Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

November 2nd. The day people started lining up for SAO game. Sales began on November 5th. At 1300 on November 6th, the game begins!

The blonde-brown haired young girl, at exactly 1259 put her nerve gear on, and waited the 50 seconds for the game to be online.

When it was online, she said happily "Link Start"

Her name was Shakuntala. In Game, she was "Suki".And as she was sent into the world of Sword Art Online, she looked about. finding herself in a town. She checked her inventory, finding a basic weapon, some coin, basic armor and a health potion.

She went straight to a NPC merchant, finding a free guide book, which she took. She sold the basic weapon, and brought a weapon more suited for her, a shorter length, one handed sword. Pleased at that, she brought another health potion, and pondered about learning how to make them herself.

Ready, Suki headed out of town at once, quickly learning how to fight. She spent a few hours fighting Frenzy boar, getting a few item drops, and basically focusing on leveling. She was having fun, and pondered walking to the next town. She didn't know if she could get there before she had to log off, but it might be better then staying just outside the first town. She headed back to the town, to see about a map. She didn't think anyone she knew had access to the game. Her brothers had saved, and waited in line, for her copy, while most of her other friends didn't like computer games.

She explored the town, debating about trying to make friends, but decided against it right now. She sold the few items she had gotten from the boars, and glanced at the time. 1800. How had it gotten so late? She went to log out, because she needed to help out with dinner. As she went to sign out though, she couldn't find the log out button. She checked her menu thoroughly, but it wasn't there.

A bug? It had to be a bug, didn't it? She went up to another player, to see if they had the same problem, when light engulfed her, and those around her. A forced Teleport? She blinked as she appeared within a crowd of people. Was the whole 10,000 players here? She looked about, seeing shocked faces all around her.

And that's when Akihiko Kayaba appeared and told them that they couldn't escape the game. If they died, they died in real life. If they wanted to be free, they had to beat all 100 floors. Suki was staring at him in shock, and fear, when he said there was a little gift in their inventories. She opened hers, finding a mirror.

She took it out, and her own reflection, her real life reflection was there after a quick shimmer. Her blonde hair, when her avatars had been black, fell over her eyes and she dropped her mirror, shattering it into a million pieces of data. She fell to the ground, but only for a few minutes. She pushed through the crowd, knowing she should start to the next town, killing what she could to survive, and basically get out of the place where 10,000 players were trapped. She broke through, and started running down the street as if she knew what she was doing. She had no friends in this world, and as she stopped, she turned back to the crowd, hesitating. Would it be safer to be in a group, or solo? She didn't know. She stood there, probably looking like an idiot as she tried to decide what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Having pre-ordered the game the second midnight had struck the day pre-ordering was available, Kyouketsu Sei was ready for Sword Art Online. The beta release, he had tried to pre-order the game, but within two minute, it was sold out. He wasn't going to miss it again. It was October 2nd that they started, and it ended within 5 minutes. He was glad to have gotten a copy this time. Living his normal life for the next month, November 1st, he lined up. There were actually a few people who lined up already. During the next few days, it seemed it was fine to leave the line, everyone was helping each other, getting food in groups and things. Some people were discussing to make a guild in the game already. Sei enjoyed the company. He had a few friends he had made, but no guild was to be formed at this point in time.

Getting home, it was early November 5th. It seemed you could do character customization and your IGN for now. He set his appearance, and set his IGN, Umichi. He finished the calibration for the Nerve Gear. He was ready to go tomorrow. Sei went to sleep nice and early, the next day, he had a big lunch, so that he could play long into the night before getting hungry. The time was 12:59. He donned the Nerve Gear helmet. The game was about to start. "Link Start" he shouted. It could be heard amongst the rest of the family.

Awestruck, Umichi looked around. It was beautiful, the graphics seemed so real. Feeling his hands, he stretched his body. Although he didn't need to, it just felt like he was really in it. He jumped a couple of times. Seems he wasn't quite used to it. His jumping didn't reach as high as in reality. Looks like he will need to get used to the game to move as fast as he wanted. Checking his inventory, Umichi saw the starting equipment. Going to an NPC merchant, he got a free guide book, sold the basic sword and got a heavier one handed sword, and got leather armor instead of the basic light armor. With enough col to get another pot. He didn't touch the starting col he had. This is good, he thought, dashing to the fields, reading the guide book.

