Avatar of Donut Look Now


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8 min ago
Current As long as you meet the gay requirements and the crimes are against mega corporations, legally you can’t get in trouble… Right? >:3
2 days ago
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2 days ago
I think we’re talking about the wrong fight - obviously we need to know who would win in a Sailor Moon vs Goku battle
4 days ago
Every time I have to drive somewhere, I’m reminded how much I hate people 🥲
7 days ago
All of my cringe died when the forum went down and not even way back machine can grab it nyeheheh
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About Me

Names/Aliases Don’t Look Now, DLN, Cait, Donut Look Now, DLN Cait
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 28
Birthday: August
From: United States
Timezone: PST Currently
Occupation: Full Time Sales / Part Time Student
Languages: English, Learning Spanish
Orientation: Bisexual / Cis (Married)
Pets: Margot & Luna


Current Hyperfixation: Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss


  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Singing
  • Musical Theatre
  • Video Gaming
  • Sewing
  • Roleplaying
  • Photoshopping

Fandoms/Things I like:

This list will forever be under construction and never in a particular order


  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Sailor Moon (Manga, Anime, and Anime Reboot)
  • Fruits Basket (Manga, Anime, and Anime Reboot)
  • ‘See You in My 19th Life’ (Both the Manwha and the KDrama)
  • Studio Ghibli
  • ‘Sweet Home’ (Both the Webtoon and the KDrama)
  • ‘My ID is Gangnam Beauty’ (Both the Webtoon and the KDrama)


  • Jane the Virgin
  • New Amsterdam
  • Bridgerton
  • Evil
  • Supernatural
  • The Walking Dead
  • Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Community
  • The Good Place
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender / Legend of Korra (Animated Series)
  • The Owl House
  • Kipo
  • Never Have I Ever
  • Good Girls
  • Arrested Development
  • The Umbrella Academy
  • You
  • Dead to Me
  • Archive 81

International Shows
  • Business Proposal
  • Extraordinary Attorney Woo
  • Cinderella and the Four Knights
  • The Glory
  • All of Us Are Dead
  • King the Land
  • Squid Games

  • Demon Slayer
  • My Hero Academia
  • Black Clover
  • Parasyte
  • The Imperfects
  • Arcane

Books, Manga, Etc

  • Chibi Vampire (Manga)
  • Rick Riodin’s Percy Jackson
  • Tamora Pierce’s Universe
  • Entwined by Heather Dixon
  • Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale


  • Stick It
  • Swan Princess

Currently Engaging With


  • ‘Finding Camelia’ on Manta
  • ‘The Last Straw’ on Manta
  • ‘Too Cute to Handle’ on Manta
  • ‘Raffine’s Plan: Save my Favorite Character’ on Manta
  • Sunny in Philadelphia
  • An Incurable Case of Love
  • The Resident
  • Shadow and Bone


  • Social Path - Stray Kids, LiSA
  • Sweet Tooth - Scott Helman
  • Dysmorphia - girli
  • russian roulette - Ryan Mitchell
  • Pretty Lies - SouMix, Brad Arthur
  • d e a d - Madeline

Most Recent Posts

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Cassi’s Home - Chicago, IL

“As if you’d even notice it missing if you to paid it.” Kimiko jokes lightly, forcing herself not to look back at Avery even though every part of her wanted to. Was he about to run over to me? Kiki tells herself no and heads inside Cassi’s house.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL
Skills: Nurse

Nic comes back out to the living room just as Caden and Kimiko enter. Now that he can see her better, she looks even worse. He takes her from Caden and helps her sit on the couch and he examines the bruises on her neck first. “Are you hurt at all, Caden?” He asks without looking back at him. Using the scope, he has Kimiko open her eyes so he can check for signs of the strangulation in the sclera of her eyes or a concussion via her pupils.

“Cass already let me know about Avery’s injuries. There’s a bunch of sandwiches in the kitchen if you need food. Do you think Avery will eat this time?” He finally turns to glance at Caden.


Location: Cassi’s Home - Chicago, IL

Nero slips in after Caden and Kiki, darting into the kitchen. They’re not injured and neither is Caden - plus, they have no medical knowledge to help with Nic, so it seems like the best choice is to just stay our other way for now. Even though they’re tempted to tell Nic about Cassi’s head injury. They do steal one of the BLT sandwiches though and start nibbling on it.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL

Nic hears the cars outside and sets out the food with plates with some veggies and chips, pulling out the sparkling raspberry cider he got out of the fridge before he goes to the front door to greet everyone. He can’t help but frown at how Avery is looking, but when Kiki comes out of the car, he almost runs over.

