Avatar of VampireOracle
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  • Posts: 355 (0.13 / day)
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    1. VampireOracle 8 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Int check! Check it out? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Wondering if it's worth putting up a 1x1 int check...
6 yrs ago
Been having some issues lately. Sorry for the lack of response.
7 yrs ago
I ate a piece of chocolate before exercising to motivate myself. Yeah. Trying to keep myself from eating another piece now.
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7 yrs ago
Hng that feeling when your post count is less than one a day...


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Sophia Lemane
While Brent looked around for a suitable table that they could eat at, Sophia concentrated on beginning to calm down or shut out the thoughts that were whirling about her head, and on distancing herself emotionally from the scene. But she didn't manage to suceed, for the unusual behavior of the students nearby who seemed to have fallen still made her look closely at the figure who had just entered the dining hall. Recognizing Director Zhang, her eyes followed the woman's path up the stairs with some apprehension.

The last time that Sophia had been in the same room as the director, things hadn't ended very plesantly, and even though Sophia knew that it hadn't directly been Zhang's fault, she couldn't help but associate the director with something unpleasant. Not to mention that even if the incident hadn't occured, the director's reputation was frightful enough. Still, she couldn't help but wonder why Director Zhang was here. In her imagination, the director worked in her room all day and never left it, ordering her food and drinks brought to her and only leaving to intimidate someone into following orders.

Though Brent didn't exactly say why he wanted to go up a floor or two, it was pretty obvious to her that he wanted to follow the director. Or actually, she didn't have to think of it as following. There were no signs to be seen that marked the upper floors as staff only or anything like that. The two of them would just be finding an empty place to sit... right? As an answer to Brent's offer, she shook her head before attempting to follow the action with a few words. "But thanks," she began in a minute whisper, before her voice faltered and disappeared, causing her last word to be simply mouthed. "anyway."

Carrying her plate and following Brent up one flight of stairs and then another, it was on the third floor that she spotted the director talking on the phone. Of course, it was towards her that Brent headed. Sophia really didn't want to get that close to the Zhang, not to mention that the director was sitting at a bar. Bars were for those that were above eighteen, not somewhere that a thirteen year old was supposed to be. Still, she followed and ending up placing her plate down beside Brent's as she too took a seat.

It didn't surprise Sophia that her companion ordered a drink, she had already guessed that he was eighteen or above. But him asking her if she wanted something to drink when she knew that he knew she was underage... Turning in her seat so she was facing him full on, she tilted her head slightly to the side and gave him a long look as she tried to figure out what he meant by that. Brent didn't seem like he was mocking her youth by asking that question, that would mean that he was serious about it, right? Did he not care about age regulations on alcohol? It wouldn't matter so much if she were seventeen or some older age, but she wasn't.

Pressing her lips together, she shook her head slowly once before speaking in a whisper. "No." Her dark gaze, slightly dull, revealed some of her feelings to anyone that would look into her eyes. Disappointment, and confusion.

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