Sword Skills was the thing that interested him the most. The feeling of letting power explode to let a Sword Skill attack. Upon entering the field, he charged up a basic sword skill, Slant. It was a simple diagonal slash, but guaranteed he would hit the Frenzy boar he first saw. It felt good. Turning back to the Frenzy boar, it came rushing towards him, a small side step, and two quick slashes. It was defeated. He went on to continue with this. It was fun. He got a message from someone he met at the store.
"Hey, nah, I'm fine by myself so far, I've killed like so many of these boars already. I'm gonna head out further."
He had leveled up pretty quickly, reaching level two. It seemed he was among the first.

It was 16:30. Still good on time. He went further out. Finding a field of Little Nepents. These plants were more vicious than the boars. It took him more than four slashes like it did with the boars. And one of the problems were that he had at least 3 of them at once. He pulled the plants out from their field, so he wouldn't pull more of them. Side stepping each attack, slicing each one once before they turned to him. One of them fell. When he went to side-step again, he got hit, losing 30% of his health. This was dangerous. He shouldn't be attacking these yet, he realised. He charged a sword skill, Sonic Leap, taking down one more. It had dropped something, but he paid no attention to that yet. Barely side-stepping the last Little Nepent's attack, he cut it down three times. He could finally relax. Finding the field, and then killing just the three Nepents. That took a solid hour. He finally went through his items. It appeared he hadn't realised, one of the Nepents were actually a Little Nepents Ovule. That was the one that hit him. It was stronger, and harder to find. Dropping the quest item "Ovule Medicine". He was extremely lucky. There were groups trying to farm out the Ovule apparently, he heard from some of his friends. Only one other person got the quest item so far.

Umichi was dead tired. He returned to the town, it was about 1800. He completed the quest, an Anneal blade. He seemed to be going really fast into the game. Almost as fast as some beta players. There were some names of people reaching level 3 and 4. He was almost level three. But as he went to quick the Anneal Blade, he was suddenly teleported.

Looking around, it was the Town of Beginnings' town center. What's going on? Is this ... all 10000 people? An event perhaps? Umichi thought. Looking up, it was Akihiko Kayaba. The game ... became a death game. Fuck, he took a such a good game and turned it into a death trap. A gift was given out. Mirror? What the hell? he thought, taking it out from the inventory. Suddenly, glowing in a white flame, just as everyone else was. He looked into the mirror. He saw his own face, his own hair. Looking around, there were some net-okama's around, they were disturbing. All 10000 people were starting to panic. Shit, I need to get to the next town. The fields are going to be picked clean around here. he thought. It was lucky for him that he had finished one of the quests here already. It was amazing he had killed the three Little Nepents by himself at his level. But he needed to play it safe now. Some of his friends went to do things by themselves, others got groups. Equipping the Anneal blade, Umichi ran out of the group. He then saw a girl, with blonde hair. It seemed she was deciding what to do.

Damn it. he thought. He can't just leave someone alone like that. She was small, she seemed young. She looked defenceless. She might have been older and happened to be small in size, but that didn't matter. She looked like she was confused. Everyone in the plaza was confused. But he couldn't lead a group, it wasn't his nature, however, it was in his nature to help people that seemed to need help. Umichi ran past her, grabbing her hand and started to run off with her. "It's better to go to the next town, the fields here will be picked clean in no time" he said to her. He took her out to the field. "Ah ... " Letting go of the hand, "sorry, it seemed like you were confused, and needed some help. The name's Umichi. I plan to head to the next town. I happened to get close to it when I was running around before the .... announcement."
He held out his hand, "Let's get along, and head to the next town." he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Suki yelped when someone grabbed her hand and was forced to run with him, or be dragged along. "Are you crazy?" She said as he continued to run, she couldn't free her hand, until he let go of it. "I know its better to go to the next town, I was just wondering if its better to go with others, or solo it. She had her blade by her side, equipped there. Her armor, just a simple basic set of armor was on, and she knew it would be her every day clothes now. Well, it would make getting ready in the morning easier.

She sighed, and took his hand again, starting to walk, looking about. Most people were still panicking, and Suki knew most would stay in the safe zones, while others would be trying to get out of here. She couldn't blame them. But she wanted to get out.

