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If you're here, you already know the basics of what I'm looking for, but just to spell things out, I'm looking for an RP set in either a modern or late-medieval gateway setting where the main characters are a set of female twins.

Twincest is already immediately on the table here, but there's and caveats! I'm looking for a slow burn romance. I want to keep the sexual tension high for long stretches of the story until it boils over instead of jumping right into bedroom fun at the first opportunity.

There's a couple ways I can think of to do that... one is sort of an unrequited love situation, where one twin is struggling with her attraction for the other, but the other is either unaware, seeing someone else, or worse... assumes that he sister is interested in a 3rd party and has made it her personal quest to play matchmaker. It's also possible that both twins feel similarly from the onset but propriety keeps them from acting on it.

Other details kind of depend on the specific setting and plot, but once we've decided on that, I'd love to work together with my partner to create our characters together. If you're interested, PM me and we'll talk about the details!

Thanks for reading.
The title tells you pretty much everything you need to know about the basic premise! I'm looking for a Slave/Master RP pairing. More specifically, I'm looking for someone to play a female slave. I'm willing to play either male or female, or something in between if you prefer.

Some stuff about me so you know what you're getting into...

* I consider myself a high-casual RPer. That is to say I'm all for depth and lore and advanced levels of character development -- but I tend to prefer to keep my post length limited to 2-4 decent sized paragraphs at a time. I COULD do more, but I don't feel like massive posts filled with fluff or extended actions are very conducive to a collaborative writing experience... at least, not one that can't be easily edited. Which brings me to my next point!

* I prefer to RP using a shared Google document. If that's not an option for you for whatever reason, my next preference is Discord, followed closely by PMs on site. The only real reason I prefer Discord over PMs is because I get notifications on my phone that way, which helps me keep up posting rates.

* Speaking of posting rates: I'm not always available. I work nights and have four different tabletops that take up my time during the week -- two of which I run and have to prep for. That being said, I think I can manage to post at LEAST twice a week. Maybe more, but I won't expect any more than that from you.

If we use Google docs, we can set aside some time to do a flurry of posts back and forth to keep things moving along at a decent clip when we both have time.

* Character Refs/Character sheets - I prefer any and all character refs to be drawn or generated via AI. I specifically try to avoid real life pictures, especially for anything that may involve smut. It makes me uncomfortable. As for character sheets... I don't usually do them but I know some people like them so I'll put something together that you can look at if you want.

Okay! That's basically the important stuff, I think. Let me know if you have questions or concerns that I haven't already covered. Let's move on to some of the fun stuff. I have some basic RP concepts. These are just vague frameworks for RP and don't include things like an actual plot or character info -- I like yo do all of that with my partner so we're both on the same page and making sure we're both getting what we want out of the RP.

1. A futuristic setting where slavery is technically illegal -- but certain companies have started offering custom made Genetically engineered humanoids for consumers to purchase. Since they aren't technically human, ownership of them isn't technically slavery -- a technicality that these companies are happy to exploit. Instead, they're marketed as pets or "New Family Members" depending on the company in question.

Most slaves in this setting are grown in a lab at an accelerated rate and are "born" full grown with a lifetimes worth of education pre-installed in their minds. They are raised in the lab facility for a month after their growth is complete, where their owners are talked up and their life of service to their master is presented as something positive to be excited for.

2. A more modern setting with a strict caste system. At a young age children are determined to be part of the slave class or the master class. They're all raised and educated together until they come of age, at which point members of the slave class apply to serve a master of their choice like people in real life apply to universities.

This one is more of a lighter form of slavery. Less strict ownership, more rights for the slaves, where slaves are typically treated as a mix of spouses, employees, wards and retainers.

3. Basic fantasy setting with a thriving slave trade. I'm specifically hoping for a HAPPY slave in this setting -- someone who has come to the conclusion -- or will eventually come to the conclusion -- that they're better off as a slave than they were in their former life, whatever that life was. Maybe that's objectively true, or maybe it's more of a subjective belief, but either way I'd like to lean on the idea that they quickly warm up to the idea despite their reservations.

4. Other stuff! I have a few other ideas, but these are the most basic ones that can be easily built on. The others are more complicated and more heavily structured toward a very specific story. If you want to know more about those though, just ask! Thanks for reading!
The title says it all! I'm looking for a kind of cute slice-of-life RP, with a slave x master pairing. Nothing super serious, though if we really click I don't mind adding in more serious elements as we go!

