Avatar of Sombrero
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 547 (0.17 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Sombrero 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Dammit, smell! Why do you always lie about the taste of things!? Bread is never as good as you say it is! And vanilla extract tastes like petrified ass! PETRIFIED ASS!
8 yrs ago
Using a phone on RPG. PROS: You can zoom in! CONS: fucking everything else!
8 yrs ago
Glorious Math Teacher: "You know protractors, right? The rules we have for protractors are simple: Freshmen use these, don't put them in your mouth."
8 yrs ago
Punching out Nazis and wrestling a yeti, sitting at home with some festive Spaghetti, rigging my boots up with high-power springs... These are a few of my favorite things!
8 yrs ago
Still trying to figure out whether the Crusades qualify as actual wars, or a steaming hot mess of clusterfarkery best accompanied by the Benny Hill theme...


I'm here, and I'm stuck in the middle with you.

Most Recent Posts

Anyone else got a post up their sleeve? Or is everyone busy with the holidays? Which is completely understandable.

Holidays are definitely happening. Holidays are happening hard. Life is Christmassing the living shit out of me right now, to say nothing of all the Channukah going on.
Ooh Ralf walking into a Supernatural bar(not that that's advertised so he wouldn't know). Interesting, looks the patrons with enhanced smell are in for a tense evening...I'm actually maybe thinking of doing something with this >_>...I'll message you in a few hours if I can.

Ralf is currently just looking for a drink and a meal, so it's likely he won't even look to know if this is a supernatural bar, just if it's a good bar in general. It also happens to be his personal belief that supernatural people are fuppin' everywhere, and he only gets involved because one of them steps wildly, publically out of line and somebody lets him know. He actually believes some supernaturals have been clients in the past, and he could be right, but he's never had reason to investigate them. If somebody asked him for the time and not everybody matched up with their reflections, he'd sooner chalk it up to him being right about the world's large supernatural populace and not the bar itself... Unless he had reason to believe that he was literally the only human being in the building.
It is done!
I feel like she could help with paon's abandonment issues lol

If she gets accepted I'd totally love to pm you about possibly a professional possibly friendship :3

If you want that is

Totally want. It's a lot better to have her be a character with connections around more than one person in the story than just somebody who exists because Ralf got in trouble.
lol @sombrero did you accidentally post your Character in the IC tab or something?

Pff, of course not! I'm too perfect for that. I just wanted to publically humiliate a badly open tab is all. <.< >.>

Should I make a sheet for the therapist? They're probably going to feature more heavily into the story simply by frequency of appearance than a regular npc, and the intro I had planned mentioned them a fair bit. Though I probably won't be focussing on them as much, I should keep them around and developed just because it'd be an interesting way to get to Ralf by having them somehow tied up in the war. I'll try not to post the sheet IC this time.

Ralf was feeling mighty proud of himself as he walked out of the therapist's office. He was able to come up with enough non-answers to questions regarding his life and status that she actually brought out ink blots -ink blots!- in an attempt to get some sort of gauge on his personal feelings. Of course he had to take pity on the poor girl and answer those honestly. It wasn't hard, after all. Mostly skulls and mouths. On second thought, he may have gotten himself into more trouble with that than he had originally intended...

Ah well, it was time for some well-deserved anything-but-that to get his mind off the trouble. He started up his bike and drove to the nearest bar. Things that drink blood usually hang out at places where everyone around their potential prey is mostly shitfaced and wouldn't be able to describe the suspect very well. He parked, as was typical with this sort of thing, but one thing that was decidedly atypical was the sight in front of the bar. Apparently this is the kind of place where the especially drunk are free to quite literally blow their chips all over the sidewalk. And their eggs. And their lettuce. And their spaghetti sauce. And their brown bags of everything, really.

His initial thought was that someone had been mugged, but he came in on the tail end of a demand that someone pay for replacement groceries, so presumably the person who mugged the grocery-holder was getting mugged by the person they mugged, and all was right with the world. The big hole in the window seemed as convenient a place as any to come in, so he stepped inside, carefully ducking under glass shards, and walked up to the bar, ordering something dark and nonspecific.
When you don't like the theme song you picked but can't decide on a different one :/

What are you going for? I have a playlist of like 10000 videos for just such an occasion. Granted, most of it is either hair metal or jazz currently, but it can't hurt to search.
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