She brushed her hair back, looking back once more. Many people were still trying to figure out if this was real or not. And then she saw someone wanting to test the theory out. They stood on the boundary, and leaped off, she could hear peoples screams, and she yelled out herself.

People looked to the spot where the guy should reappear, but her never did, and Suki began to shake. This was real. How could it be real? Suki supposed it could be, with the Nerve Gear. She looked away, and continued going forward, starting to run, wanting to be away from this town, and into the next one. As soon as they were out, she began slashing and attacking the frenzy boar that she game across right away.

Her breathing became faster, her heart beating hard, and her panic set it, as she continued to kill the boars, perhaps being reckless, but she didn't care. She needed it, needed to be feel the fight, and the thrill of it.

She had never been alone like this before. She had six brothers, and they were all older, and they all looked out for her. She eventually wore herself out, and stood there panting. She brushed her hair back, before turning back to the strange boy that had grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

She walked over, took a deep breath, and said. "I'm sorry about that. I'm Sh-Suki" She had very nearly said her real name, but stopped herself, warnings ringing through her head about stranger danger. She held out her hand for a hand shake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adrian cut down yet another dire wolf as it lunged at him then finished it with a swift kick to the ribs.he then proceeded to stab his blade into the ground and sit down. well isn't this just wonderful he thought the first damn day of release and I get stuck in a death game that's just my luck. I wonder where summer is she was supposed to have got this game......I hope she is ok. now looking around Adrian realized he had been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed another group of dire wolves.standing quickly he jerks his blade from the ground and getting into the kenjutsu stance that was natural after years of training yelled "COME ON" as he charged headlong into combat

2 hours later-
Adrian stood breathing heavily the wolves had dropped lots of one item and that was dire wolf teeth. it wasn't a particular quest item nor was it very valuable but Adrian saw a use for them quickly returning to town he went to find a smith vendor. after finding the vendor and spending a small portion of his coin he had the teeth affixed to a heavy silver chain which he then draped around his neck. "well if im going to die at least ill look nice doing it" he remarked sarcastically. looking around he noticed most players were wearing metal or leather armor which he found humorous considering that all that did was hinder their speed.these people honestly think that a little protection is going to stop a boss attack no this game isn't like others where mistakes can be afforded this is a death game. looking down to inspect what he was wearing Adrian smiled he was wearing a simple white kimono with the standard garb of a samurai the hakama on his legs he had chose his in red. on top of that he had his new necklace and inspecting his weapon he smiled. it was a katana with a red tsuba and white handle wrappings. the blade gleamed a magnificent silver and had the symbol tomoe engraved near the base. quickly sheathing the blade adrians smile vanished now then I have to find my woman before its to late on that note he started searching the town and if didn't find her here he would search the next unendingly until he found her
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

Light woke up at 10:00 A.M as usual had a breakfast quick then he said '' Mom I will be in the game today so dont disturb me '' after that he rushed to his bedroom pluged the nerve gear to the plug and said ''I dont want my gaming to be interupted and if only nerve gear had some recording mechanism in it for me to record my experience to share it on youtube''but then he realize that he had a video card from good old console days he pluged video card said''RECORD!!''
and then... ''LİNK START''
after few seconds he was in the game he went to the nearest town to get some potions he saw a beta tester tried to follow him in order to learn some of the things about game.
but then he thought ''Nah I dont wanna look like a total noob I should go hunting to get some XP'' he went to Hunting fields (OFF RP sorry guys ı couldnt remember the fields that characters from anime used to hunt)Killed some boars gained some xp but then suddenly he was teleported to the Main Hall he was shocked'' There must be 10.000 people here and allready event well posible but allready!!! ???'' Akihiko Kayaba appeared and He was shocked and then it happened Akihiko said that quit button was taken out from the game Light quickly checked his menu and he was shocked but strangely he found a item called a mirror he used it and then Akihiko explained it to everybody suddenly he looked like his real life form it was funny thought he wasnt changed at all because it was his real form but that was enough for him to get angry Akihiko dissappeared Light was running then he bumped into a girl He said he was sorry
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

Light said ''I am sorry my name is Light whats yours''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Umichi noticed the man who jumped from the edge, not coming back. Damn it, don't be so foolish as to try. If you can program a world like this, creating a program to override the NerveGear's microwave limitator would be simple . While the girl who was with him, had yet to introduce herself, she started attacking a frenzied boar. She was panicking and becoming restless. There were boars on her rear, he kicked them and sliced them with ease, getting to level 3. Only a few got to level 3 so far. He wanted to stay ahead.
"You should calm down" he said turning to her.
She seemed to take a deep breath and calmed herself a little.
"I'm sorry about that. I'm Sh-Suki" she then extended her hand.
Umichi did likewise and shook her hand. "Not sure if you heard me before, but I'm Umichi."