The premise I currently have in mind is kind of silly, and definitely isn't set in stone. Feel free to adjust, adapt, or completely overhaul everything here.

We begin our plot in a large fantasy town! Lots of trade, plenty of adventurers coming and going and bringing piles of treasure along with them to help keep everyone in business... Except your little store. Unfortunately, your store has fallen on hard times ever since your parents died and left it to you, and after numerous loans and mounting debt, the debt collectors have come to take the only thing you have left to pay for everything -- Your freedom!

...Oh, the store too.

Lucky for you, they have a buyer lined up for both you AND the store already! Enter my character: Quaela Ubruten.

Quaela is more than happy to take over ownership of the store, but she plans to take ownership of YOU as well. Your debts will be paid, and you'll still have the store to tend to and live at, but you'll be the property of this stranger! What could possibly happen next?!

So... it should be mentioned here, that I'm looking for a roughly 70:30 Smut to Non-smut split for this. Further details can be discussed in PMs if you're so inclined! I'm only looking for a female character to play with. Thanks for reading!
I'm going to keep this fairly short. I'm looking for a long term partner for a Slave x Master RP, in which I'd be playing the Master. I'm looking for someone willing to play a female character. I'd probably consider myself a high-casual roleplayer, but in the interest of trying to stretch my writing skills a bit more, I'm looking for someone who'd consider themselves advanced! That means multi-paragraph posts, multi-faceted characters, and a not-insignificant amount of writing skill.

While I'm willing to play in DMs, I've found that it's easier to keep track of people within Discord and actually play in a Google Doc, where we can freely make changes as needed to keep the story moving in the direction we need it to. It also helps to keep me on task... I spend a lot of time in Discord these days, and not a lot of time on this site, so I'm more likely to realize I need to post if we're chatting there.

I've already mentioned that I'm looking for a Master x Slave RP -- and a lot of you are probably wanting some details about that! Well, I don't have any. That's not to say I don't have ideas, I just like to try and build characters, settings, and lay out the key plot points with my partner, instead of determining all of that on my own only to inevitably change it later when my partner comes in with their own ideas. The only concrete things I have in mind, are that your character is a female slave, and has been given to my character as a gift. Probably by a family member, but perhaps by a friend -- or even won in a bet or something along those lines! I'm not super picky.

If you have questions, feel free to DM me here. If it looks like we're a good match, we'll do all the actual planning and character building on Discord. I hope to hear from you soon!
Before we begin...

A note from the author: The specific pairings found in this request thread will revolve around a single theme: Relationships, both romantic and sexual, between close family members. I understand that this isn't for everyone, but please remember what is described here is fantasy. Nobody is being harmed, and these stories are not meant to suggest that I support real life incestuous relationships, any more than someone who roleplays non-con supports real life sexual abuse. We're all adults here -- or should be, at least -- so let's try to act like it.


[*] I am a multi-paragraph roleplayer - I try to give at least three good paragraphs. Sometimes I write more, sometimes I write less, depending on the context of the RP, and how much I'm given to work with. I won't expect specific word counts or character quotas, but I do expect a certain level of detail from my partners.
[*] I'd like partners who enjoy worldbuilding and character development. I'd like for them to take an active role in creating the world and directing the narrative, including adding places, NPCs, events, and even their own story arcs.
[*] I enjoy smut. I prefer to play out any sexual encounters, rather than fading to black. That being said, I don't want to see the RP devolve into a constant cybersex session. Enjoy the moments of intimacy, but understand that at a certain point the story must move forward. I'd like to see a story:smut ratio of 60:40. Plenty of tantalizing, titillating content, but never so much that we lose track of the story.
[*] I expect at least an Advanced literacy rating from my partners. Little to no major spelling or grammar mistakes. We're all human, and I'm not going to get prickly because you made a run-on sentence or misused a semicolon, but please be aware of the rules of conversational English grammar, for my sanity if nothing else.
[*] Character references should be ANIME or DIGITAL ART only. Something just rubs me the wrong way about using the likeness of actual people for RP involving any kind of sexual content. If you don't want to use those mediums for character references, I will accept a detailed physical description without complaint.
[*] While I am personally willing to play any sex; male, female, or futanari, I am only interested in playing with female characters. Your RL sex or gender is irrelevant to me for the purpose of finding RP partners.

