Avatar of Trigani
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 113 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Trigani 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current A pain greater than heart break is stubbing your toe on the corner of things.
8 yrs ago
If you like your steak well-done, you best have a redeeming quality or I can't associate myself with you.
8 yrs ago
A lot of people are going back to school and I am just sitting here with my pants down, sobbing uncontrollably into my sandwich.


Salutations, stalker. I am called Trigani. I enjoy a multitude of RPs. I tend to stick with Casual or High-Casual ones. I do enjoy jotting down a few paragraphs. That being said, I find Free roleplay too laxing. I am a bit intimated by Advanced. One day, maybe, I will feel up to the challenge. For now, Casual is where this one roams. I particularly enjoy NRPs. I am also riding the Star Wars hype train all the way to the station. I would like to create some of my own RPs. I like to think I have a few good ideas. Again, maybe one day I will live up to the challenge.

If I seem absent, I do have a full-time job, have a child to enjoy my life with and other personal matters. I usually am on though. I try to be on at least once a day, if time permits. So with that, I hope you are satisfied, my stalker friend and may we continue this relationship else where on the forum.

Most Recent Posts

@ClocktowerEchosSounds like it requires extensive work. I will do it when I am at peak mental capacity.
@ClocktowerEchosMississippi Merchants

*cough* crimson caravan
@Shorticus@Dinh AaronMk@ClocktowerEchos

If you guys are okay with it, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Yo ho and a bottle o' rum

Edit: I feel like Shorty is trying to say something to me.
@The CanadianHype hype hype hype hype
@The Emperors BladeHopefully not, that would be a bummer :c

Neo-Confederate States of America
Remnants of the Old Confederacy
Deo vindice
"Under God, our Vindicator"

Nation Type
Confederate Republic

Northern Georgia is an irritated area, as Atlanta being a target for multiple WMDs. The closer you get the old world capital, the more radiation there is. The Confederacy put a travel warning, due to the radiation and infestations of beasts that roam the area of Atlanta. The rest of Georgia remains somewhat untouched. The summers got a few degrees hotter and the winters several degrees colder. During the summer, there are chances of acid rain that comes down from Florida. The complete opposite can occur, such as droughts. During winter, the occurrence of the blizzards are too common, sometimes prolonging winter into the summer days. There are several rivers that run out of Georgia and thirteen barrier islands. It has mountainous regions as well. Florida remains significantly untouched compared to Georgia. It retained it's tropical savanna climate. It's rainy season consists of acid rains and horrific thunder storms. Hurricanes are common as well.

Government Type
Non-partisan Republic
Tallahassee, Florida
Head of State
President Andrew Griffith
Other Important People
Gaspard Darche, Vice President and President of the Senate
Luther Knox, Speaker of the House
Lyod Cadwell, Florida Confederate State District Judge
Ike Adkins, Georgia Confederate State District Judge
Delmont Huckleberry, Ambassador
Harley Crawford, General-in-Chief
Elrod Soyer, Lieutenant General

2.4 million, slave population not included
1.2 million slave population
Attitude Towards Evols
Evols are what African Americans were back then to the old-world Confederacy. They are strongly hated. Due to the capabilities and rarity of Evols, they are highly sought after for the slave trade.
Economic System
Neo-Confederates boast about their production of cotton, tobacco, textiles, timber, furs, rice, oranges, fish/game, coal.
Confederate Dollar, Slaves
The use of wagons, horses/mules are still in use. Slave labor is prominent due to the lack of technological equipment. The lack of industry doesn't help the advancement. Although, rail roads are still in use, mainly using coal or other sorts of fuel.
Official Religion
Religious Information
Most Neo-Cons believe they are living within the time of the Rapture. They know the world that once was, is no longer there. They believe demons took possession of Old World animals and deformed them into grotesque creatures. They also believe that since they are stuck on Earth, they still have a chance to brought in Heaven if they do God's bidding, whatever that may be.

After the fall of WMDs and the fall of Democracy, old ideologies started sprouting up, such as the Neo-Confederacy, believing they can rebuild the once proud nation of United States, but this time in the framework it should have been constructed on. This ideology came from a man called "Lee". He was based in Florida and tried to rally support for his ideology. Many Southerns took to it, allowing him to gather manpower quickly.

The March on Tallahassee took place after the Neo-Confederate was the strongest faction in Florida. It took over the Kingdom of Miami, ruled by King Franc. After the Confederacy took over Tallahassee, the rest of Florida was theirs, as it was loosely controlled by previous owners. Upon using old ideologies, the faction latered declared themselves to be the Neo-Confederate of America, using a blend of the Confederate and Florida flags as their own.

"Lee" was the first president, but died before the annexation of Georgia. The newly elected president, Andrew Griffith followed in the forefather's footsteps, continuing the annexation. Georgia was compromised of several mountainous tribes, which took a few years to completely annex. These tribes banded together to find their singular opponent. Yet, the Neo-Confederacy was more advanced and organized, allowing them to eradicate the Georgian residents. Settlers shortly moved out of Florida and into Georgia to establish colonies. A railroad system was inputted, called the Lee Rail Road, after the first president.

Now, the Neo-Confedarcy has high hopes in rebuilding it's centuries old former glory. It also has several slave uprises in the habitable regions of Northern Georgia, greatly affecting it's agricultural production.

Florida tends to be more civilized than Georgia, due to the fact that Georgia is the outskirts of the Neo-Confederacy territory. Georgia is predominately made up of "hillbillys" and farmers. Those in Florida are plantation/slave owners or government/military officials.

Military Numbers:
47,000 Active-duty
23,000 Reserved
10,000 Slaves

Military Units
In the dawn of the Neo-Confederacy, it's armies were made of volunteers that came from their farms to take up arms against the Kingdom of Miami. These volunteers had a choice at the end of the war, either go back to their homes and farm or stay on to build a true military. "Lee" managed to coax many farmers into staying, with promises of land in the north. After several years, "Lee" managed to fashion a military similar to that of the Old Confederate.

During the Annexation of Georgia, The new President, Andrew Griffith, tricked slaves to fight for their freedom, using them mainly as a front-line. Allowing them to be wiped out so that his professional armies can seek out the Georgian tribes. This practice is still in use today.
<Snipped quote by Trigani>

Alrighty I guess. Just be careful with your writing and you're all set ^^

I'll just edit it before I toss it in the Characters.
Looks good, can I ask what is the slave population though? Evols don't have enough numbers to rival the slave population of the actual CSA.

I didn't mean they were the primary slave race, I should have worded that differently. I just used it to describe the negativity towards Evols. But! The slave population would probably be million-half?

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