Avatar of Theodora_21
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 306 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Theodora_21 10 yrs ago


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"I am of the wind..."

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@Tyler Night Thanks!! Me too!! I really missed it.
Throwing in my interest.

-Teddy <3
@Lady Amalthea Thanks :)
Throwing my name in the ring of interest!! Will get started on my CS :D

-Teddy <3
Hey Guys,
This is a re-introduction. I've been role-playing off and on now for several years (since about sophomore year of high school and I am going into my senior year of college). Some of you may know me, if you do drop me a line, if not, it's great to meet you!! I left about seven months ago because life got kinda crazy with school. If I offended anyone by leaving so suddenly, I would like to apologize, but I did try to make sure there was someone for each RP to take over the game.

I am into a variety of RPs. I will mostly be scoping out the Casual and Advanced RPs seeing as I like a good meaty RP and the Free RPs tend to go a little fast for my liking. I really excel at reality based RPs (high school, college, gang, stuff like that), and medium fantasy RP (Witches, Vamps, Werewolves etc.) If you are looking for a person to join an RP you have up and running, please feel free to send me a link :)

Other than that I am happy to be back and can't wait to get started again!!

-Teddy <3
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been super active these last few days, I will try to post today!! :D
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been super active lately! I will try to have a post up today!! :D
Will try to get a post up today you guys!! Sorry I haven't been as active these past few days D:
In Gang RP 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@makarov and @King Tai

Theodora watched as Toni left with Turner. After they had left, she quickly turned o n Zeke and snatched the ice cream out of his hand. "You need to stop babying her. She's a grown ass woman who knows the laws of the family. She broke them and in doing so risked our reputation. Do you know how many dealers have been emailing me asking about my work ethic? How many comments about how 'this would never have happened under my father's watch' I have gotten? People are starting to think that we are slacking." Theo raised her voice so that everyone in the house could hear. "I will not let this town think we are weak!!" She glared at Zeke, went to the kitchen, found a spoon and started eating the ice cream straight from the container. "Follow." She mumbled as she passed Zeke.

As she ascended the stairs she texted Leo. "Find Dennis and follow him. He went to a trade off with some dealers from the boarder. Text me if he does anything stupid." She hit send on the message just as she entered her office. She took off her shoes and walked over to her desk. She licked the spoon as she waited for Zeke to enter her office.
Also, if the Grombus dosn't post soon I will just move on with the RP :)
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