I'm currently mostly interested in a brother x sister pairing -- Older brother with a younger, or twin sister. Naturally, all characters should be 18+ -- the exact details of the RP are mostly dependent on the preferences of my partner, but I'm primarily interested in modern or fantasy settings at the moment. I have a couple ideas of my own, but none that I'd be super comfortable explaining in detail outside of PMs! So if you're interested, let me know and we'll chat more in private!
Hello! If you're here, you already know what this thread is for. You saw the title, and you clicked on it. I'm not going to go into the details here, because the details are going to probably go into some stuff that site admin don't want to get displayed on Google! Suffice it to say, I'm looking to play a single father, and I'm looking for someone to play his daughter, who as it turns out, might actually be half succubus and has certain... inconvenient needs. Luckily, her father is willing to help out!

I'm looking for things to start our a little awkward, as any plot like this really should! But after a while, the ideal situation will have both father and daughter getting more comfortable with their arrangement! The details will have to be discussed in PMs -- but I should tell you ahead of time, I'm a multi-para roleplayer and I'm expecting someone who's at least willing to try and keep up and involve themselves in story building and character development as we go! This shouldn't be 100% smut by any means, but adult content will be a major part of things!

Sorry to be so short and to the point! Ordinarily I'd try to make it flashy and interesting, but concerns over the subject matter and accompanying kinks that are intrinsically tied to the RP mean I have to keep this short. PM me for more info and to chat about the idea!

As a side note: I DO have a particular look I'd really like to see for the daughter, but this is totally optional and not at all a requirement: i.imgur.com/86Sc6jZ.jpg
Hello there! I'm looking for a long term partner who can at least match me in post quality, if not quantity, and who enjoys worldbuilding and collaborative character creation as much as I do! I'm going to keep this kind of vague, and very brief, in the hopes that by doing so I give you just enough information to help get the creative juices flowing, without stifling creativity with a concept that's too specific.

The idea that I have involves a tribe of women who live within a tropical jungle-like environment. The tribe has no men to speak of -- but does have a means to reproduce among their tribe, in the form of a sacred tree that grows in the center of their community. I see a couple of ways that the tree could work to allow for children, but which direction we take would depend largely on whether you'd prefer to include temporary futanari or not. Our characters would be two women who have just reached adulthood within the tribe, and are now preparing for their coming of age ceremony, where they will be assigned their official roles and responsibilities within the tribe!

I'd really like to focus on the tribe being something... foreign to us, as the players. I want to work with my partner to develop their culture from the ground up. What are the laws of the tribe? What jobs does the tribe need to be done by their members? What is the tribe's view on sexuality and nudity? Are there any social norms that they should observe that people in our own society might be confused by? Are there any modern standards that this tribe would think to be weird or pointless? I want someone who's interested in answering these questions! One idea I did particularly want to look at is the idea that nudity just isn't taboo. The tribe isn't a bunch of nudists, but clothing tends to be for decoration rather than modesty... Aesthetics over function -- and in some cases may denote rank or privilege within the tribe.



Despite this being in the Redstar section, I'm actually not looking for much in the way of actual kinks. The biggest one is just the casual nudity aspect of the theme, which is already -- hopefully -- built in to the idea. That being said, if you'd like to include some other kinks, I'm more than happy to consider them! I won't guarantee that I'm into the idea, I'm a pretty vanilla person by default, but I'll try to see what I can do.

One kink, that I think I'd be potentially fine with that USUALLY doesn't seem to get a lot of traction around here, is incest. A pair of sisters who are also lovers. I like to think that that kind of relationship might not only be accepted by the tribe, but might actually be encouraged for religious and/or mystical reasons. I'm thinking if we go this route, they'd be a pair of twins, which would probably come with some specific beliefs. This is, however, entirely optional. The RP as I've described it thus far is designed to work with or without the inclusion of questionable kinks like incest.

