Avatar of Spud
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  • Posts: 693 (0.21 / day)
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    1. Spud 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Not just depression ... I have SEVERE DEPRESSION! :D :D :D
6 yrs ago
That feel when its ur birthday but u have no friends to do birthday things with and last year ur family forgot it was ur birthday ... wew huuraaayyy
6 yrs ago
Threw my back out today ... and I'm not even old ... wtf
7 yrs ago
Wtf shit phone don't triple post while I'm venting!!! XD I should have studied IT
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7 yrs ago
I'm not crying. My face normally leaks like this. Seriously, this isn't crying, pfft.


My claim to fame is starting the "dicks in clocks" discussion on the status bar ... and shitposting in general.

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I'm interested

Never done a 1x1x1 before but yea interested ^.^

Quick questions
Would my own spin on a character be allowed?

And are ocs allowed?

Gonna need Drew to confirm but, little spins on chars are okay, yknow within reason, you can't completely overhaul a character and utterly reshape their origin story, but tweaks here and there seem 'aight, and NO OC's, we're going canon chars but ... sorta flexible about it :) if that makes sense. THis is Drew's brainchild so he's the boss, I'm just the Spud.
Cap was fast. Not necessarily faster than the Winter Soldier, but ... she wasn't slower either. Her warning fell on deaf ears, the Winter Soldier couldn't be threatened, he was programmed to ignore fear, desensitised to it so much so that he wasn't capable of feeling fear even as he faced almost certain death. For a moment, before the fight erupted into action, the Winter Soldier and Captain America stood face to face, sizing one another up, playing a psychological game, trying to intimidate the other, instil fear, but neither side crumbled under the pressure.

Cap's flying kick was fast, and powerful, not quite fast enough though, Winter Soldier's synthetic arm was just a fraction faster. The kick didn't connect with his chest as it should have, instead it was knocked somewhat off course by his star-emblazoned arm, combat knife primed and ready in the other hand, the blow to his arm was enough to stagger him back a half step though, but neither combatant was floored by the attack and defence manoeuvres.

The Winter Soldier knew that Karpov's orders were explicitly "Kill Captain America", Haines was not important, she was perishable, whether she lived or died was irrelevant, same with all the other SHIELD agents down below. Despite Kapov's instruction to ignore the captive, The Winter Soldier knew she was a valuable obstacle in Captain America's path. The Soldier needed to prevent her escape. Haines inched toward the door, exhausted and overwhelmed from her experience, she could barely stand, but she wasn't too large or heavy, the SHIELD agents could shuffle her out relatively easily.

The Soldier grappled with Captain America, attempting to haul her over the upper railings down to the concrete warehouse floor below, to cut off the SHIELD agents escape and keep Haines thoroughly in the way. Captain America was nothing like Haines though, she could fight, she was tough, and she didn't budge easily. Seconds of the struggle ticked by and Haines was ever closer to slipping away. At the very least, if The Winter Soldier lost Haines, there were still a handful of SHIELD agents the would make useful human shields to get in Captain America's way.

Full name: Thomas "Tommy" Shepherd
Alias/Codename: Speed
Year: Freshmen
Skills: He knows how to hotwire a car (don't ask)
Powers: Superhuman speed (enhanced perception, reflexes, durability)
Brief bio: Tommy's parents, Frank and Mary, divorced while he was still young. A troublesome child, the divorce didn't do him any favours and he spent most of his youth in and out of one juvenile hall and another.

Eventually he fell in with a few local gangs, used his powers for no good and veered off on a criminal path that, given his history, didn't surprise anyone.

No one was surprised when he ended up in a high-security Young-Offenders Facility either.

His story isn't quite so simple though. Tommy wasn't arrested for joyriding, underage drinking or shoplifting. He wasn't even arrested for a fistfight or damaging property. Tommy was arrested when his powers manifested and he vaporised half his school building. While some would argue it was an accident, Tommy's checkered past didn't earn him much sympathy and many doubted it was an accident at all. Whether accidental or an act of pent up teenage angst paired with boredom and gang violence, Tommy was sent to a special facility built for super-powered and highly dangerous individuals. He was locked up for months and subjected to experiments, in a bid to create a human weapon ... They only made Tommy more angry ...

