Avatar of The Dow Dragon
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 172 (0.06 / day)
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    1. The Dow Dragon 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Holy hell, I survived the night. It was rough and I only got like, an hour of sleep, but I survived. I'm in recovery now. Even though I got it out, I think it scratched my eyeball.
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7 yrs ago
I have something in my eye and I cannot for the life of me get it out. It so fucking irritating my entire right eye is red. This is a living hell.
7 yrs ago
Bloodborne has been ripping me a new one and I love it.
7 yrs ago
@Miss Gallagher If you let your mother cut your hair and you're grown, I don't know what to say to you.
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8 yrs ago
I absolutely love stolen valor videos, funniest shit ever. Freakin morons.


Most Recent Posts

Gonna do a little bump.
Name: An-Ze Xemlures, The Dragon-Slayer
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Argonian

An-Ze stands at 5 feet and 11 inches with a broad, muscular build. His scales are a murky/green with sand colored highlights around his neck and face and along some parts of his body. He has black dots along his cheekbones and uniquely, bright green highlights under his yellow eyes. Horns adorn his jaw and chin and two large horns sprout out on either side of head. A small plume of bright green feathers sprouts on the top of his head. He has three large scars on the left side of his face from a flanged mace.

An-Ze wears a set of armor designed and built by himself using the bones of the dragons he has slain. The green spotted fabric that binds the armor pieces together allows him to move more freely and comfortably through the water while wearing his armor. He got the inspiration for such a design from his own webbed fingers and feet. His shield is made of dragon bone as well. He wields a classic one handed nordic war axe.

An-Ze's werewolf form is incredibly unique and rare, as not a lot of Argonians have the ability to transform. His transformation combines his reptilian elements with the elements of a beast.

An-Ze was born in Black Marsh on the 181st year of the fourth era. His tribe were travelers of the coast, only going inland via rivers and marshes to hunt and trade. From an early age, An-Ze learned to love the ocean and the water. He felt at home in the water more than anywhere else. An-Ze had many brothers and sisters who he loved and hated on different levels, as siblings do, but at the end of the day he always managed to put aside whatever issues he had with them to stand by their side. Life wasn't easy at times, but it was a good one and An-Ze was content. But his love of the water ended up being his downfall. At ten years old, An-Ze was swimming farther out in the ocean than he ever had. It was dusk and he was too preoccupied to notice the Dunmer slave ship cruising up silently behind him. There was a few moments of intense struggle before everything went black. When he awoke, he was in the brig, sailing to a land that was cold, hard, and bitter.


They arrived in Skyrim in the late summer, in Winterhold. An-Ze sat in the ship for a whole day before he was dragged out by large white creatures with yellow hair. This was the first time An-Ze had ever seen a man or mer, for that matter. All of a sudden, the young Argonian was a dockworker for a trading company who was paid next to nothing. An-Ze learned to fear and hate the nords quickly, the city guards always keeping an eye on him and the other Argonians as well as the dunmer. An-Ze also learned to fight street style quickly, as the streets of Winterhold are dangerous for a young Argonian. He always carried around a cheap knife he used to clean the scales off of fish. Despite these measures, he never had to hurt anyone, perferring to talk his way out of a sticky situation. An-Ze knew if he hurt a nord he'd be killed without trial or ceremony either by a mob or the winterhold guard themselves. He lived this way for 6 years, saving enough money to get out of winterhold without the trading company sending men after him.

An-Ze finally escaped the city when he was 16 years old. He paid off a middle manager to erase his name from the ledger and bought an old sword, a cloak, and some clothes. An-Ze left in the dead of night, determined to make his way in the world. He knew he couldn't go back to Black Marsh, it would take years to find his family and who knows if he would even survive the trip there. No, his fight was here in Skyrim. He would make something of himself and shove the nord's faces in it. An-Ze hated them, but he had to adopt their ways to succeed in their backward society. So he began to do odd jobs, slowly learning how to fight as he worked. More years passed and one day An-Ze was traveling to Whiterun after completing a bounty job when he happened upon The Companions fighting a dragon. At 20 years old, An-Ze had never been more terrified in his life looking at that hulking monster. But as he drew his blade, he felt liberated and he charged into the fray. Dodging spurts of fire and razor sharp claws, he had never face something so fearsome. When he plunged his blade hilt deep into the dragon's eye and it fell to the ground, An-Ze never felt more powerful and alive. Upon seeing the young Argonian slay the dragon, he was promptly offered a position in the companions and was taken to see Kodlak. An-Ze was accepted into The Companions.

