Avatar of Zadubadabu
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  • Posts: 301 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Zadubadabu 9 yrs ago


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Current Time to nep things up a bit
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For the Emperor!
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Happy Birthday to me.
9 yrs ago
All hail the Great Devourer
9 yrs ago
The moon will rise. The night shall last forever!


"This is necessary. They leave me no choice. They would not listen. I tell only the truth. They called me a heretic, now they are dead. Blind to the truth, ignorant thralls. I cannot turn back. I will be heard. My eyes are open, they could not break me. No more lies, follow no false light. A new moon is rising. Dusk approaches. Embrace the night. Bring down the sun. The moon also rises, chosen of the moon. Twilight fades: nightfall. Night approaches: dusk. The moon will rise. The night will last forever." - Diana, Scorn of the Moon No Mercy for the Guilty. All hail the Ancient Lost Kingdom of Zadubadabu.

Most Recent Posts

The current problem is that Me, Duck, and Wilson are the only ones really posting, and I already posted, Wilson is doing other things, and Duck is busy with whatever he's doing.
Iscandar, Immortal Stronghold

The Nightmare Emperor listened to the story, the illusion magic involved was quite potent, even if it was so obviously an illusion, and easy to see past had he been trying to do so. Still, the story was quite interesting, and the theory behind the Iscandarian magic was sound.

"That is indeed quite the story. I wish our coming across of magic had been as easy as yours. We gained our magic through chaos. Over time we learned to control it and brought order and as you say harmony out of it. As a result the corrupting powers of chaos and dark magics is somewhat lessened on my people, though some would say that's a bad thing seeing how the reason for it is that our senses are simply dulled to it. But regardless, the fact remains that we have become excellent at finding and containing chaos. Perhaps this could lead to some form of agreement between our people. Through the differences in magic we can do what you cannot, and yet we both seek to end corruption and disharmony. Us through containing what we unleashed, and you through spreading your power. It's an interesting idea to think about at least.

"On another note, I congratulate you on the illusion. I'm something of a specialist in the art seeing as it is my main method of combatting threats to my people. You'd be amazed how many battles can be completely averted through the right amount of nightmares brought to life in one's mind. The tactic is what earned me my name. Now, as much as I'd love to stay and talk about magic, I believe we have more pressing matters. I would like to extend an offer of peace and non-aggression with you. Eventually it may turn to an alliance of sorts, but for now a first step is enough to set us on the path. Now, what do you say?"

Hostel System, UNRE Noble Jury

Upon receiving the transmission from the Hocklyns, it was decided that the lead cruiser of the Searonese fleet, the Noble Jury would be used as the diplomatic ship with two more destroyers sent from the Roa'marii Fleet. General Escal would be the lead negotiator from the Roa'marii with Top Spear Ror'kae representing the Searonese. Each would be taking two of their own guard to meet in person with the Hocklyn commander. By the time the three hours allotted time was up, all six Roa'marii to meet with the Hocklyns were aboard the Noble Jury and the ship along with its two escorts went forwards to follow the Hocklyns. At the same time, General Escal sent a transmission to the Hocklyn fleet.

"We are prepared to meet with you. Send us the coordinates to the location you wish to meet and we shall follow you there. We will follow those rules which you have set out for us, as well as any others you make us aware of. I trust that in the end of these negotiations we will be able to agree on a compromise that releases Pes'tifero into my custody to be dealt with according to Roa'marii law. The Nightmare Emperor will judge her himself and deal her punishment. Now, please lead the way."

Meanwhile, aboard Pes'tifero's ship the UNRE Spear of Searo, Pes'tifero herself stood on her bridge, the Hocklyn breeder standing across from her. His presence on her ship only served to enrage her more. Yet there was nothing she could do. She had seen the mines attached to her ship's hull herself and she knew the Hocklyns would not hesitate to set them off should anything happen to their representative. They wanted her to tell them about the systems and defenses of her ship so they could combat anything sent against them be the Roa'marii. Reluctantly she had to agree that there was some logic in telling them these things. So she got one of her Daughters to divulge the information.