He let go of the hand, and pointed to the west. (I am basing the idea the next town is west since it appeared west on SAO anime)
"We need to go over there, I was pretty close to it before I came back to the Town of Beginnings to complete this quest." Umichi pointed to his sword, the Annneal Blade. He had yet to enchant it, but he would enchant it with Sharpness, Durability and a little Quickness. "We will need to get through some Little Nepents and probably Dire Wolves. If we don't wonder too much in the forest, we won't have to fight any Large Nepents I saw."
He swiped down with his right hand to create a menu. Clicking a few things, he added Suki as a friend, and then invited her to a party.
"We should party and watch each others backs."

Once he said this, he got a good look at her. She was beautiful, with her long blonde hair. Her small stature, enameled him, and he started to blush before he realized. Because she was small, it made Umichi want to protect her. Although she was actually older than him, which he had yet to find out.
"We should be careful in the forest though, the Nepents seem to fight in groups. I can handle them fine now, but you should be careful, we will switch if you catch some aggro ok?" He smiled to her.

Umichi then started walking, taking the lead to the forest, when he heard someone bump into Suki. He turned around, and could see a guy with black hair had bumped Suki and she fell. Umichi helped her up. The man introduced himself to the girl. He was called Light. He asked Suki for her name. It seems he was going to ignore Umichi. "Her name's Suki, and I'm Umichi." he interjected, since it seemed like he was being ignored, giving a slight stare. His face seemed familiar. A kid possibly from school? He couldn't be sure. "Anyway, you should watch where you're ...."

A pack of three frenzied boars were charging their way from behind Light. Umichi drew his sword, and grabbed a pebble. Activating the weapon skill "Single Shot". He threw a pebble, and hit the front boar. which collapsed tripping the other two boars. Umichi rushed to the front, there were no other boars or enemies around it seemed. Good He couldn't quite yet activate another sword skill, but as he reached the two boars, spun around, cutting both twice in quick recession. The boar that had been hit by the pebble started to stand. He sliced it, finishing it off. His reactions were quick. This happened in incredibly quickly. It looked like a well experienced player. This was just something he learnt to do. Through his ninjutsu, he learned that adapting and always going for the next thing were important. He had adapted to the game mechanics fairly quickly, but it was not enough yet.

"As I was saying, watch where you're going" Umichi finished off his sentence walking back to Light and Suki. "We are about to head to the next town, and need to get through the forest. If we happen to bump into Large Nepents, that would be trouble with just two of us. You wanna join us Light?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

Light said ''Sure why night like my father said strenght always comes with numbers I am only Level 2 but I am sure it will change over time thanks for cover since I joined you.You should add me to the party I guess ??''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
Avatar of MarshiestMallow

MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Suki nodded when he suggested the direction to go. She was a little ashamed at how far she had gotten, which wasn't that far. She hadn't even thought about taking quests, thinking she could do so tomorrow, but now...She sighed and nodded, "Okay, it sounds like a good idea" She said calmly, accepting his party request and adding him as a friend. "We should party and watch each others backs." "I'd like that" She said because it seemed like a better idea then soloing it now.

When he looked at her, clearly studying her, she blushed. not many guys outside of her brothers tended to pay much attention to her. Of course, she went to a small school and most of the guys in her class knew her brothers would hurt them if they dared to hurt her. It led to a pretty boring dating life. She gave him a shy smile, seeing he was blushing also.

""We should be careful in the forest though, the Nepents seem to fight in groups. I can handle them fine now, but you should be careful, we will switch if you catch some aggro ok?" It would be so easy to slip into the 'damsel in distress' and be protected by someone in here, she knew. But she nodded, "Alright, but I can still fight" She said.