When SHIELD were made aware of Speed's powers and his situation, Steve Rogers took sympathy on him. He didn't see a psychopathic criminal, he saw a troubled young kid. He saw potential. Rogers volunteered to enrol Speed in the Academy to give him a second chance. Suspecting he was going to be subjected to more experiments he lashed out during the "transfer", only stopping his rampage when he recognised Captain America (who fortunately had the foresight to appear at the detention facility in his Captain America costume). When Rogers asked him to stand down and offered him the choice to join a school for specially selected individuals, Tommy agreed.

(For official use only)

The information herein is For Official Use Only (FOUO) which must be protected under the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Unauthorized disclosure or misuse of this PERSONAL INFORMATION may result in criminal and/or civil penalties.

Initial observation report: Thomas is a very unstable young man, but resilient. Rogers has great hopes for him. Despite his background, Thomas does not appear to lack a moral compass, he seems open to guidance from certain individuals. His power potential is tremendous, he can upset the molecular stability of objects, forcing them to explode simply by shaking them at super speed.
Training regimen/expertise: Speed's abilities are highly developed, attention should be paid to "social conditioning" to ensure he can work well in a team. Finding suitable partners is a priority.
Potential outlook: A valuable agent for extraction missions and intelligence gathering particular. Speed can be in and out of a conflict before the enemy even sees him.
Best case scenario: If paired with the right instructors and peers, Thomas could become a well adjusted, socially conscious teammate. He already possesses great power, teaching him to use it responsibly would yield great results.
Worst case scenario: If he disagrees with his instructors or peers, Thomas has the potential to cause significant damage to the school and personnel.
Wiccan and Speed

ahhhh Lucky in Kate's pic!!!! <3 will Lucky be in this RP too? heh
@Spud, we can collab on the next post if ya'want.

Yeah sure, why not :) Im intense college mode till friday evening so ...I wont be as active till the weekend!!!
@Spud Still interested in making a Tyrell or Bannerman?

Sorry, I got snowed under with a huge load of assignments, but if I can get through everything I'll pop by this thread for sure!!!

Haines was gagged, silver duct tape roughly slapped over her mouth. She was relieved when the SHIELD agents and the mysterious red haired woman, burst in to haul her out, but with her mouth taped, she couldn't warn them until it was too late. HYDRA had no intentions of doing anything with her, they wanted Captain America, for reasons she didn't quite know, but she presumed the soldier with the metal arm and dead eyes was something to do with it. At the very least, he was the one who would be facing her, and he expected Stephanie, but did she know what she was getting herself into?

As soon as her hands were free she ripped off the tape, not even taking time to shriek at the painful lip-wax she'd just given herself. She had to warn them.
"Get out of here- Quick- This is an ambush" she warned, but Captain America wasn't there ... Haines found herself half disappointed, half relieved. On the one hand, Cap had saved her once, had she disappointed the Captain by getting herself recaptured? Was she not important anymore because she'd wound up in trouble again? But on the other hand, it was safer with Captain America out of the way. She had to count her blessings where she could find them. Captain America or no, she was getting out of here alive with any luck. Milliseconds ticked by without the Winter Soldier pumping them all full of bullets. Haines didn't know what he was capable of, but he'd blown up a mutant rally causing countless civilian casualties just yesterday. Dropping a grenade or opening fire on a group of SHIELD agents was probably childs play to him.

She stared up at the upper levels of the secure but largely disused warehouse. She was certain the Winter Soldier headed up in that direction, to get a good vantage point of the main doors where the SHIELD agents had stormed in. She couldn't make out his figure in the shadows up there, but she assumed he was lurking up there somewhere, watching. There was no movement, no noise, no gun-fire from the upper platforms ... if he was there, he didn't engage with the SHIELD agents at all. He did nothing to stop them help her up.

A soft thump from the upper level revealed the arrival of Haines hero, and at present, her worst nightmare. Captain America had come after all, using what would usually be a smart move, a high entrance while the main team served as a distraction coming through the main doors... Somehow the Winter Soldier had known or .. anticipated this plan. While a meagre band of HYDRA goons put up minimal resistance, some straight up fleeing to lead SHIELD away so they wouldn't break up the impending engagement on the upper levels. Cap swept the area, clearing half the upper levels without confronting the Soldier before she wandered into position and waited right where Winter Soldier had wanted her.