"Roa'marii ships are run off of Mana, typically this is harvested through the natural reserves of the crew themselves and stored in large mana batteries that massively amplify the output. This energy is used for most systems on the ships and generators aboard it can replicate more once they have enough to run. Even if they were to completely lose all stored power, they can restore power to self replicating levels after around an hour of drain on the crew, depending on the ship size, number of Roa'marii onboard, and level of power of those on board. With a General aboard that ship there is almost no chance of out matching them in a battle of endurance without a similarly massive power source. Their weapons generally use this mana as well, performing much like plasma.

"On the ground, Roa'marii soldiers use as their primary weapons Mana Rifles which once again draw on the natural mana in each soldier. This prevents scavenging of the weapons from the battlefield. In addition many carry mono-molecular edged swords. As for the Searonese, as you can see we are one with our armored suits. They are attached to our bodies. We also run off mana, our hearts replaced with mana cores once we finish our training and bring back our first bounty. These amplify our suits tremendously and allow for complete synchronization. We move as fluidly in our suits as if we were wearing nothing. One on one no normal Roa'marii can stand up to a Searonese Warrior, but their numbers and mastery over magic led to our defeat. Is there anything else you need to know about the Roa'marii or ourselves?"
Sorry I haven't been able to post, I had a whole bunch of essays for school sneak up on me and the last thing I wanted to do was keep writing, but now that that's over I should be able to write up my next post sometime today.
@Fields of Glass
Not a problem whatsoever. The highlights can get hard to read at times, and that's the reason we ask they be used scarcely if at all. As I said, I like the idea of your nation and from what I've read of it I don't see anything wrong with it. Duck has final say, but I doubt he'll have any problems with it either.
@Fields of Glass
While I'm not the one in charge of accepting apps, your nation is interesting and I'd love to see them in action. That said, you should stop using the multi-colored font. I have trouble reading the Dark Blue and Purple, and Duck's had problems with reds in the past. It's fine occasionally, but please use colors sparingly.
Iscandar, Immortal Stronghold

"It is quite alright. Your comrade is right to be wary of us. Immortal Aaliyah was it? I'll admit, even for diplomatic missions we usually send an over abundance of firepower. I suppose the practice developed as a result of our past issues. We were once a people bred and trained for the sole purpose of warfare and genocide. It was admittedly my fault completely that we fell so far. I was unable to control the power I seized. Effectively, I stole my power and subsequently my immortality from another Roa'marii god. It was my intention to lead my people out of effective slavery to our conqueror. I was successful, but at the cost of my sanity. Once you've committed mass genocide on a large portion of the Galaxy, many of the species you encounter lash out upon seeing us.

"As to my generals being my highest political figures besides myself, it has a good amount to do with that same past. I gave them their power and immortality so they could command my armies in our war for independence. Over our long period of genocide, they held all authority under myself. Now they retain these roles although we do not wish for war. We spent our time murdering the innocent, and we do not wish to repeat such a past. Our armies have turned to defense now and while we will fight with all of our strength to defend our borders and those of our allies, we will not actively seek conquest."

Turning now to David, the Nightmare Emperor finished off his speech about the Roa'marii by changing the subject somewhat.

"To finish on the point that you brought up, Immortal David, we have gained a great degree of our magical control from the aftermath of these times. While we had always had some magical potential, it was the result of my experiments and search for power that corrupted our entire race. At the time, our magic was far more powerful than even now due to this, but it tore through our minds and corrupted. When I finally regained a measure of sanity and realized this I took it upon myself to purge this and foster a far greater degree of control and restraint than I had previously. The level of power I now possess is but a shadow of my former ability, as is the way with all of my Roa'marii. All five of my generals used to be on the level I'm at now, but I purged them along with all my subjects. The loss of power was a small price to pay for freeing my people from the corruption I caused. This is why I'm equally interested in your people. While I know not your history, I doubt you achieved your magic power through dark rituals and corruption. This is why I'd be honored to learn more of your ways and the past that formed them."

