Avatar of YoshiSkittlez
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: YoshiSkittlez
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2607 (0.69 / day)
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    1. YoshiSkittlez 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
You are the puzzle that I will never be able to solve and somehow, that's okay.
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7 yrs ago
I'm sorry... I can't keep going like this. I need solidity. Figure out what you want and why... and then talk to me. I will always love you. And yes. even she knows that.
7 yrs ago
I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'll never understand or forgive myself. And if I die, so help me, I'll laugh at myself for being an idiot. There's one thing I do know and that is that I love you.
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7 yrs ago
Kind of just came out to my family and Facebook that I'm getting a sex change... so yeah... dealing with that. Be back soon.
8 yrs ago
You are my heart. You are my Once upon a time.


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See. You say that, but then I got inspired for a Lost One as well and frantically wrote this up. I'm not saying it's as long or detailed as Giovanni, but I felt whimsical and wrote while I had the muse.

What a very unique character! It got me laughing a few times haha.

Between you and me, Yoshi, just as a secret, shhhhh...!...I think it's fine if the Lost Ones outnumber the wolves, since that's what the setting info seems to say as well. The Wolves have a lot going for them in their willingness to kill, break the law, and generally be jerk-faces, that makes it quite hard for the Lost Ones to compete without a numeric advantage in my eyes. That's just my two cents though, and from a GMing standpoint I understand wanting more of a balance for the sake of ease of storytelling.

You make a really good point here - one I'm not sure Blitz or I have thought about or discussed. That being said, I was hesitant on accepting your character merely on a balance level. But now that you've brought this up, I think it's definitely changed my mind. I'll wait for Blitz for conformation, though.

@sly13 The image was not working for me, either. But on the character as a whole, I'm really happy to see your interest in the Wolves, however as I was reading about him, I couldn't help but to notice quite a few similarities between him and my character, Deon. While yes, Boxing and cage fighting is different, their passion and what drives them seem to be very similar, so I'm a little hesitant to accept. I'll await what Blitz has to say on the matter.
Yo wassup girl? Your dork in tin foil is here!

Edit: I'm going to go ahead and hold off on my Lost Ones character until we get a few more Wolves into play.
@Fading Memory Oh boy, Deon is gonna have some pissing matches with this guy! Lol! Accepted!

@Boneington I have to agree with Blitz on this one. At first I was really, really confused but yeah, can't accept characters like that here. Sorry mate.

Anyway, I'm hopping on over to the OOC page. If ya'll wanna follow, that would be just lovely :) Blitz is posting the accepted characters on the characters page. What a lovely girl :)
@Blitz Lets think about getting this moved over this weekend :) Looks like we have plenty of interest to get this started in the next few days!
Hey guys! So happy to see so much more interest in this! Awesome! Right now, I say just make up a CS for a character you're wanting to use, either gang is fine (I think we might be only behind 1 right now to the Lost Ones) and if you really want, you can always make one for each or a brother/sister/sibling duo for one or... you know... variety :)
@sly13 Of course!

@Sierra Okay no worries :)
@Sierra Sounds good. And if you want any help, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'm pretty good with character building and would be more than happy to make a few suggestions if you would like. You can PM me or ping me on Discord. YoshiSkittlez #8403
@Kingfisher She's great! I love the angle you took with this character, as you don't see overweight characters on here very often! You've got my approval. @Blitz, ball's in your court baby.
Have a happy Easter weekend everyone! It's also my birthday weekend so double hype! Lol. Once the weekend is over we will probably also start on a OOC thread and get this show rolling soon.
@Afro SamuraiI like him! He's accepted by me but we will have to see what @Blitz says :)
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