From then on, An-Ze sky rocketed in his martial prowess. He took on all kinds of jobs and excelled in them, but the fights he looked forward to the most was the dragons. He went out of his way to seek dragons wherever they may be found, long after the dragon born had defeated Alduin. There certainly was no shortage. When he was 23, a skilled warrior struck him in the head with a mace, giving him the scar he has toady. Needless to say, that warrior was paid back in full. An-Ze's reputation began to spread as he killed more dragons, leading him to be invited to more 'elite' events by the 1% of Skyrim and the empire. He detested the events, but he knew the need of contacts so he went occasionally. It was at an Imperial state party that he met Hector Sibbassius. An-Ze found that he enjoyed talking with the man, clearly another warrior unlike the stiffs that usually attended these parties. He left feeling he had met someone who could do something worthwhile. Another year passed and An-Ze was allowed into The Circle, the greatest warriors of The Companions, where he received the beast blood. However, he was a unique beast as an Argonian and was more reptile than wolf.

Regardless, An-Ze was accepted into The Circle with open arms. Now An-Ze had even more personal power to combat his enemies and with such power he took on more dragons. By his 26th birthday, An-Ze had slain 12 dragons by himself and three with the help of the companions or others. The now seasoned warrior recieved a letter from Hector Sibbassius about a special mission, high pay and legendary status. It would take them to Valenwood, now practically a war zone. Something inside An-Ze jumped at such an opportunity and three days later, he was on the road to meet Hector...

[WIP, Will tag when finished. Writing in spurts to avoid burning out.]


Skills: This covers everything, from combat to magic to stealth to miscellaneous. I'll be pretty free-form about this but none of our characters are prophesied Heroes. Restrain yourselves. Your character can't be an expert in everything. This goes double for mages, so restrict your character to one or two schools of magic.

Equipment: List everything they bring with them, not just weapons and armor.

Other: Anything I forgot that you want to mention.

Please submit your characters in this thread. After I've approved of them, you can post them in the Characters tab. Don't rush yourselves. It's highly unlikely I will start the roleplay until next weekend.
@Turboshitter aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, okay. I'm not going to step on any toes so go for that, I'll think of another character.

@Hank Nevermind on the witch hunter idea.
@Hank So boss, I scrapped my idea of a cleric, I'm thinking now of a Nord Witchhunter who would have extensive knowledge in all things occult (Daedra, Vampires, Werewolves, Draugur, etc) and have a decent knowledge of magic itself. Perhaps she would be contracted out by the Empire to assist on this mission?
@Irisity I don't think there are any movies for the bloodborne I'm referring to and there is only one bloodborne game. What I would recommend is watch a youtuber play some of it or simply just look up the wiki and lore if that's all you're worried about it. My biggest advice is, obviously, playing the game (Fantastic game by the way) but other than that, what I said before and I think you can get by.

This isn't your first scourge, not if you've been in Yharnam for any amount of time or anywhere else in the world for that matter. But this one is definitely the worst. You aren't a hunter, not by a long shot. You might be a guardsman, making sure the people are locked safely in their houses and providing support for the real hunters and the mobs of angry citizens burning the beasts at the cross, but it isn't your job to take on the monstrosities. Hell, you might not even be that. You're a civilian, a Yharnamite just living out your life. You rely on blood, just like everyone else. Blood fuels this city. But its blood that will tear this place down. This night is the worst night, the plague is at its peak. The weeks or months preceding it have been just waves of death, the church locking up coffins and setting them on the side of the road as they move on. Its clear to anyone that this cursed place days are numbered. But you can't just leave, not anymore. Its impossible. The hunters will sort it out, the brave hunters, they always do...

Until they don't.


Welcome to a roleplay idea that I have created against my better judgement and I say that because I have not finished bloodborne yet! I am in Yahar'gul, fighting my way past the smashed together atrocities. But I am so enamored with this game that I had to start a roleplay about it.

So the concept is, you are an average Yharnamite who is forced onto the streets and must survive the night of the hunt and its horrors. You aren't a hunter, the closest thing you could be is a guardsman but you'll have to learn fast how to fight like one if you're going to survive. This will take place during the events of Bloodborne, the same night, the same hunt. We will be starting out in Central Yharnam. I have multiple ideas for how our group of citizens could go but I think I'll leave what path your Yharnamite will take, up to you.

Some orders of business first. The type of map we'll be using.

Personally, I'm partial to B, but it will be a majority vote.

So, any takers?
@Hologram Prose Well if you guys wanna do that (at least for the Templar) I might as well just scrap my cleric idea. Go for it, I've got some other ideas I'm working on as well.
@Hank Thinking of playing a cleric type character, perhaps on the mission to gauge the dark forces at work like daedra?
Haven't read Heart of Darkness, but I have played TES III, IV, and V extensively and I like this premise. Sign me up!
I think for me, the thing that gets me most hyped regardless of genre or subject, is quality roleplayers or roleplayers whose writing styles I personally enjoy.
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