Suki started to follow after him, but then someone knocked her over. When Umichi helped her up, she gave him a smile, and said to the man that had knocked her over, "Its okay". She looked down when Umichi spoke for her, and held back a laugh. "it's really okay, no harm done" She said, watching the boar come, and going to attack them, but by the time she went to go, Umichi had dealt with them.

She waited for Light to reply about joining them, "It would be good to have someone else, and wise to get to the next town" She added.

When Light agreed, she sent him a party invite to add him to the group. "Alright, we should get going before more monsters come"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

Light accepted party request thought ''Umichi..Suki... friends''and said ''Ok Umichi we I will follow you but first let me get rid of these boars'' and showed the boars behind Suki
got his bow and arrow out shot 1 of the boars and took one of them down with kick then turned around and said ''Ok I am done lets go''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Umichi started to crouch, picking up another pebble. As Light drew his bow, Umichi charged the Single shot again, and threw it in the shadow of the arrow. This is how the boar was finished off in one hit. The bow and arrows weren't enough to kill a boar in one hit, even if it hit a weak point. Umichi knew this, from seeing others in the field. He looked up at Suki who happened to see him do that. He held a finger to his mouth indicating to stay quiet. The pebble was thrown perfectly to be in the shadow of the arrow, so Light should not have seen it no matter what.

"Not a bad shot." Umichi patted on Light's back a little, and took the lead. Looks like a back row archer would be useful, and he seemed to have good accuracy. Umichi started to get excited. He grabbed Suki's hand, and started to rush forward.
"Let's go!" he shouted. He felt like he was leading a party of heroes, the swordsman, the princess and an archer. If only there was a wizard he thought.
Upon entering the forest, he went to catch a glimpse of Suki, remembering her shy smile. Turning back to the front Man she's cute, I should really stop doing things so spontaneously or she might think I'm weird he thought, remembering he grabbed her hand twice on instinct.

At first, there was a pack of four Little Nepents. "I'll aggro three of them, Suki take one, Light, support with your shots." He ordered. Umichi started to think, when did I have such a leading persona? Taking up three Nepents. He can slash them three times to kill them. The arrows would need about five or so, he calculated. The thing with the bow and arrow was that you generally took more attacks to kill the enemy, the advantage was, you could normally attack from afar and the enemy will not reach you before you kill it.

He beautifully sidestepped two, while deflecting the attack of the third, leading into a slash. A semi-circular slash occurred right after, hitting the three. He took almost no damage. This was good. Umichi wanted to pay attention to Suki, but stayed focused. He decided he will use his newly acquired sword skill Vertical Arc hitting all three with two more strikes. He looked up at the corner of his vision, Suki and Light's health bars were healthy, but Suki seemed to have taken some damage. He turned to check Suki and Light. But he didn't realize, above them were two more Little Nepents. Although they were plants, they seemed to have be unrooted and were using their roots like legs, or tentacles. The jumped from the trees towards Suki. He rushed forward, calling out with a yell. "SUKI!!! CALL OUT SWITCH!!!" Running with all his might, reaching the right side of Suki, with his Anneal Blade in front of him to guard against the two Little Nepents attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
Avatar of MarshiestMallow

MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Suki watched Umichi pick up a pebble and throw it to assist Light. She nodded when he indicated for her to stay quite on the move. She was slightly impressed that he had managed to do that. When He grabbed her hand again, Suki quickly matched his speed so she wouldn't get dragged along. She was getting use to that, being dragged along. She thought it was cute, and she blushed. She gained control of herself before they entered the forest. It seemed like Umichi wanted to protect her, wanted to make sure she was okay and she thought that was sweet.

She nodded at his plan to fight the Nepents, and went for her one, slashing and dodging its attacks quickly. Suki was naturally flexible, and her small size made her for a not so easy target. She used that to her advantage, quickly dispatching with the Nepent. She was proud of herself, and looked about when Umichi shouted out at her.

