Avatar of Twystyd88


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current Finally made some progress on a story I've been tossing about in my head for awhile. It may never get done, but who knows. I haven't deleted it yet, so that's a good start! Lol.
2 mos ago
Hard to want to keep doing what I love when I'm taken advantage of for being too nice... Sigh.
1 like
4 mos ago
Apologies to my writing partners. I've had a mental breakdown and still on the mend. I'll reply to everyone asap!
6 mos ago
For those who have messaged me to try and get an RP going. I'm so dang sorry but my phone hasn't sent me notifications and to top it off I've been sickly due to stress. :(
2 yrs ago
Somedays I think I have it figured it out and it'll be okay. The next? Getting slammed in the face with reality and back at square one.


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Most Recent Posts

To start, I've been out of the writing game for some time now.
A lot of personal real life stuff happened and I had to take a step back from a lot of things to focus back on my mental health and get back to being a better me for my family. So, writing/roleplaying was one thing I ghosted for the past few months. But, I am getting better, and the creativity is once more sneaking back in and I would love nothing more than to roleplay again!

I don't want to flood this page with a mile long list of requirements and expectations, so I will do my best to keep it simple and brief-

-I only play main female characters, and would prefer my partner can do the male role. I am totally fine writing other genders of characters as NPCs or minor characters if need be
-While romance is totally fine in our story, I want to elaborate more on this subject. 1. If romance is involved, it will be straight couples only (malexfemale) 2. I prefer story over smut, and as such I will only write fade to black scenes involving smut. I'm much more comfortable that way and honestly do not trust my writing skills to make for a very, entertaining scene so to speak and 3. If we do romance, it will only be because our characters have that spark between. I will not force it if it doesn't feel natural.
-In conjunction with the above statements, I will no tallow for weird fetish type things into my stories if romance/smut does come into play. Sorry if that's what you're looking for, but it will not be found here
-I try to push out at least 2 paragraphs per reply, more if I am feeling inspired and things are going well. I know some scenarios may only call for a paragraph reply, but I am expecting some effort and help in moving the story along. This is what PMs are for, if we feel stuck or need to know a direction to go, lets talk it out!
-On note of effort. I know my spelling and grammar isn't always the best, but I try to be sure there is few mistakes. I would like the same from my writing partner as well.
-Lastly, because I know this can be a turn off for some. I prefer genres in the modern, fantasy, medieval ranges. Maybe a little mix of this and that, but to give my best I like to write in the areas I am more comfortable doing so.

I feel that covers most of the basics, if you have more questions or want to throw some ideas at me and maybe we can write together, feel free. Also! I do have some pre-made characters (check link below) I've had sitting about for some time, and will add more to down the road. I'd like to do something with them if possible but I am more than flexible and can make new characters for whatever we decide to do. Thanks for reading!

Been awhile since I have been active here. Life and all that good stuff you know. Anyways! I wanted to take some time out and post once again in search of some partners.

I want to preface this search with a few things....
1. I'm a mom/wife IRL and that life comes first, so my posts are hectic. I can reply at least once a week, maybe twice if some extra time allows for it
2. I will RP as main female characters, but I am okay with adding in other side characters to help story build or move the story along in other genders. With this, I prefer my partner to play males as a main character (especially if romance is possibly planned to happen)
3. While I'm fine with romance happening in my stories, I do not want that to be the main plot and lead into writing nothing but smut, which I will also add that I do not write smut. Maybe some hot and heavy make-out scenes, but if it goes further I will do fade-to-black.
4. I don't expect perfection in anyone's writing, I know I am far from it, but I do ask for some effort. Please take some extra time to look over your work and correct any mistakes. As long as it is legible and it doesn't take me forever to decipher what point you are trying to get across, then I think we can make it work.
5. Lastly, I want to add that I prefer multi-paragraph replies. I know there are some scenarios where one well written paragraph is all that is needed, but I would prefer to keep it to at least 2 minimum. I try not to write long walls of text, but I know I can get carried away.