Hostel System, UNRE Noble Jury

Ror'kae thought on the words of the Hocklyns before preparing her response. They obviously didn't trust her, and she couldn't blame them for that. She wouldn't trust herself either were she in their position. But of course, a measure of delicacy was needed in these negotiations. Something she was not good at and likely never will be, even if she was arguably the most level headed of the Searonese. No, she would take the Hocklyns up on their offer to accept a Roa'marii diplomat.

"I suppose I shall have to accept those terms. Personally I'd just be happy with Pes'tifero's execution, but those higher than me have other plans for her. Very well, I shall call for a diplomat of the Roa'marii to come here. In the meantime we will wait here. Now, if you'll excuse me I have business to attend to."

With her message sent, another encoded one was sent back to Arcadia asking for a small diplomatic team to be sent. With luck, they would arrive in system after an hour or so. After such a wait, they did indeed arrive. With a flash, a small group of Roa'marii ships exited FTL and quickly joined the Searonese ships. Then a message was sent out from one of the new ships.

"I am General Ble'reu Escal of the United New Roa'marii Empire. I received word from Top Spear Ror'kae that an additional Roa'marii diplomat was needed in negotiations for the release into our custody of Searonese Queen Pes'tifero. I shall be that diplomat for the sake of these proceedings."
Glad to be of service.

//Sorry for the long post, just trying to clear up some things and not start an argument or anything.//
Hostel System, UNRE Noble Jury

Ror'kae listened to the transmission from the Hocklyns with an amused expression. So they were indeed a Slaver Empire. Well then, this would certainly turn out interesting. But first, the issue of a perceived aggressive approach needed to be dealt with. Orders were sent to stop the fleet's progress. If these Hocklyns wanted to be paranoid and believe that they were under attack then so be it. As for the Searonese/Roa'marii fleet, they would wait. If the Hocklyns wanted to play dirty then Ror'kae was happy to oblige. As such, a response was sent once the fleet had slowed to the pace of the Hocklyn ships, keeping outside of their extreme weapons range.

"It was not my intention to make demands, nor was I approaching aggressively as you say. But if it came across as such then that is too bad. I will slow my fleet as requested, but know that an attempt to capture us will not go well for you. You claim to have anti-FTL beacons in the system. I shall accept that, but know that any action against me will be recorded and responded to in force by the United New Roa'marii Empire once they inevitably receive word. As for the ship you currently hold, you can keep it. We have no use for that piece of junk. The ship is outdated as it is and was stolen before it was fully built. All we want is the Queen, do as you wish to the remaining crew. I doubt they will serve as good slaves, but I don't know the effectiveness of your empire's techniques. As I said, any meeting you wish to have can be done with a real ambassador in the system of Silvadel whose coordinates were sent previously.

"If it is your wish to enslave the Searonese people, myself included, then I must inform you that the last xenos empire to try that is currently extinct. Additionally, such an act will only fuel the fires of the Roa'marii Empire. It's been some time since a war between Empires of that size, and the last one ended in complete and total annihilation of those who fought the Nightmare Emperor's armies. I'm sure the Beast of the Moon would be happy to fight again. Now, will you negotiate as I have been trying to, or will you continue to threaten me and my people? The choice is yours."

Once the transmission was sent, another, encoded in mana for instant transmission was sent straight to Arcadia, the Mana-Link arrays located there focused and prepared to fire a shot should the need arise. Additionally, a Firing Portal was prepared among the Roa'marii ships, but not opened. Should the Hocklyns respond in force, they'd receive a nasty surprise from Arcadia. Of course, there was no way the Hocklyns could know this. Without an innate magical ability, they would never even be able to tell how much power was being prepared against them.

