Avatar of zeldaz
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 89 (0.03 / day)
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    1. zeldaz 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current opening night!!!
8 yrs ago
i know i take fOREVER to respond but i promise i will always get back to you just stick by me and my busy schedule and we can make it through to the end
8 yrs ago
maybe the reason i loose so many rps is because im actually a terrible writer lol what a wonderful thought
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
When you practice, always practice hardcore, or at least until your wrist starts to swell again


I have a small obsession with music and theater, and a lot of other stuff.

I'm offline on weekdays, 8-4, so i sadly won't be able to post then, at least nothing large, and I like to stay busy, but I promise I'll always return one day.

I'm always open for all sorts of rps, just pm me!

Most Recent Posts

@Chaotic Chao yes! Just wanted to make sure there was a definitive difference for everyone if they questions but yes he is accepted

Margaret paused, peering around a tree. She thought about it for a second before slowly turning back to him.
" Well, to be honest, I'm not completely sure. " She spoke quietly, still thinking it over. She held up her dress, carefully moving forward with slim hope that she wouldn't get the hem dirty.
" I've been raised to do this, it's what I have to do, it's what I want to do. Help my people, rule the kingdom, it's every girls dream. "

Margaret grinned, following alongside him into the throne room. She placed the tray of food she had picked through a small table in the throne room.
Though she had been raised as a proper princess, she had a stir of adventure in her, and she hated having to sit in a throne all day when there was still so much to explore.
But she had to sit in that very throne to allow herself the chance to go on that adventure she always wanted. So she sat down, and went along with her duties of the day. Though today was a simple day, she still had much to do.
That day's main activity, besides meeting with the visiting Dukes, was to meet with anyone with a concern, whether that be a peasant or royalty, she saw them all.
Margaret had been doing this part for the last few years and she had learned a lot. Most of the peasants requests were feasible, but royalty was needed in order for most things to work but took longer and were typically more expensive.
As usual, there were mostly peasants, each nervous but jumpy to approach.
In an hour or so, it would be over, then she just had to meet with the Dukes and then, adventure time.

"Yes, right, can't ever forget about the precious Duke. " Margaret murmured, pausing for a moment until she realized that he actually agreed.
" Really? Oh thank you Ozzy! " She grinned, almost jumping for joy but decided that a quick one armed hug to her protector would subside her burst of happiness, almost spilling the food in her other hand.
She had known him as long as she could remember, small little bursts of little affection were her ways of showing her friendship.
She pulled away, turning towards the hallway to the stairs. Picking at her food again, she mused over some thoughts. Assuming he was following, she talked out loud, hoping he was at least listening. " You don't think I have to get married to be queen right? Especially not to the Duke of Haldenz, that would be horrid! "

Hi everyone, so sorry for the late reply, very busy day, but so far everyone looks like very good characters, should turn out really well in how they work together.

So, the whole guitar thing, totally understandable, but i Am going to say that guitar is not one of the concert instruments. I will however say that Jazz band is an extra curricular, in which guitar is gladly accepted, but one must also play something in band, even if that is just a touch of drums. I may establish some sort of club collection, that way I can keep track of all things everyone does.

I was also thinking of making up a relationship form, Since these people have typically known each other since middle school, they typically would have at least some sort of relationship, especially if in band.

But those that these comments don't apply to, your characters are accepted! Please put the finished forms into the character place, and if I do go forward with the other ideas, you can just edit those in.

If anyone has any thoughts on anything, please ask, I know I wrote a lot, sorry about that.

Margaret nodded as she examined her breakfast. She picked a little chunk of egg and popped it into her mouth. She took a moment, thinking over the question as she chewed her egg.
" Well, I think we have a couple meetings with some stuffy royalties. Probably a lunch with some other royalty. " She thought it over, poking at the assorted greens. She glanced back up at him, pursing her lips.
" Any chance we can skip everything and go on an adventure instead? " She asked, hoping her puppy dog eyes get her out of a day of actual responsibilities.

Eleanor had tried to stick Margaret into a bright pink and poofy dress, with glittering bubble arms. Margaret had refused until Eleanor had picked out a dark green dress instead with no sparkles, and was a lot less poofy.
In the morning, Margaret wasn't the best in the mornings. She was difficult, whiny and just not a morning person. Hence why Eleanor was put in charge or her instead of her usual protector.
By the time she was dressed, she was typically back to her chipper self.
And that morning w just like every other. As soon as she was stuffed into the simpler dress, she pranced across the bedroom, her shoes clicking as she moved and Eleanor yelling after her or else she'll ruin her shoes.
"Good morning Lord Protector!" Margaret grinned as she opened the bedroom doors, peaking her head around the large white doors.

@bix great character, but could you put it in the character section please? Definitely accepted though
@RomanAria Of course! I was thinking of making multiple characters as well, go right ahead!

Anastasia Anna Louise II is a very punctual and by the book princess. She followed the rules set by her parents, read every book and went to every lesson, and did everything she did with a sense of perfection. She held her head high, kept her back straight, and kept to herself.
She was a princess after all. They were there for their people, to keep away fighting and wars, to make sure that her people were happy. She didn't have time for anything else.
That is what made her the perfect person to be queen.
That is what led her to the very formal banquet the royal family had thrown for her, to celebrate her becoming queen. Most of the kingdom was there, including many royal families from visiting kingdoms.
Anastasia was already making the rounds, making polite chat with the attendees.
"I do hope I'll be a good queen, but I've been learning all my life, it's all led up to this moment. It's truly an unbelievable night." She said to small group of cheery woman, each more bubbly and enthusiastic than the last about her ceremony.

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