Suki glanced up, seeing what he had seen as a threat. She brought up her blade, and slashed out at the roots as he reached her side. She leaped to the side, when they jumped down, but had quickly joined Umichi again, knowing that they could protect each other. "Nope. Not gonna run. Together"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
Avatar of drallinix


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adrian had been searching the field between the town of beginings and the second town for castella but had found nothing so far and seeing the two nepents running for the ridge had decided to investigate seeing that they were in combat he elected to assist.
leaping off the ridge behind the nepents yelling "im putting you back into the ground!" Adrian brings his sword down on one finishing it off then quickly leaps backwards in a guard position. then rushing forward with his blade flashing in two quick motions as he ran past the nepent he yelled at the one with the bow "finish it off while its weakened".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

(after the order)Light Started laying down some shots on those nepents Stunned one of the Nepents after that lay down some covering fire on Suki Later got smashed by a root and got down.Used a healing potion to patch himself up. After he got up he saw Umichi and thought ''Wow that guy is actually cool I think ı found myself a good team we may have a chance to beat this game ''Then he started puttin shots on that last Nepent .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayumi rushed down the streets after work at the tea house. She pushed through the front door, waving feigned greetings to her father in the office. She hurried up the stairs and nearly obliterated her bedroom door in her frantic hurry. She saw the packages laying on her bed. Her pupils widened and nearly fainted with excitement. She went to the box and picked it up in her hands and twirling around, clinging to it lovingly to it. Like one would to a significant other. It was her nerve gear and copy of Sword Art Online. It was a dream come true.

She tore open the box and only took a moment before it was all set up. She pulled the helmet on over her head before lying back in bed. “Link, start!” She spoke before everything to go black. Then a flood of white light enveloped everything around her. Without much thought she went through the registration.

Username: Yumi

Accept. Suddenly a basic, blank female avatar appeared before her. Within moments her mind set up all her appearance. Before she knew it a world began to pixelate around her and extended out infinitely in all directions, or so it seemed. It was gorgeous. Not to mention how real it felt. She looked over her body, clenching and spreading her fingers. She could feel the breeze blow her hair and brush across her face. She was so excited she squealed and hopped around in circles.

Then the realization other players were around and staring at her. She stopped her bouncing and squealing, a deep blush touching her cheeks. Quickly she hurried away and found a shop. Curiously looking through the items she found a guide book. And it was free! She quickly grabbed it without hesitation. She then went to the square of the town of beginnings, sitting on a bench she quickly flipped through the book, reading as much as she could until she felt comfortable with her knowledge of the game.

Firstly, she knew she needed to get gear that suited her style better. Returning to the store she sold her basic gear and bought herself Medium Metal armor and a polearm. A preferred weapon in most of her online games as it gave good distance. She equipped all her gear and hurried off out of town. She looked around for a spot away from the others to get uncontested mob spawns. There! She spotted a boar. She produced her spear and reproduced what she read in the guide book. Drawing back the spear and delaying, the spear head began to glow with a brilliant violet light. She then struck out, a trail of light following the strike straight across the boar. The boar roared, her skill not good enough yet to strike it down with one attack. She bounced back, getting distance between herself and the beast. As it adjusted to face her once more she readied herself.

The boar charged only to slam into the staff of her polearm, reducing the damage. She shoved the boar back before thrusting several basic pierces into its side. Its health bar fell until it was gone, the boar bursting into a confetti of sparkling pixels. A small screen appeared before her announcing the experience and col. She hooted and hollered, bouncing around excitedly.

“That was awesome!!” She cried out more to herself than anyone else.

She continued on, fighting boar after boar. She eventually raised her level to two which she also cherished with her signature loud celebration. She had gotten into a fight with a few boars at a time, getting ahead of herself. She won the overall fight though she saw her health bar flashing in the red as she panted exhaustedly. She sat for a while, letting her health regain as she had not bought a health crystal, not wanting to spend the money. She got up, brushing the grass from her metallic skirt plates and cloth stockings. She was about to get into another fight with a boar before suddenly she was enveloped in a white light and appeared in the center of the Town of Beginnings. She blinked curiously. ’A forced teleport…?’ she thought to herself.

She looked around, everyone seemed to be here. All 10,000 players. What was going on? She then saw Kayaba appear in the sky. A death game? Her heart sank, the only imagine she recalled was the flickering red light of her health bar nearing depletion. She was so close to dying. She would never be so careless again!

Then she heard of the gift, checking her inventory, producing the mirror and letting it fall into her palm, catching it and holding it up to her face. She saw her face. But it wasn’t her characters face, it was her face in real life. Suddenly she was enveloped in a bright light before it faded. Looking around she saw as everyone’s appearance changed. They must’ve copied their real life appearances and forced it onto into the game.

