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Mayor McByrd had been about to try his luck with another party guest that would hopefully feel more inclined to help out an old man than Aizum had been when all sorts of commotion broke out. The main cause of said commotion being the young seemingly unconscious stranger everyone now crowded around.

With what speed his old bones would allow Mayor McByrd was quickly fighting his way to the front of the crowd; he was more than willing to give anyone a less than gentle tap of his cane if they impeded his progress for to long.

"Make way, make way! In the name of the Goddess, listen to Grayson and give the poor thing some room." His old voice croaked under the slight strain of the stressful situation. Clearly he hadn't been used to actually raising his voice in such a manner. Still he continued to speak while waving his arms in a manner that clearly meant for the crowd to move back. "Aizum, my boy, do us a all a favor and see if you can go scrounge up any medical supplies you might have. Others have already ran for the doctor, but who knows if he is available at the moment. Anything you could bring back would be helpful, understood?" He placed a hand on the younger mans shoulder while looking him dead in the eyes, his gentle voice carrying an edge of authority rarely seen.

He had no doubt the doctor would be here shortly, but he just really really wanted to get Aizum away from the poor girl before he tried burying her or some other madness.

Turning his attention to Waconia, one of the people still closest to Valbrees newest unconscious resident, he started in on her with the same tone of voice. "Waconia, you and...whoever you are." He pointed a bony finger at Jude "Help bring her inside my home. We can put her in the guest bedroom for now and then handle things from there. Godess I hope she's allright..."

During the entire scene of the Mayor taking charge Hope had been staring transfixed, her usual infectious grin nowhere to be seen as she visibly bit down on her bottom lip. Despite being well aware how socially improper it was...she really really wanted to take a picture of this. Artistically she knew a photograph like this could be a once in a lifetime chance-a rare moment in time that she alone had the capability literally at her fingertips to make forever permanent.

It only took a little inner argument to decide the surrounding commotion would mask the somewhat noisy camera-as for the flash, well, she made the active choice to not even think of that.

"FA-WOOCHSHH" The camera hissed in its familiar voice as the built in flash spat out a healthy portion of white light.

The few heads that turned her way were met with the site of a rather red in the faced hope-combined with her deep red hair her whole head seemed to take on a comically uniform scarlet appearance. "Uh...My..uh, finger slipped.

Wanting to genuinely help though, and honestly also not look like a total bitch, her mind began thinking of how she and her brother helped combat their fathers frequent fevers-assuming by the girls rough shape she might very well be in a similar boat she suddenly found herself saying "I'll go get some cold water, and towels!"

@Typhon@MissCapnCrunch@Joshua Tamashii@SolusFalcon@Simple Unicycle

Don't worry, the squirell was a-ok!
Ugh...I am just havein a string of bad luck. Ruined the breaks on my car because a squirrel ran out in front of me in the road and I swerved/breaked all bad to avoid it. Not gonna effect me postin or anything but...gah, I just know I got a big bill headed my way :(
This is all I will be able to put up tonight guys :(

Sorry guys, I swear I'll have an actual post up tommorow. Just got busier than normal again tonight and could only finish the npc list.
Oh also, Im gonna get those NPC sheets up and then try and post
Totally bought some today, not gonna lie.
Sorry I was MIA yesterday guys, kinda..uh...forgot it was valentines day :P
Just wanted to let yall know I will have a post up tommorow after work, probably for Hope and the Mayor. Also plan on putting up NPC sheets for all the Rosemonts and Mayor McByrd.

poor Grayson

Side note, is it just me misremembering things or is their a code for super tiny text?
"Oh and Astrid got me the prettiest rock".
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