Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Fall


The general gist of the story is that the Onslaught is about to occur. At certain periods a horde of demons and savages will sail from across the southern ocean and invade Omeria, bringing it to its knees and destroying it in the process. But these tales of destruction have been forgotten by the northerners, who only follow the Bright Path, which does not preach about the Onslaught. The Elves, however, know of this danger as they still practice the Old Ways.

The story will follow two separate paths, but these paths will eventually combine into one later on. You may have one character for each story, so that's a total of two characters for each person. One story will begin and mostly take place in the North, while the other story will begin and take place mostly in the South. Read on for more information:

North: In this storyline you will be playing a Human, a City Elf, or a Feyhorn. Whether you're a slave, part of the delegation, a soldier, or whatever is entirely up to you. But you're at Castlerock, an ancient fortress that usually acts as a middle-ground for the Four Kingdoms. Joric Valgard, a warrior of the Varan, has seen the oncoming Onslaught and has called together a peace council so the human kingdoms can prepare for the inevitable invasion. Unfortunately, things will take a turn for the worse as one of the Four betray the others and throws northern Omeria into a tumultuous uproar. You'll follow Joric and company across the northern regions as you try to unite the four kingdoms, or at least build a resistance to withstand the Onslaught.

South: In the south you will be either a Wood Elf or a Drow. These Elves are the first line of defense against the Onslaught, who will invade from the south, so they need to put aside their differences and try to hold out. Unfortunately, the Elves are to few and it's only a matter of time before they're overrun.
Races and Characters

Human- The humans are the people of northern Omeria. They rule four kingdoms: the Northlands (Northmen), Asgeir (Varan), Arkinham (Omerian), and Storroan (Omerian). They are natural warriors and rangers, but are to short-lived to ever have an affinity to magic. Most are known to be cruel and unforgiving to outsiders, especially the Elves and Feyhorn, but also to their own kind.
City Elves - Wood Elves who move into northern provinces are classified as City Elves. They are usually poor, live in ghettos, and often prime targets for robberies. Regardless of all this, however, some are known to be court mages and some have higher offices than even that, serving as advisers and such. Like their Wood Elf cousins, they are agile warriors, archers, and have some affinity to magic.
Wood Elf - Wood Elves live in southern Omeria, in their forest cities located mostly in the southwest. Wood Elves are agile, make excellent archers, and most have a natural affinity to magic. They are few, but immortal, and are very close to nature. The Wood Elves are perhaps the most peaceful of all races and live in clans scattered in small forest-cities throughout the south southwest.
Drow - The Dark Elves are the dark-skinned relatives of the Wood Elves. They have dark red eyes, ash-gray (sometimes black) skin, and have lost their immortality. Almost every Drow lives in the huge Drow city of Blackhorne, located in wastelands in southeastern Omeria. Blackhorne is made of black stone, and ash and dust fly through the air, clouds overhead never allow the sun to look upon its foundation. Drow are powerful magic users, and are adept with the bow and the blade. The Drow are not allowed anywhere else except the wilderness and Blackhorne.
Feyhorn - The Feyhorn are tall, red-skinned, black-eyed demons of the central plains. They have a natural grasp of fire magics, are known to be aggressive, and live in tribes scattered throughout the central region in Omeria. They are tough, tribal-like, strong individuals, and have a dislike of outsiders. They are not allowed anywhere else.

Physical Appearance:

Powers/Abilities: This is magic. Remember, humans only know very few, very basic spells and cannot use them often; Feyhorn know a great deal of fire magic, and Wood Elves know natural, restorative, light magics, while Drow know dark, destructive magic.
Skills: These are physical or mental skills, like swordfighting, expert archer, tactician, etc that describe your character's affinities.