Then Kayaba vanished and with it the red skies, returning to its natural blue. It was far to peaceful for it to be so horrifying. But she was nauseous with fear. No! Force it away! She had to hurry! She had to beat this! She began to run! Run as fast as she could. She remembered seeing the next town in the guide book. She would head there! Heading there was the only choice. She dashed past people, trying to ignore the screams of terror that filled the square.

She dashed out of the town as fast as she could. Pulling free her spear from her back and readying it for anything to endanger her. She dealt with a few boars before she reached the forest. She heard a commotion off in the distance, sounding like a fight she knew she had to help. Even if they had it handled. She couldn’t live with herself and something happened and she wasn’t there to help.

She hurried to the sound, coming upon a group of three. There seemed more nepents then were safe to handle with only three. She hurried in as the sword wielding male left back to the girl to protect her from a sneak attack. She quickly dashed it, delaying a flurry strike her spear head burned a bright red aura. Coming in from behind the three left behind Nepents. She then released a flurry of strikes, they were weak but hit all three in the back. Finishing off the little health left after the male left. All three burst into pixels before she turned to the group defending themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

Light Turns to Yumi and says''Hey I was handeling that one but anyways ''and turns to Adrian and says ''Sorry for that that girl jumped in front of my line of sight''
turns around to talk to Umichi ''Sorry for the fight I mean I couldnt get my head in it.This steal feels like fake and when I die I will wake up in my room''
Light starts to shivers and feels bad about his family for a second he thinks about his mom and brother and tears starts coming from his eyes and says to Umichi ''What if I die in this stupid game and leave them alone!!!'' '' Thats why I am so scared an.. and cant my head into game''
He thinks ''I shouldnt cry in front of all these people now they would think that I am a coward no!!! I am just worried about my family about myself thats all''and suddenly a panel pops in his menu says Level 3.And he think''Wow I was worried and bad of myself that I didnt realise I am level 3'' and sits down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Umichi saw Suki retreat and come to his side. "Nope. Not gonna run. Together" She said. He smiled, and nodded, "Yeah, together." looking encouraged, he was about to go in to attack, when he felt a presence. He backed off, seeing a man jump down onto one of the Little Nepents, finishing it off and weakening the other. He had brown hair, wore a kimono and hakama and had a katana. Wow, all that gear, he must of come from the next town Umichi thought. The man signalled to Light and called out to him to finish off the weakened Nepent. It should be fine now Umichi started to relax. With Light drawing his bow, another person came in. It was a blue haired woman, with blue eyes and a spear. She definitely was older than him. She looked enchanting. She finished off the last Nepent with a [b]Flurry Strike[b].

Checking the party's heath bars, everyone was in the green, Suki only lost a little health and so did Umichi. It seemed she and Light leveled up. Light started to apologise to Umichi.
"Sorry for the fight I mean I couldnt get my head in it.This steal feels like fake and when I die I will wake up in my room''
"No, it's fine, it all feels surreal in the first place. But, Kayaba, he programmed all of this, it would be simple for him to code something to destroy the NerveGear's microwave limitator chip. It's possible that we will die. Someone jumped off earlier ... I saw it, he didn't respawn. And if he did get out, I am sure he would of gotten back into the game to tell people. We have to be careful" Umichi comforted him.
''What if I die in this stupid game and leave them alone!!!'' '' Thats why I am so scared an.. and cant my head into game'' Light replied.
"Don't think like that, we will get through this. I will help you get through this." He then turned to the others, "And I'm sure they will too."

With Light sitting down, Umichi then turned to the brown haired man and the blue haired woman. "Sorry about that, and thanks for helping us. My name is Umichi, this here is Light and she's Suki. We were making our way to the next town. I assume that's where you came from." He started to look at the brown haired man. He then continued, "If you would like, the two of you can join us. I want us to make camp at the second town for now, and discuss our plans. It's also getting late." he looked up, the sky was starting to darken. It was about 2030 hours. Umichi flicked his hand right hand down to scroll through the menu and invite the other two people. "Oh by the way, congratulations on level two Suki and level three Light."