Meanwhile, on the Orbital Docks, Queen Pes'tifero was having a hard time refraining from attempting to decapitate the Hocklyns before her. Were it not for the fact that they held all the cards, and she had no chance of escaping the station, she would've had all of them thrown into the arena with no weapons or armor, probably naked too, against the biggest and hungriest monster she could find. Of course, that would require still having the arena, something her other source of anger had taken away from her. Said source likely talking to the Hocklyns as she sat there waiting for their judgement. But for now, she would remain quiet, biding her time. Should she get the slightest hint that she was to be sold off to the traitor in chains, heads would roll. But first she would try for her revenge against her former Top Spear.
Iscandar, Immortal Stronghold

"As have I. I am The Roa'marii Nightmare Emperor Nox Shade. It has been a long time since I've personally made contact with a race that didn't have the Roa'marii base species. Even longer since I've met one with such high magical potential like our own. I must apologize for bringing more ships than I was allowed, I regrettable forgot to inform General Sta'falia Silvad whom you see to my left about the limitations on her fleet to meet us here. If you wish, orders can be sent to call them back to Roa'marii space. But first I should allow my guards to introduce themselves."

The first to step forwards was General Peltis, standing directly left of the Nightmare Emperor. "I am Roa'marii Immortal General Rhe'deri Peltis, I will be acting as a diplomat for the purposes of this meeting. I am commander of the Roa'marii 69th Ambassador Legion, and generally the diplomat of the Immortal Generals."

Next was General Kaisur, to the right of the Emperor. "I am Immortal General Jer'rahd Kaisur. I lead the Elite 42nd Legion, Night's End. We are the ones called in to wage war, and while an all out war has been avoided for a long time, we are always prepared to fight."

General Silvad stepped up next. "I am Immortal General Sta'falia Silvad of the 93rd Airborne Legion. I lead the Valkyrie into battle for the skies. Behind us are two of my top fliers, Cyc'lonis and Typ'nola. Both are extremely capable and hail from Cirra, among the oldest of the United Empire member nations."

With the introductions out of the way, the Emperor spoke again. "Now that everyone has been introduced, we can move on to more pressing matters. I suppose I should ask now, with all of the precautions you've taken and the heavy defense of this Stronghold, why did you risk inviting me to meet with you in person in your home? I would have done the same, but it seems to me that this Stronghold of yours is far more secluded than my own Moonlight Castle."

Hostel System, Orbital Docks

At the mention of Ror'kae, Queen Pes'tifero visibly broke. Her anger boiled through and it was only through all of her patience as well as the efforts of both her warriors that she kept herself from rushing out of the room back to her ship, not caring who got in her way. After a time she managed to calm down enough to speak rationally. Even still, the first words out of her mouth were:

"Kill that traitor. I want her dead. The fall of Searo was her fault. No, better yet, capture her alive. I want to see her face while I gut her and rip out her mana core. See her pain as I tear out her implants one by one. Let me board her ship personally so she knows how doomed she is. I will reclaim Searo, and I'll start by eliminating the traitorous bitch that burned it down in the first place."

As the other two Searonese Warriors tried to calm the Queen down, the fleet in orbit responded to the message sent to it.

"As previously stated, I am Top Spear Ror'kae of the Searonese. I am the true leader of Searo and have led it to join with the United New Roa'marii Empire. I was formerly the heir to Searo under Queen Pes'tifero who you currently hold on that station. She planned to recall all of the Searonese Bounty Hunters to Searo in order to wage a war against the Roa'marii Empire. Such a war would have inevitably ended in disaster for all of Searo, and as such I led another group against this. When the Roa'marii received word of this, they responded in force and Queen Pes'tifero got the war she wanted. In the process, I joined up with the Roa'marii and led a precision strike on Searo Hold, ending the war before it caused the complete destruction of my people and forcing Pes'tifero to run. We have been tracking her for a long time now and have finally caught up with her. We are asking that you simply release her to us and we will be on our way back to Roa'marii space. If you wish to make further contact with the Roa'marii, I can provide coordinates to a planet on the edge of Roa'marii space where you may meet with an ambassador from the Roa'marii Empire."
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