Anyways, I think that covers some of the basics of what I am looking for! If you have any interest or questions, feel free to PM me and we can discuss ideas. I have one idea posted below, and I have a few characters listed on the link included. I'm open to playing with any of these characters, or making a new one for other story ideas. Thanks again for stopping by <3


Idea 1-
For centuries, the Elissar family had been hunting vampires, ridding the world of their evil, disrupting covens and chasing them back into the shadows. Decades passed and the Elissar family seemed they could take comfort that few threats remained. Little did they know that the few remaining members of the Drago Coven had kept hidden, growing stronger as they planned the demise of the Elissar's, hell bent to end the blood line once and for all.
Warnings and threats kept arriving, each one more frequent and more aggressive as the early fall months went on. Lady Elissar, fearful for her newborn child, had secured passage and safety for her daughter, adopting her out to a young couple that had served the Elissar's the past few years. They left with the child, money enough to start a life far from the manor, with new names and no ties connected to the family.
And, late one night, in a frigid blizzard, the Drago's had come and eliminated the Elissar's, as far as they knew. And so, the last remaining of the blood line grew up with a normal life, attended school and graduated and went on to become an art teacher herself. But, the happy life did not last when she returned home late one night from a cram session with friends, finding her parents dead, a threatening letter with a peculiar symbol embossed on the paper. The news and media called it a random act of violence in the otherwise quiet and carefree town, but the young woman had a sinking feeling it was far more then that.

-I have loads of ideas for this, and would love to discuss more on this matter because I'm in a mood for some good vampire stories!-
Amelia ignored the others, giving it nothing more than a shake of her head as they called out to her. She had heard so many lines over the years, and even more amazed when people fell for them. Feeling a knot form in her stomach, she swallowed hard to fight off the sick feeling she was getting. Not from her current health, just the flood of memories that hit her for a moment.

She followed in silence with Malkus to the stables, glad they would be riding, and that she knew how to do. At least one thing she wouldn't make a fool of herself with. When asked how much money she had left, she calculated the numbers in her head real quick. "I've got about 70 left I can put towards a horse. I don't have or need much, I figured we could hunt on the road if we needed, and I still have a few rations myself from when I got here."

Just wanted to put this out here. Finally edited some of this and have a few pre-made characters and ideas here. Let me know if you want to work with any of them

Okay, I don't have a very good post here. I admit. But, please stick with me!

I love RPing, but I admit I am not entirely consistent or active. I'm lucky if I can post once or twice a week, more if I am able to, but for the most part I am trying to stick to the once or twice a week so I am not mentally draining myself. But, with that out of the way, I hope someone is still cool with trying to make a story with me!

I have a few ideas tossed about, but I am always open to hear more! I do have some, guidelines, I guess you could say, that I would like to be known now before anyone messages me.

First and foremost, I am a female IRL, and my main characters are as well. If romance or relationships do happen I will only do so if the other character is a male. I am not saying my other writing partner specifically has to be, but if you write a male character and are comfortable with that, then there we go. And on the topic of romance, when it comes to those scenes, I would rather go fade to black. I have nothing against writing them out, but I just don't think I am good at them. So, to skip over embarrassing myself, I just fade to black. I don't do no weird kink or bdsm stuff (again, no judgement or hate on the subject, just not for me).

Moving on! I would like my writing partner to be able to write complete and comprehensible sentences. I am not perfect by any means, but please do not write me a miniature novel I need to spend hours deciphering what you meant. Mistakes happen, but if it doesn't take away entirely from what you are trying to get across I am okay with that. So just do a once over on you work before sending it to me and I will do my best to do the same! Also, on the topic of writing, I like to try and post at least multi-paragraph posts, two at the least just to make sure we keep the story moving along. I know dialogue scenes can get monotonous and sometimes they only call for a few lines in a reply. but try to write a bit and help keep the story moving if you can.

And the last major bit here... Setting. I've mostly been doing modern-ish settings, sometimes with a dash of supernatural elements mixed in to keep things spicy as they say. I am also down for fantasy and medieval type settings (think lord of the rings because yes I am lame like that but that is my home :p ) I love anything with vampires, witches/warlocks or anything else along those lines. Not too big a fan of sci-fi so don't ask, I will decline. Apocalyptic or even post-apoc I will also probably decline on just because I am not good in those settings. Same with just about anything else except what I already mentioned. So just keep that in mind.

Hmmm.... oh! Last bit. When I do write, it is in the form of "She sees etc.... She hears..." So, third person yes? I am just much more comfortable writing in this fashion and hope you understand! But, I do believe that covers a good majority of what I expect and what I will do my best to give in return. I am still working on the site for my pre-made characters, but I do have some in mind I am happy to work with and mold into whatever story we come up with, or I can make up a new one entirely if needed.

