• Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 17 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. StripyWolf 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's been a hard couple of days at work and I'm mentally and physically really tired. I promise I'll get all my replies out soon, just need to recover the energy to do so :)
9 yrs ago
Currently searching for new group members with no avail... Where are all the advanced group RP lovers gone? You must be out there somewhere.


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Most Recent Posts

Bump ^^
Card-sharp is a Skype based modern fantasy yaoi group RP set in the heart of New York City. This is a casual/high casual RP, with a minimal post length of one paragraph; however, this limit is regularly exceeded. Based around the lives of both humans and humanoid supernatural characters living in the city, this RP encourages romance, bromance and everything in between. As a group we’re a friendly, mature bunch from all walks of life from all over the globe and we’re currently open and accepting new members. This is where this thread comes into it. We are looking for some new member who are on regularly and enjoy well-written and thought through replies, but we're also looking for members who are happy to join us in the group chat and have a laugh with us.

Card-sharp RP sets up it's base on Proboards, this is where members will be able to post character profiles, and read the rules and FAQs. There is also various other information about the RP as well as an archive of all the non-mature posts so far. The actual RP itself as well as the OOC is then done over Skype in separate conference groups.

If you want to find out a little more about this RP or get a feel for the members writing styles and post lengths then feel free to visit the group's site here.

If you fancy joining us then feel free to drop me a PM or a reply here on this thread

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Bumpity bump ^^
This thread has moved ^^
@Ellri Thanks. I'm open to almost any kind of roleplay, although I do tend to prefer having a bit of fantasy thrown in the mix. It doesn't. Have to be the main plot but I like making my characters a little more than human. As for my post length I'm really flexible. I'm happy to write anywhere from a paragraph to several and in some case I'm happy to work with a scripted format. I normally do 1x1s but I do enjoy group roleplays from time to time too.

@ArenaSnow@IcePezz Thanks guys ^^.
Hey everybody, I'm StripyWolf but feel free to shorten that in any way. I'm not necessarily new to the guild. I used to have an account here a while ago but I can't remember what it was called. I've been roleplaying for about 8 or so years, probably more. I like to consider myself a friendly and cheerful person and I'd like to think that I'm easy to get along with xD.

I'm looking forward to gathering a few long-term rp friends with all kinds of interest they are willing to share. Anyway I'll stop rambling on with randomness and let you all get back to your days.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to getting stuck in this community of roleplayers.
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