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I have been writing as a hobby for longer than you have been alive. I have been a regular member and roleplayer of no less than fourteen different online forums during that time (including the old RPG), five six eight of which no longer exist.

I was previously a regular on the Homestuck forums, but I became so sick of thread turnover there that I asked around and eventually found the Guild. Since joining, I have exclusively only participated in Advanced RPs. Before Mahz gave NRPs their own subforum, I used to be an NRP regular in the Advanced Subforum. I am a Guildfall survivor, and know/regularly write with a few others.

If you ask anybody who has written with me in previous RPs, they should tell you that I have a generally open schedule, I post regularly and in a timely fashion, and I never drop an RP once I join unless the thread dies. Some of them may tell you that I have extensive expertise within the realms of Biology, Psychology, and Physics, which I will make no effort to validate since there is no way I can provide hard proof of aforementioned alleged expertise to anybody over the internet (though I am happy to try and answer any questions you send my way).

My favorite fandom is the Myst franchise, which seemingly nobody other than me has ever heard of.

I was a Contest Moderator for the Writing Contests Subforum for just a little bit over two years. I wrote the Moderation Policy for that subforum and I ran a contest called the Twelve Labours; you can still go there and see all of them and the entries people wrote for them in the Contests Section and the Victory Archives.

I have been quadruple secret banned from the guild discord. That is not a joke.

Most Recent Posts

The next post is going to be up in around ten hours or so. Anybody else who wants to post or post some more before then - that window is closing.
Dear gods. I think I'm glad that motivation prevented me joining this round because two sentences in I was miserable. I could read it. I could understand it. But it wasn't any fun, and I rp expressly for fun. Replication of errors is one thing, putting them in at every possible opportunity another. So @Terminal, I'm out. I will be ceding my life/lives (depending on how the ownership of the one given me by Aria works) to others, but I'm going to wait to do that for the moment. I'm trying to decide if I should give them to those with only a few, or wait to see who survives the first few rounds.

I'm open to being persuaded. And I would appreciate being pinged when each adventure comes to a close, just so I can check in if I forgot to. I'll be cheering you all on, guys! SMUSH THE TERMITE (not really but hey, it fits).

The only and brief persuasion I will attempt - consider, from a character perspective, modes of thought and behavior that occur when metacontextually the universe makes no sense. If errors keep racking up at the current rate, eventually poster uncertainty is going to have to bleed across to their characters.

That is all.
Just to clarify again (I answered this previously), the doors were unlocked.

Emphasis on were with Luca's fumbling.
......aaaaaaaand shit, I messed up. I read that part where Donny barked orders "while he was moving," and in my head, that said he got out already. Now I'm... uh, well, do I want to edit my post with watchful Terminal right there looking?

You have permission to edit to conserve continuity.
I admit that I'm sorta still wondering about whether my character's ethereal sight is telling him anything unusual about his amulet...

The amulet itself has no magical power remaining, the others posters are going to be responsible for reporting whether you see anything in them, and I wanted to save a more detailed description/aura reading for once Kael can get a good look at the people outside.
@Doc Doctor, I will go ahead and clarify that the windows for the limousine are not bulletproof, the .88 should easily be able to pass through the chauffeur's head, and you can go ahead and auto the two Vector thugs. The doors are also unlocked.

I give you permission to edit your post accordingly. Given that you clearly put some effort into the second and third paragraphs, you might find it preferable to make minor conclusory edits plus an additional paragraph detailing the results rather than tossing the whole thing out (though this is just a suggestion).

In the future, feel free to ask in advance for details like that so we can prevent a buildup of too many chained presumptions (although if you are running up against the deadline and I am offline, it is fine to post what you have and I can give permission to edit after the fact).
And shoot, I completely forgot to mix in all the tense errors.

Oh well. I guess you get that for free this time.
Post is up.

You will note that none of you have been tagged.

This means you may choose to do nothing before my next post in approximately two days - though you are invited to do whatever you deem fit, of course.
The spars exchang of word amongst the a passenger wa interrupted by the sound of the a chauffeur rapping on th glass partition with one of he a hand, lowering it a moment later to speak to all of them.
"Be ready for anything people, the fix i in." He said with a backward glanc, flashing a worried smil their way as h gestured with a finger through the front a windshield. Clearly visibl walking down th middl of the a intersection wer four individual - the first two wer worn-looking men wearing rusted and tattered a chainmail over baggy a jogging clothe, both carrying what the discerning ey would hav identified as a Vector submachin gun. They both looked anxiou and held their arms poorly, indicating they wer unfamiliar with th a weapon. The third individual looked to be a knight in a full plat armor carrying a modern compound crossbow, who were currently in th proces of calmly sliding a fat, cylinder-tipped bolt into th a tiller' slid. Finally, the fourth a person wer simply a tall teenager wearing a high-school uniform of some sort, complet with logo - who had run out ahead of the other thre and deployed a tripod-mounted, spiked rod in the middl of the a street. A moment later h ros and ran off, heading away from whatever wa about to happen.
The audible hum from th a levitating spher above the a intersection had notably amplified, and with a dull roar it unleashed a searing, jagged lanc of a electricity at the thre a blackguard advancing toward the a limousin - only to bend and arc directly into the a tripod mounted spik instead.
Looking out from th a limousin in other direction would reveal what th previously bustling a street wer now completely vacant, save for a few harried-looking a pedestrian who looked to be hurrying rapidly in th opposite direction of th a scen.
Perfect, that accounts for everyone.

The next post - with modifications - will be up shortly.
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