I do hope to hear from a few of you so we can write together! Please feel free to DM because I will get that notification quicker than if you comment here. Thank you for reading if you did stick around.
As she readied herself once more, she heard Malkus speaking. There was a comfort in him not joining the others in making fun of her or even holding back laughter. It hurt less, she supposed, being so frustrated with herself. But she had to forgive herself, even a little, right? With how long she had been held captive and used for nothing more than person pleasures, she had forgotten what she was capable of.

Amelia nodded slowly, closing her eyes for a moment and focusing on the bow and arrow in her hands. She shifted her feet, feeling the ground beneath her to steady her stance. After a moment, she let loose once more and watched the arrow fly through the air again. This time it didn't skid to the ground, but found purchase in the target. Was it a bullseye? Far from it, but she had hit it this time and it felt like a big improvement. She only let the satisfaction of hitting it take over for a few seconds before another arrow was slotted and aimed.

Once again, she focused ahead of her at the target and let the next few arrows fly. None were perfect hits by any means, but she at least accomplished in hitting the target. After several arrows were poking out, she let her arms fall to her side with a small wince. Her muscles were not used to such repetitive motion, or use of them in general. She finally dared to look at Malkus and let out a long sigh. "I know I am probably not who you want to be stuck with on this trip, but I promise you won't need to worry over me. I- I can do this."
I know I just fricking feel bad when life just knocks me down and keeps me there. So beyond frustrating. But yes I will gladly post probably tomorrow since no working this weekend!
No need to apologize! As you can see I have been beyond absent. Computer crashed, work went crazy, and I have been trying to work on a lot of mental health for myself so. But the computer has been fixed now, so I suppose if you are still interested in continuing I can start writing again. Granted I may still be a bit few and far between because yay for trying to fix myself. But yeah let me know and I will gladly get to posting <3
Amelia was feeling a little uneasy, seeing such skill surrounding her. She used to be able to perform these acts without a second thought so long ago. But now? She only hoped she could even draw back the string on her bow to shoot at anything, let alone whoever they may fight against on their little rescue mission. Avoiding the gazes of the others, she turned to finding Malkus again. Though a stranger still to her, at least she would have one person she knew.

Thankfully he found her not too long after her arrival. She was beginning to think he left her to wander and look like an idiot. While she showed no outward excitement upon seeing him, she did feel a small splash of relief wash over. Taking the sword, she held it and stared, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Back home, she would have wielded one of these herself, and so did many others. Shaking thoughts of home from her head, she looked up to Malkus, then back out to the archers, then back again.

"Thank you, for the sword. I feel more comfortable with this in my hands," she said softly, taking it and sliding it to the belt. "But, I suppose I am far more out of practice with a bow than anything," she started, taking a few deep breaths before finding an unoccupied target to start at. "It has been far too long since I have shot anything," she added with a nervous laugh as she tried to knock the arrow with shaking hands.

She felt so nervous, and she could feel the hot tears threatening from frustration as she tried finding her position, lifting the bow and keeping the arrow in place. After some mumbled words, and feeling confident enough, she let loose the arrow and watched as it flew through the air, then dropped and skidded across the ground a few feet before coming to a stop just past the target.

Hearing a few snickers from onlookers, she looked to the ground and grit her teeth, shoulders visibly shaking at this point. "I-I'm sorry," she muttered, before hastily grabbing another arrow and trying again.
The young woman's eyes seemed to brighten a little at the sight of the bow Yurt produced. While she might not have the know how of making bows herself, she knew a well made one when she saw it. "That is quite the lovely bow," she said in admiration. "I'll take it and the breast plate," she replied, fishing out the coin for the payments of the goods. She would have to thank Bagai again when they met, and hopefully under better circumstances and perhaps reunion of his brother.

Paying for everything, Amelia tried on the breast plate she was given. It fit well enough to give her the protection she needed, it wasn't perfect but it would have to do. Surely getting some made to fit her would cost more than she had and take too long. Thankful, she gave Yurt another thanks for his help and left the shop. Tying down her quiver as she walked, she started to keep an eye out for where she needed to go to meet Malkus. It took a little bit to get her bearings of the city, but with the help of a stranger she was able to make her way to the arena.

Upon entering, she felt out of place. Those around her seemed much more seasoned and experienced, and here she was. This fragile looking thing, eyes wide with both wonder and fear. Despite the hardships she had endured all these years of slavery, there was one bright spot in the darkness and that was seeing the new places she might not have seen before. Like this stadium, for one. "Now, where would he be," she wondered quietly to herself as she began looking around in hopes to find Malkus.
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