've tried finding one xD I'll let you know if I need you to take a look at certain passages.

Hermione seems like a black sheep because she's so intelligent and I never got the impression she enjoys sitting around discussing boys all day. But you know, as we say all this, we both realize... anything is better than what we got.
Take your time. Might be a week until I get back to you, if at all... god writing this fic is gonna be a pain. It's so hard going from cooperative writing to solo writing. I wanna include so many different perspectives but you typically can only use one, and you have so much POWER.

GASP. I FORGOT LUNA! Luna was cute as fuck. Bet Ron and Luna could have some insane conversations.


I ship it now.
Ooooh was THAT what you meant? No no no, he can't do that, that's crazy xD

That works too. Go ahead.

I remember very little of Cho other than the fact she was apparently really hot from Harry's perspective. Ron needs someone to keep his dumb ass in line anyway. A Ravenclaw is perfect.
Yeah, if he decides to combine the two he can probably do that, but he never did it... but he could. He's fucking BROKEN if he catches you. Shit's absurd. A shadow can act without him physically moving, but he still needs to be in a position to maintain the jutsu. He can probably turn someone into swiss cheese. That make sense?

I can do it unless you want to do it and end with Botan heading for the pool. It's up to me from here. My next YYH post is gonna be fairly big I imagine.

Ron can like... fuck off. I have no attachment to him, nor do I care if he gets married. So if Cho can stop whining about Cedric long enough to hit it off with another guy, by all means, let RonCho happen!
Oh he does uh... he can like... make tendrils appear and they can stab people... and he can throw objects with his shadow now... and he can also uh...um... he can infuse an object like a kunai with chakra, throw it at someone's shadow, and then it makes them freeze in place... you know, really broken shit xD

Hah, inspiring. I don't know about that. GoT can come next. I expect it'll be short given it's just those two dorks talking to one another, and we're not in a smut segment so there's also that. And trust me, this next week is going to be very stressful for me. I'm revisiting a fic I haven't touched in almost two years. Why? Because the people demand it, damn it. xD I got a guest review was that all, "Sooooo... been almost two years. I'm still waiting." lmfao

You could use Cho, but even Cho wasn't that interesting. Don't have those two turn to Voldemort, come on, that's WAY too OOC XD

No need to rush it. When he gets back she can approach him about it, which would give Shikamaru enough alone time to continue training with his father. He came a LONG way from merely binding someone in Part 1.

You gotta spread out the replies, or the less favorable option: RP with those people off site that bore you. Oh, the agony!

LMFAO JESUS GEN, SHE DOESN'T NEED TO DIE!... She just needs to be as irrelevant as she always was. Unless Harry's forming a rebellion or they're with the Weasley's, I don't see why Hermione and Harry would really need her to be around in a story. Though Hermione being a little jealous would be cuteeeeee...
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