Knowing that Caden is certainly able to carry her inside if needed, he starts making a mental list of her injuries that he can see. Bruised cheek, bruised neck - almost her entire neck really, split bottom lip, bruises and cuts on her wrists, and a number of superficial cuts and scrapes all over.

“I’ve got the couch set up and there’s food for everyone.” Nic calls out to the group before heading back inside to grab his stethoscope along with his ophthalmoscope and otoscope.


Location: Cassi’s Home - Chicago, IL

“That will all depend on if one of us tells him or if he figures it out on his own.” Nero jokes before jumping out as Caden gets out. They hover by their mate, unsure of what to do right now, especially if Cassi is spelling the SUV. They were going to keep watch but that seems useless now.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Cassi’s Home - Chicago, IL

“Thank you.” Kiki mumbles to Caden as she exits the vehicle. She almost wants to tell everyone to stop treating her like she’s made of glass right now, but she had seen some of herself in her reflection… Cassi’s right - she does look like shit.

As Kimiko glances around, she spots Avery looking over in her direction. She goes to tilt her head at him, wondering what’s on his mind to make such an odd expression but winces. “Is Avery okay?” She whispers to Caden as the human calls out that there’s stuff set up inside for them.


Location: SUV - Chicago, IL

Nero makes a face at Caden, having not made up their mind on if they should even tell Cassi or not about the other memory. “You don’t need to forgive me, just don’t hold it against Caden… He truly didn’t know and… He’s right.” Nero sighs and removes their gloves before grabbing Caden’s hand with both of theirs, choosing to trace his tattoos to keep them calm.

“I didn’t order your family killed, I was just ordered to do it… Which doesn’t make it any better, so you don’t need to forgive me, just please don’t throw away your friendship with Caden.”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: SUV - Chicago, IL

Well, now she remembers the fight. “Did you have another memory, Nero?” Kiki asks, trying not to keep glancing between the other three people in the car - her neck hurts enough as it is. She watches as the demon freezes for a moment before they nod, continuing their tracing.

“Was it… Mundus? That’s his name, right?” She prods further. Nero looks like they just want to curl into a ball out of sight. Kiki doesn’t need them to answer - their reaction was enough of an affirmative.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL

I’m glad you’re okay <3 Can’t wait to have you back in my arms <3 The sorceress’ nurse texts back. He’s used the left overs from breakfast to make some egg salad sandwiches and BLTs, a decent amount of food made. He figures since Avery barely ate breakfast and is now healing, he’d need a lot of food.


Location: SUV - Chicago, IL

Kiki snorts from the backseat at Caden’s comment. Nero faces the front again so Cassi doesn’t see their smirk. They shift in their seat, not wanting to talk and ruin the mood since the witch was actually interacting with Caden.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: SUV - Chicago, IL

Kimiko doesn’t notice the tension, briefly forgetting the fight that took place last night between her adoptive siblings. “I must have learned my stubbornness from her.” Kiki says before hissing as the cut on her lip reopens from smiling.

Nero pulls a handkerchief out of their jacket pocket and offers it to her along with a water bottle. She takes both gratefully, drinking some of the water first before putting some of it on the fabric and holding it to their lip.


Location: SUV - Chicago, IL

Nero beams up at Caden and hops up to return the kiss on his cheek. “Ich würde nirgendwo anders sein wollen als an deiner Seite.” They tell him before the two of them get into the SUV. When Caden asks about Cassi’s head, Nero turns around in their seat.

“What did you do to your head?” They ask with concern.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: SUV - Chicago, IL

“She about cracked it open on the floor in there. She killed a wolf but their momentum sent them flying into her still. The noise it made sounded like her skull broke.” Kiki looks over Cassi. “Are you going to let your nurse look at it since you wouldn’t let me? Or do I need to snitch?”

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL

Nic nods to himself reading Cass’ message. He wants to give everyone at least a once over when they arrive. Jane brought me some medical supplies (I told her you didn’t have any first aid items at your place) and she was more than happy to give me way too much, so I should be able to help the two of them. He sends before heading back into the kitchen.

Sandwiches seem like a good easy option for food and he can use some of the leftover ingredients from yesterday.


Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

“Ohhh.” Nero says, only sort of understanding still. “Should I ride with Avery so he’s not alone?” Nero asks Caden, but realizes the question is silly as they follow Caden to the other SUV. They watch as Kiki and Cassi climb into the back seat before squeezing Caden’s hand three times.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Kiki hugs Cassi tightly to her when her arms gently wrap around her. “Tha gaol agam ort cuideachd.” She whispers before the sorceress lets go of her, glad Cassi kisses the cheek not covered in bruises. Kimiko follows Cassi and eats into the back seat and stretches out with a groan.

“Thanks for getting me out of there. I knew you’d find me eventually, but I’m glad it was before… yeah.” She doesn’t say it - she doesn’t need to.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Cass’ Home - Chicago, IL

Nic realizes he had his phone on silent and missed messages from Cass. I’m sorry! My phone wasn’t on loud and I didn’t realize you messaged me. Of course I can look over Kiki! Is everyone else okay? Nic is so determined to text his girlfriend back that he doesn’t even notice he’s called Kimiko by her nickname.

He’s glad he got a shower curtain with the groceries, placing it down on Cass’ couch so that he could use it as an impromptu examination table for everyone’s injuries.


Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Nero watches Avery and Caden as they collect all the knives and daggers they had thrown about, letting the two have a little privacy while they found a rag to clean the blood off of their weapons. They are just stashing the knives away when Caden joins them and takes their hand. Nero looks up and smiles. “What are we going to do with the sleeping wolves?” They ask curiously.

“I mean, I know we’re saving them for Avery’s old alpha, right? Are we taking them to Cassi’s?” Nero has already forgotten his name.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Kimiko flips Cassi the bird with a frown. “You’re so stubborn.” She says with a shake of her head before wincing. She looks at her reflection in the SUV’s window, making out a hand like bruise around the front of their neck.

“Fucking assholes.” She mumbles.


Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Nero watched the two wolves with a tilt of their head, marveling at Caden’s fur and the way he and Avery moved almost as one. “You’re very pretty as a wolf.” Nero says before picking up a sleeping wolf and hold them above their head to accommodate the large size of the beasties. The two make their way outside to a shabbier looking SUV.

As Caden went to his own to grab clothes for Avery, Nero stays by the other one, using a lint roller to get any stray hairs off their outfit. Typically they don’t get any blood on their clothes during a fight and since most of their attacking had been long-range, they didn’t have a spot of anything on them. Once Caden starts to head back inside, Nero does as well, picking up knives and daggers that they had thrown about.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Kiki gives Cassi a fox grin before happily jumping into the SUV and changing into some shorts and a t-shirt that don’t smell like utter shit. She reopens the back once dressed and pulls herself to the edge of the vehicle to sit. “Let me see you head.” She commands of Cassi once Caden heads back with pants for Avery.


Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Nero sits on the desk that Levi’s tucked under, feeling more at ease now that only two other wolves remain. They’ve noticed that the wolves starting giving Nero a wide berth, which made the little demon happy.

“This one was smart.” They chirp to Caden, gesturing to the wolf that’s now asleep. “I gave them one look and they immediately sat down. Can we get a dog?”

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Kiki glances at Avery, watching as he easily kills another wolf that had attacked him. She doesn’t really want to leave him, but his rejection from last night plays in her head. He’s only here to help Caden and Cassi. She tells herself before looking at her sorceress and nodding, definitely ready to eat out of the disgusting cesspool that is the hideout.


Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Terry pants, favoring one of his one of his legs as he growls weakly at Avery. Not like this, I won’t die like this to some second-rate pup. He thinks to himself before he runs full speed and lunges again at Avery. He misses, skidding across the floor as he practically launches himself into the cage that held Kiki and denting it even further. He barely manages to eat back on his feet, but his eyes dart between Avery and the fox with the witch as he tries to decide what to do with his last moments alive.

The wolf that immediately admitted defeat to Nero now sits beside them as Nero keeps away any other would-be rescuers with quick slices of their legs. “I’ve got one!” Nero shouts to Caden before giving the wolf next to them a head pat. “Lucky you! You get to stay alive.” The demon practically purrs to them before throwing another dagger at a wolf’s front leg that was looking to try their hand at going after Caden while his back was turned.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack’s Hideout - Chicago, IL

Kiki bats a paw at Cassi for her joke before shaking her head - she has enough adrenaline to keep up with the sorceress for now. She keeps looking over at Avery and Terrance, worried for Avery even as he clearly dominates the fight. Kiki only narrowly dodges when a dead wolf lands on Cassi and watches as her friend’s head connects to the floor with a crack.

She jumps over to help push the wolf off of Cassi, looking up at her with concern when she sways.

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