Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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Jason Connor

The quiet was certainly no fun to the young man, but as they walked, it was nothing new, as he'd spent a lot of time alone back in the Hoenn region as well, since he had a penchant for exploring not many people shared. Pokemon in the wild were dangerous and, admittedly, unpredictable, but Jason had always been smart and careful about it. However, that had proven to not be enough here in the Evig region on more than one occasion, as he didn't know it or the Pokemon that called it home anywhere near as well as he did Hoenn. Need to take some time and rectify that issue soon, preferably before I have another Scyther trying to make me a Headless Horseman...

Silence continued to reign for awhile longer, and, just as Jason was about to ask how far they had gone, Helga spoke first, inquiring after his story. Jason admittedly hesitated to answer right away, not sure how she'd respond to the truth and, briefly, considered lying to her. Then he looked at her biceps again and was reminded that she would probably suplex him to Arceus if he did, and so decided on the truth. "I was vetted for by the current Evig champion, along with a few others. The professor gave us our starters, we got a little speech and out we headed. I'm from the Hoenn region and, admittedly, am here largely because I missed the window for Hoenn's league. But I also get to see my parents more often up here, so there is a couple of pluses. That said, I've only been an actual trainer for a couple of days. Actually, nearly got my head taken off by a Scyther my first time here in the Deep woods..."
Jason Connor

And you can go jump off a fucking cliff for that attitude... Still, as Jason followed Helga and her Houndstone out of the cottage, he kept his frustrations to himself. He had hoped that they'd at least work together and cooperatively until they got to where the Ekans were, but it seemed that was not to be the case, which he could handle. His team was strong and, he hoped, fairly well balanced with all things considered. He waved at the Pumpkaboos as they walked out of the clearing and as they neared the trees again, let Slayer out of his ball, the Ralts sticking close to his trainer and eyeing the Houndstone with an equal mix of caution and curiosity. Jason himself had never seen one before, understood they were native to the Paldea region. He added it to the list of places he needed to visit when he was done here in the Evig reason and he'd either become the champion or given it his damnedest to become it.
Jason Connor

While he didn't appreciate being called a greenhorn, Jason liked to think he knew his way around most Pokemon, he didn't open his mouth to correct her as she continued. Seeing her relax back though gave the aspiring champion a slight breath of relief however, because it meant he wasn't about to get suplexed straight to god, same day shipping. However, when she mentioned Ekans, Jason paused a moment as he tried to think if he was familiar with that particular Pokemon and, after wracking his brain for a solid thirty seconds, he realized he wasn't. However, as she said, he couldn't afford to say no. He did take a moment to pull out his Pokedex and search up the apparently serpent Pokemon, he frowned. So it's normally purple and yellow, which in a cave meant it would stick out, but they don't because of their moss...fucking hell, that's gonna make this more dangerous...but I can't really afford to not take this offer... Mentally sighing, Jason stored his Pokedex and looked at Helga. "I'll do it. If the cost to find the shrine is some moss on a snake Pokemon, I'll pay it."
Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting-Briefing
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

The sergeant let them all have their piece before sighing. The girl had to quip about the apology, but he held his ground. "Right then, so Mister Kiba, Miss Adelynn and a Mister...Actually, I think you were the only one to not provide a name here." Monreu's gaze remained even. "You can give it before we leave, but I'll continue with the briefing. As I previously stated, we confirmed the mystery monster isn't the lightning beast that fucked up the rest of the garrison. But we don't know if it has a relation of some kind; be that as prey, predator, or rival and that makes the Garrison Commander nervous. I was convinced it would make your guild master nervous too when he called her to discuss the matter with her, but he said she only replied that her mages looked forward to the challenge, so...yeah. I'll be two miles out watching for the tell tale signs of our lightning using friend and, should I see the fucker, trying to buy you time. So we can stay in communication, you'll need these." He offers Mark, Kiba and Adelynn each a small bead shaped device. "VOX units, allows us to instantly talk."

Road to the Outpost
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@hatakekuro@Sanguine Rose

It was an hour into the trip when the Corporal called a halt, drawing his rifle from its holster and raising it slightly. "Did anyone else hear that?" One of the other guardsmen looked at him weird.

"The hell are you on about, Corporal? I didn't hear any-Oh..." The others all drew rifles and aimed four different ways into the trees, their horses nervous, but clearly used to fighting like could potentially be happening. As Nolan and Ria all listen to the sounds around them, they realize that there were none and they weren't sure when the sounds of the forest stopped. Their primal instincts screamed at them danger, but as of yet, no one could see anything. The Corporal was nervous and kept shifting his aim.

