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6 mos ago
Current Hey remember when this site didn't have 3 tabs in the IC threads? Crazy.
3 yrs ago
I feel like Myriad Reality is somehow the secret glue holding this entire site together
4 yrs ago
People like to nudge aside the fact that there's a level of commitment to hosting, and joining an RP. The majority of players don't have it in either case, regardless of how interesting an idea is.
4 yrs ago
I've been gone so long that I forgot what the status bar was like. It's like coming back to an old apartment, except it's not an apartment anymore, it's just two walls and a lot of heroine addicts.
6 yrs ago
The status bar serves one of three purposes. You can be pretentious, you can tell people about your personal problems, or you can be a smartass.


Nihilist, but like, the cool type of nihilist, you know?

Most Recent Posts

Small edit. Full paralysis removed and replaced with intermittent troubles while walking.
Would there be any way to circumvent the paralysis at start?
Molly calmed down and went silent. It seemed like they were safe.

The closet doors swung open without warning, and the Lady Captain was glaring directly at Shane, her usually tired expression replaced by one overwhelmed by anger.

"Hello, little boy."

Also assuming he gets his legs back upon being transported.

I actually quite like this
@Juro Yeah. It was damned near impossible to find an image that matched my idea. I'm still looking, but it's been a couple hours, and no luck.
The rustling continued for some times, on and on, until it was partly muffled by the sound of the door slamming shut, and the Lady captain's amused chuckling. She was there. Her footsteps clacked over to the opposite side of the room, and her bed shook as she fell backwards into its cushioned embrace.

From within the closet Molly's nose started to twitch.

WIP. Will finish later tonight.
The floor rumbled as Shane stumbled towards the closet. It was a familiar rumbling, like that of the marines marching through town. Footsteps, barrels, and even splashed of water cascaded across the deck, signaling that at the very least, a part of the crew had arrived. More terrifying than that, though, Shane could hear the voice of the lady Captain mixed in along with the crowd.
If you still got room, I'll give it a shot.
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