The only other major kink that I tend to have is BDSM content. In the context of this RP, if we used it at all, I like the idea of the tribe's priestesses voluntarily pledging themselves to the service of one of the hunters of the tribe. Kind of a one-way marriage, where they travel with the hunter, providing comfort, stress relief, and healing -- in addition to a devoted sexual partner. There are two keys here. One: This is a required step to become an adult if one is to commit themselves to the path of the priestess. Two: The priestess chooses her partner. She is not bought or sold like a slave, but chooses one woman to be her master. It is considered an honor, and a privilege by the hunter in most cases.



From Me:

* Typically an High-casual low-advanced writing level. Little to no spelling errors, and a concerted effort to switch up sentence structure and word selection. I am of course, not perfect by any means, but I'll strive to be as close to perfect as I can manage!

* An average of 3-4 paragraphs per post. Sometimes more, when the RP calls for it such as a major event or opener that requires more description. Sometimes less, such as in conversation, where I need input from you to do anything else. I am not comfortable assuming your character's actions.

* The possibility of multiple posts in a day, but at LEAST 3 posts per week, as my work schedule and energy levels permit.

* The ability to play multiple NPCs and other characters when necessary. I try to stick to one major main character, but without a whole group to play with, it's generally expected that it's up to both of us to control the world and drive the narrative together.

* Will probably use an anime-style reference. They are simply the most numerous and easily found character references available.

My Expectations:

* At least a casual writing level, basic capitalization and punctuation, and the ability to keep track of the story and characters.

* The ability to keep up with my own posts in quality, if not length. The more detail you pack into your posts, the more likely I am to maintain interest in the long term.

* At least three posts per week.

* Help me drive the narrative and play any NPCs that you introduce. Work with me to make sure our plot ideas don't conflict!

* 3rd person past tense. I know that I occasionally slip up here and switch to present tense, so I'm not going to be totally anal about this, but let's try to keep it 3rd person past tense as much as possible to avoid confusion.

* No real life photo references. They really bother me, please use artwork of some type if you want to use a reference at all.
Welcome! Glad to see all of you here~ let's keep this one simple, shall we?

I'm looking for someone to play a slave girl to my master character. I'm specifically looking for female characters, but beyond that the details are kind of up in the air! There are a couple slave options that I can think of off the top of my head that might be interesting, so I'll outline a few specific ones, then give some other options just for inspiration. Don't let my limited options deter you from messaging me if you have other ideas though!

The Princess - A former princess of a distant land, now sold at auction as a slave. Perhaps she's been sold out by courtiers that she trusted. Maybe her kingdom was invaded and she ended up shipped off to a far away land to live out her life in servitude.

The Sacrifice - A young woman who was once part of a very large family. She sold herself into slavery in order to help her family survive the harsh winter -- but will life as a slave end up being an upgrade from life as a poor peasant?

The Priestess - Your holy order considers submission and servitude to be virtues, and as such it is part of the holy rites of passage to become a fully fledged priestess to submit yourself mind, body, and soul to another. Usually, priestesses are pledged to the high priest of the temple -- but an error in the paperwork resulted in you being sold at auction to the general public, much to the outrage of the high priest who was... looking forward to having you join his harem.

The Thief - Sometimes crime pays! It certainly did for you. Right up until you robbed the wrong person and ended up slapped in chains. Instead of prison, the powers that be decided you'd do better to serve your sentence by being sold off to pay for everything you'd ever stolen!

The Heroine - Unfortunately, it looks like it's game over for you! You failed to save your homeland, and instead got yourself captured by the villainous dark lord's forces! Maybe you shouldn't have rushed straight into the final boss zone right after getting your first starter sword!

The Villain - Bad news! Your plot to take over the world failed spectacularly, and your power has been sealed away by magical collar. Now you're being sold to the very people you sought to subjugate yourself! How humiliating.

The Debtor - You were going to be an adventurer! Unfortunately, you weren't very good at it, and ended up racking up more debts than you could possibly pay off! So now you're being sold. Maybe your master will let you pay off your debt over time so you can one day be free again!

Other Ideas

Wild girl
Unicorn-girl (No anthro please~)
Blind and/or Mute girl
Fallen Goddess
Monster girl
Magical Android

We can discuss what kind of master you'd like to see, and what kind of story you'd like to focus on~ I'm partial to adventure and traveling the world -- but I'm perfectly happy to play out a lighthearted slice of life storyline within the master's manor or a small shop or something where your character is expected to live and work.
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