"Has to be Asterins. Vulcans don't usually cause this kind of reaction and the big lightning fucker would have already attacked."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guild Hall
@Cello@samreaper@twave@Joshua Tamashii

The ways in which Ariel changed were...unexpected and Jenna observed it even as Akemi came up with the job and asked about whether or not she could go on it. As the girl looked at Jenna for answers, the Wolf Takeover mage couldn't help but chuckle. "It would seem that my magic has imparted loyalty back to you, as wolves live, travel, hunt and die in packs that they remain loyal to at all cost." She then shifted over Akemi and the job, though as she took it to read over, she noted that Amelia had joined the group and listened to D'angelo's offer after Ky asked, though really begged, to go as well. After musing everything over, she nodded. "I will permit all interested parties their requests, so long as there are check-ins on job start every hour. While I can't see this getting too crazy...we are mages."

Jason Connor

Jason knew the look on her face, the smile that wanted him to make some elaborate promise and fail to deliver. He'd seen in on the face of the bullies he used to beat the crap out of when they were faking giving the kids they picked on a false hope. However, this wasn't going to go the way those schoolyard fights had, because he was pretty sure he'd be in a headlock of death before he so much as twitched a leg muscle. So he did the only thing he could as he sighed and took a deep breath. "I have always done my damnedest to keep a promise and now won't change. If it's within my ability to do, I'll get it done. But I want to put emphasis on the within my ability part."
Jason Connor

Jason had known that there would be an ask, even as he related his tale at her request. The problem was he wasn't sure what he could offer this prime representation of gains that she probably couldn't get herself. Except maybe real coffee, but something tells me she enjoys this stuff. Still, he had to think of something, the trick would be what, and, if he was honest, there was no harm is what he was about to do. "Depends on what you need. I'm also on the path to become the region's champion, and I'll be doing a lot of traveling. Maybe I can bring something back for you?"
Jason Connor

When Superwoman spoke, Jason didn't hesitate to follow directions, entering as indicated and taking a seat without complaint. He was ninty-five percent sure, no matter how ridiculous it was, that if he didn't do what was asked of him, he'd be suplexed straight to Arceus and he enjoyed life just a little too much to risk it. When she set the what he hoped was coffee in front of him, he was quick to take a drink from it and found himself having to force his throat to gulp it down. Well now I know why her throat is fucking ripped, fucking hell. After finishing the sip, he turned his attention back to his hostess and took a deep breath before answering, keeping the fear of imminent death out of his voice. "I'm helping a researcher in Starbor find the Forest Deity, or at least learn more about it and I was directed to ask for your help in finding a shrine. I'm also curious about it myself admittedly." He paused and took another sip of his drink before saying, "I wasn't trying to intrude or anything, but I've already had a Scyther try and take my head off, literally, so I'm not in a rush to keep stumbling around blindly. Also your gains are impressive."
Jason Connor

The call out that someone was coming to answer the door was nothing but a relief to him, as it meant that the Pumpkaboo had been genuinely helpful and he would make the little guy a Poffin in thanks. The sound of the approaching person was...slightly intimidating, but if this was Helga, he was all for the help. Then she opened the door, the Houndstone barking at him as he stared up at the eight foot tall elderly woman with muscles that put all the time he spent on physical fitness to shame. I may be about to die... Her biceps looked like they had biceps of their own and...that was impressive. However, when she asked what he wanted, he steeled himself to answer. "I'm here looking for a shrine to the Forest Deity. I've been told that you have some idea of where it might be since you've been here in the deep woods for a long time."
Jason Connor

It would seem inquiring after a woman living out here was the right thing to do as the Pumpkaboo got excited and zoomed away, or started to before it turned to check and see if Jason was following. Blowing the pebble out of his nose, the aspiring champion was now faced with a choice. On the one hand, he was as prepared as he could be and had already done a bit of exploring here earlier. Everything was prone to violence and, on a lesser degree also looked super hungry too. The encounter with the Scyther always came to the forefront of Jason's mind when he came back here, but this whole endeavor was worth the risk to him. That said, there were stories all across the world of Ghost type Pokémon leading trainers and passerby astray and them never being heard from again. However, as the little pumpkin ghost sat and looked at him, his instincts didn't sense any kind of genuine deception and they weren't screaming at him to move away, and so he decides to follow the Pokémon to where it wanted to take him.

