Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@ThirdHourIII: Emotional tie is fine, accepted.

I'd like to avoid more 40+ students for now though, aside from if you're someone I trust to app a student council member(discuss with me first) or your bio has been looked over in PMs beforehand.
@HeroicSociopath: Yeah, accepted.
@ThirdHourIII: Yeah, edit that.

And... yeah. Sorry, bad past experiences. ^^;
@HeroicSociopath: After some talk with my co-GM, we think you should change the "sticky" ability to being the ability to magnetize himself to the metal in walls and mundane metal he's holding. It feels a bit more fitting.

@ThirdHourIII: IE Skills aren't tied strictly to the AE Device. I also admittedly am wary of people specifying IQ because that has tended to lead to people trying to say their character is more intelligent then everyone else in the RP ever but that might just be me. ^^;
Arturia Pendragon, Saber - Babylonia

The shimmering, cloaked shape of Saber's blade lowered as the skeletal commander came to pieces, his torso cleaved apart and allowing bone to scatter across the ground. He had been no foe of any real challenge, a magical construct meant to attack and kill the soldiers, but unprepared for a Servant. As she expected, the army routed very shortly afterwards. Even the Servant Lancelot was dueling pulled out into a full retreat. Around the shimmering, armored figure was a wide expanse of scattered bones and weaponry, a field of destroyed skeletal soldiers. The amount of skeletal constructs that the King of Knights had destroyed was incredible, and yet the army was far more vast. Still, an appreciable number of its forces had been annihilated, and the commander destroyed. This was an undeniable victory for the forces defending Babylonia.

Saber did not allow her frame to release any tension, however. She was still prepared for anything that could possibly follow such a vicious bout of combat. For the moment, though, she did believe combat was concluded. It was simply a matter of being certain, as it wasn't impossible for a sudden counterattack to occur.

Standing in a field of bones, the blonde-haired knight remained ready until she was completely certain there would be no further assault on the city.

Kobayakawa Yumi

Yumi was not one to be dissuaded by the lack of death at the conclusion of her Saber's duel.

"It doesn't matter if Lancelot didn't kill him, he forced him to retreat!" the small magus declared, folding her arms firmly, "That meant that he won, fair and square. There's no way that it can be called your Servant's victory when Lancelot forced the enemy to retreat! That's jut how it is!"

That makes a little more sense, but I want to talk with my co-GM about some things too.
@TheFake: Hmm... in that case it still seems as if Atsuko herself would treat it as a learning experience. But the other students might not see it that way.
@HeroicSociopath: Hmm... I don't think he'd be punished just for getting beaten up immediately. Really, Atsuko would likely feel anyone getting beaten extremely badly is a learning experience for them.

@ThirdHourIII: That's fine! I'll help however I can.
Chinatsu continued to quietly eat, eyes gazing out over the sprawling school grounds, and the glimmers of the somewhat distant city nearby... This school was under the rule of the one she was determined to defeat. And yet, no matter what that could mean for her, she would not give up on her goal. Indeed, she would never give up on her goal. At least, not until she had fulfilled it. For now, the twintailed girl remained seated, eating her lunch.

At least, until... this... huge guy sat next to her. He was enormous, and he had some kind of curry bread or something. The tiny girl eyed him for a few moments, a sideways glance. What was he doing? Why was he there? Chinatsu didn't know. Why did he have to sit almost on top of her like that? What was with that? She shifted uncomfortably, giving the huge guy that same, rather intense, sideways glare. What did she do to deserve some guy who looked like he ate whole cows almost sitting directly on top of her? This was far too mundane to be some kind of challenge, but it still felt... felt... it felt annoying, that's how it felt!

After a few moments of discomfort and irritation, Chinatsu nearly about to complain, he suddenly offered a bit of... advice? Revenge? She narrowed her eyes. What, did he claim that he knew her or something? How could he? She'd certainly never spoken to him before. She'd never have spoken to some enormous guy with no concern for personal space.

"... What are you doing?" she asked, finally, placing her bento aside. "If you really have to sit up here, you have the entire roof. Is the meaning of 'personal space' somehow foreign to you?"

@JohnSolaris: Physical transformations beyond something like body-hardening are out of the realm of what an IE Skill is meant to be.

@CaptainCaptcha: Accepted.

@Raineh Daze: Accepted.

@Pandapaw23: Making superspeed notable in an RP like this is really hard to work properly without being overpowered, unfortunately. ^^; I'll try and help with any replacement power you might want.
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