The Winter Soldier watched Stephanie from behind as she leaned over the railing, his figure concealed in the shadows of a disused office, likely the next spot Cap would survey once she finished watching Haines' evacuation ... not that she'd have a chance now. It was too late. He studied her with the curiosity of a child examining an insect under a magnifying glass before they pulled the insects legs off one by one. Pausing to study her form, how she moved. He should have had a sense of deja-vu, familiarity, but there was none. She was a stranger. She was a target.

She was his mission.

"He's here-" Haines warned, shouting as she was being escorted out of the building. "The Winter Soldier- Cap look out!"

Once again, Natasha's fears were more than confirmed. The man with the metal arm was the deadly Soviet Assassin ... a whisper even in the KGB. Training in the Red Room ... Natasha had encountered him once before. Before the Black Widow Program graduation ceremony, the sterilisation and memory implantation, there was a test, a fight against the Winter Soldier. None of the Black Widow trainees had beaten him, but they were younger then, had less experience. Those who had performed well against him proceeded to graduation, those who did not perform well left with grievous injuries and shame. Most just vanished. Nat had been one of those girls to face him, he hadn't said a word but his eyes burned into hers as she fought fiercely ... the rest was a blur then... Perhaps something more had happened, but he was a ghost and ghosts had the habit of disappearing or sometime lingering in memory. No one involved in the Black Widow program saw him again but some of them heard whispers. Sometimes on missions, KGB spies would report mysterious covering fire on missions they thought they were flying solo on ... most assumed it was the Winter Soldier, no one else was a quiet and deadly as him. Although he was on their side, he terrified them because they neither seen nor heard him. But he was there.

Stephanie would experience that fear now. She wouldn't hear or see him, until it was too late.
The shadows peeled away and he closed the narrow gap between himself and Stephanie. Haines, and a significant portion of the SHIELD agents were carrying out the extraction of the hostage, covering their exit.

The Winter Soldier had a number of factors in his favour. First, the element of surprise, second, he had no concerns about friendly fire. Any HYDRA agents that had been holding the warehouse were already captured, dead or fleeing. They knew the operation, to minimise friendly fire they had to stay out of the way, or if they got in the way, they had to eat bullets. If The Winter Soldier threw himself into the middle of a fire fight, even surrounded by SHIELD agents, they'd pull their punches, but he wouldn't hold his. The fact that the clumsy reporter was tied up in this only made it easier for him. They wouldn't shoot in close quarters for fear of wounding the hostage or Captain America and he knew the average SHIELD agent couldn't take him down, even a handful of them would have a hard time besting him hand-to-hand.

There were two disadvantages though ... Captain America could match him blow-for-blow, that was why the hostage and other agents gave a slight advantage to him, she'd do whatever she could to reduce casualties while he could focus on the fight ahead, but if they stayed out of the way, the fight would be a tough one.
Secondly ... Black Widow was there. She was a variable HYDRA could never have anticipated ... HYDRA assumed SHIELD would underestimate the soldier and send in a handful of agents and Captain America, no one could have presumed Natasha Romanoff would be there and she was a several steps above the average SHIELD goon ...

The Winter Soldier flicked his combat knife from its sheath on his thigh, it whispered a 'shwink' as it slid free of its cocoon, freshly sharpened.
His arm moved in such a fast arc that the knife let out a keening sigh as it cut through the air, two forward steps and he closed the distance between himself and Stephanie, seizing the arm closest to him and wrenching it back so he could easily slice open her throat.
Hey ... just saw this ... looks cool ... Would there be space for another Tyrell/Tyrell-Bannerman or something?
does anyone know how to fix the alert system cus I'm not getting alerts and I'm subscribed and I wrote the freaking thing T^T

p.s. don't be afraid to boop me at any time. chances are I was not notified of something so just throwing that out there.

I booped our RPs hopefully they'll come up for you know, I missed your replies
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