The trek was long, he thought, though it was hard to tell for sure, because the sun was essentially nonexistent under the boughs of the trees around him. And the exact path he'd followed to get this deep was unclear as well, as the only real landmark or indicator he was going in a specific direction was the Pumpkaboo itself, which, to the Pokémon's credit, would stop and make sure Jason was still following along the unseen path. Eventually, however, the Ghost type lead him to a clearing with a well kept and managed cabin in a clearing, where even more of the little Pumpkin Ghosts floated peacefully. Whistling, Jason was impressed by what he saw and, also, a bit concerned that the person he was looking for may have not wanted to be bothered. Stop that, she's the only one with any idea of what you need, so you're going to talk to her. Plus, as he approached the door to the cabin carefully, he might be able to snag one of these Pumpkaboo if they were feeling so inclined afterwards, but for now, he would just focus on what he'd say. He also couldn't help by look around at the clearing and how, compared to the rest of the Starbor Deepwoods, it seemed so peaceful and quiet, with the Pumpkaboo all just enjoying their lives.

Wonder what it took for it to be this maintained... He had seen the state of the rest of the deepwoods, the Ariados and Spinarak webbing, the Scyther and their intent to fucking murder anything that wasn't a Pokémon like the rest of the forests' inhabitants, and this was nothing like it. In fact, it was almost...idyllic. As he walked up the steps to the front door, Jason made a mental note to ask about it at some point before he knocked and prepared for whoever answered the door to be less than happy with him.
Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting-Briefing
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

"Allow me to repeat myself. You will give me names, I will follow my orders from the Garrison commander and we'll get this done." The sergeant didn't budge, but his body was prepared to act, even before he could think. "I don't much care for first impressions and the little lady's about as likely to get an apology as I am to take leave in the next month with everything going on. You will not be intimidating your way out of having the assigned overwatch and I won't be intimidated into ignoring my superior officer. IF that's a problem, we can find another group of Rising Starborn mages to get this done, so make your choice and make it quick." If it wasn't already clear, Mark's anger didn't phase the man, nor did the temperature change seem to phase him.

"This is supposed to lay groundwork to establish with more of the guardsmen and townsfolk you all are not only capable but trustworthy, but you wanna piss that down the toilet over names, by all means. I don't even know the names of all the towns folk and I've lived here for six years."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@hatakekuro@Sanguine Rose

Damian returned Ria's hug with a smile and let the two mages say their pieces. However, before he could answer the other guild member's question, Ria did it for him and even carried on thinking out loud, making Damian chuckle as she walked away. Turning to the other mage, he indicated they should walk and talk. "The full name is Damian Pendragon and you could say I was in Pergrande awhile before most other immigrant mages, have something of a reputation. Though I've lived here for some years now, I hail originally from Fiore, like most immigrant mages you'll meet nowadays. Spent some time in the Magic Council's Rune Knights and then retired when the bureaucracy got too much for me to feel I could do my job. Nowadays I mostly just keep to myself aside from visits to the guild hall and the odd drinking night with Jenna and most of the other founding members. My daughter actually just joined the guild as you all were heading out on jobs."

Upon reaching the caravan, Damian waved at the two mages and went to settle into the passenger seat of one of the vehicles while horses were brought out for the guardsmen and Nolan and Ria. It was clear that the convoy didn't plan to go faster than necessary, especially with the threats floating out on the roads. The head of the convoy looked between the six and nodded before calling for the group to move out and, after a few minutes moving through town, they were on the open road. The driver Damian rode with glanced at him. "You, uh, sure you don't want to help out? Even I know who you are." The Lord of Steel and Fire chuckles.

"They'd have nothing to gain from me taking the field. The guardsmen are too green and Ria lacks confidence. As for the other mage...I don't know much about him, not but a name. So I also have something to learn from watching him work." The driver simply sighed and nodded, focusing on the road from that point.

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guild Hall

Jenna was attentive to each introduction and listened to Ariel especially, watching her change forms and elements with an eyebrow raised in interest. When D'angelo was done with his own showboating, she nodded to each person. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both and, if you so wish, am happy to welcome you to the guild. In your case, Miss Ariel, it may be most prudent to join the guild. Most of the members are still wary of the non-members who drift in and out with a couple of exceptions and it would make your search for help easier. Mister D'angelo, I thank you for taking the time to stop in on our humble hall on a day of happiness, and if you wish for more consistent income, am welcome to stay around and join as I said. And, now that I think about it," reaching one hand towards Ariel, it shifts to take on a furred appearance, the claws normally at the end of her fingers retracted, "this might help for what I can offer myself, Miss Ariel."
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