Umichi was pretty close to level four. If this kept up, maybe they will clear the first floor in a week. He had high hopes. When he congratulated the two, he turned to Suki with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarletRose
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Haname spawned into Aincrad at 1:00 pm on the dot, looking around wide eyed. She couldn't help but let out a small whoop of joy at finally being in the world she'd waited anxiously for ever since it had first been announced. She remember how she'd burned with envy when those lucky one thousand had been chosen for the beta and she'd missed out. But now she was here too and she couldn't wait to get started.

Getting used to being a different height took her a moment, as she'd chosen an avatar that looked like a mature young dark haired woman. Tall and cool looking. As she wandered around the Town of Beginnings she caught her reflection in a shop window and grinned. She stopped at the basic merchant and picked up a starting dagger and a free guide book. She flipped through the book and got a general idea on how combat worked and how to level up, before storing the guide book in her inventory and moving on. Just as she was about to leave the town she noticed a garment merchant that was selling a cheap by nice looking black scarf, which she stopped to buy. When she equipped the scarf it wrapped nicely around her neck and even covered the lower half of her face when she pulled it up.

Four hours later Haname was just dispatching another Frenzy Boar. She gained some nice experience from the mobs and picked up some Col too. After stopping back in town to change her starting armor for something more suited to her tastes and pick up a basic set of Throwing Knives, she had returned to kill more Boars. She'd gotten the hang of combat now and was thinking of moving on to some tougher enemies, maybe even taking a quest, when she was interrupted by the tolling of a bell and the Forced Teleport brought her back to where she had started.

Kayaba Akihiko's announcement left Hanabe shaken as the full implication of what it meant sunk it. She'd been angry at having been turned into her real appearance by that damned mirror, but now that annoyance was out of her mind. She looked around at the other players around, seeing scared faces of children. The teleport had actually lumped her in with all the other kids. The looked helpless, some on the verge of tears, well damned if she was going to stand around crying. She felt defiance replace her fear. She wanted to beat this game just so she could rub it in Kayaba Akihiko's big stupid face. She left the children and the milling crowd of players behind, running out from the town to look for a challenge. It seemed reckless considering the threat of death, but a part of her still didn't quite believe in that.

Hanabe paused when she heard the sound of fighting and turned to head towards it. She ran with her arms held back, the ends of her scarf trailing out behind her, she thought she probably looked pretty cool. She arrived at the fight, a group of players fighting some Little Nepents, though there wasn't much about them that was little. They were like big plants with huge mouths. Hanabe took their strange appearance in her stride and lept into the fray, drawing back her dagger, which pulsed with purple light, and unleashing her Rapid Bite sword skill. She slash, as she dashed in and attacked one of the monsters, left a red gash across it's front and, as it turned it's attention to her, she leapt back and brought up her left hand, clutching a small throwing knife and cast it at the Nepent with Single Shot.

Having gotten herself into the fight, Hanabe put some distance between herself and her opponent and thought about her next move. The creature was much bigger than her, even more so the usual considering her petite stature, so she would have to play things smart. She stood on the balls of her feet, dagger held in front of her in a backhand grip, ready to dodge or attack as needed.

Then before she knew it the fight was over. She'd barely done anything and hadn't taken a single hit. Hanabe stood away from the other players as they regrouped. They hadn't even noticed her yet and she considered leaving before they did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Everything suddenly seemed to get more confusing, as another guy joined them, leaping off the ridge and shouting "im putting you back into the ground!" at the two Nepents, and Light shooting at them, then as another girl joined them. Suddenly, there were five of them, and Suki glanced about warily, but couldn't see any more nepents for now.

She smiled, noticing she had leveled up, and nodded to light. "We will be okay. We will survive" She said to him, giving him a quick hug, trying to be reassuring.

"Thank you" She said, with a smile at Umichi when he turned to her. It was such a thrill to level up, but she knew that having been playing the game all day, she should be up to level 3 too. She felt like she was a bit behind, but would work hard to make sure she caught up. It only seemed fair, she couldn't let herself just be continual protected here, that was how she'd get others killed

Clearing her throat, she said, "I think we should move on, and reach the next town. Its been a long day, and I'm sure we could all use a break and a rest in a safe zone" She said this while looking about, and saw another player. She hesitated before calling out, "Hey! Are you lost? its dangerous out here by yourself!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adrian refuses the group invite "sorry ive got to find someone......also I don't do leadership or group that well" with that he sheathes his blade and turns to sprint away
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