Asta Cyszik - Fuji - 25 year old female Wood Elf
Background: If you're interested in what little lore I have, read here, though it's not required.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hello! I saw your Interest Check and was interested in this idea. I was wondering, could you tell me a bit more about the Feyhorn? In my head, they seem the most relatable to the other races what with brutal ancestry like the Northmen, settling in modern times like the Varan, in tribes like the Wood Elves, each led by a warchief like the Arkinham and Storroan, where they practice primal and destructive magics like the Drow. As I said, this is merely my interpretation but to me what would usually be the most vicious and ostracized race seems like the most culturally understanding :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Feyhorn are a very old, but mostly mysterious race. Most believe they've always been there, others believe they're the first demons from the first Onslaught who have since devolved into the tribalistic beings they are now. What they really are and where they really come from is up for interpretation.

They live in tribes, each tribe acting as a sort of clan. They live in huts, surrounding a large bonfire, and are more or less identical to Native Americans. The central region is sort of like south-central America, or Mexico. Each of these clans is ruled by a warchief, and then you have a shaman who is very old but very wise. They may fight each other over resources and land and whatnot, but they leave each other alone for the most part.

They're the most primitive of the races on Omeria. They may use wooden and iron weapons, but they don't have the steel-forged weapons and armor like the knights north of them do, nor do they have the wisdom of the elves below them. They use wood, fur, clay, stone, and other such resources to build their small huts.

EDIT: Any Feyhorn character has to be part of the North storyline. In this sense, they're probably a mercenary, soldier, or slave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I suspected as much. Probably wouldn't let the Feyhorn in the Council Halls but more than willing to let them die for the cause.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fuji
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Fuji Part-Time Drama Queen + Full-Time Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Name: Asta Cyszik

Age/Race/Gender: 25/Wood Elf/Female

Physical Appearance: Long black hair, so dark it looks almost midnight blue, flows down to her hips. Blue optics peer out of her olive complexion, her ears end in soft pointed tips which are a
genetic trait. Long fingers protude from her palms, which are rough from using the bow and weapons. Her figure is lithe with a small waist, thin legs and no curves at all to outline her figure. Years of archery make her arms well muscled, even though her legs may lack in the department she is strong enough to hold it out.

Armor/Clothing: Asta usually wears her favorite charming sky blue embroidered dress, over a thin chest plate and shin guards. Some leather pants and a cotton shirt make her outfit in most of the blue days of her life, as well as an old pair of her mother's boot that she keeps close to her heart. Under her possesion are a pair of old leather gloves, which usually come in handy when using a sword and a bow and arrow.

Weapon(s): Her bow and arrows, which are carried in a small arrow case that are slung over her arm. The bow is made from an oak staff, and the arrows are poorly made. And a chopping style sword, the blade is straight and wide.

Powers/Abilities: Healing spell: This spell is only able to cure cuts and soothes sores and bruises, it can't save someone from death.
Growth spell: Usually used to grow plants but also use in medicine to regrow limbs, she has never actually used the spell on human before but it was part of her medical training.
Rain spell: Evokes a small drizzle of rain, usually used to help droughts and give animals a place to drink. Can't do much harm.
Lightning spell: A bolt of energy jolts and harms someone or something, takes plenty of energy and is still in practice. Asta uses this in total emergencies.

Skills: Expertise in archery and sword fighting, also has medical experience from being a nurse and knows about a variety of herbs. Blends with nature and can bond with animals easily though not so much with other sentient beings. Asta knows a little about self defense without a weapon, which include ways to get out of choke and a few attacks.

Personality: Asta is closer to nature than her own race, her nose is usually stuck in a book or her head is bouncing around the clouds. Naive and sweet, she tends to be hard-headed when it comes to accepting the evil surrounding her. She much rather protect herself in her own little perfect world which much to her distaste is just not reality, magic isn't such a powerful object to her anyway. Her quarrel with magic is because she is unable to learn really advance spells or even master the basic ones, so she prefers to ignore it and practice half heartedly. Patience is a virtue, and a virtue she has, the world could be as slow as a turtle for all she cares as long as it remains the same forever.

History: Asta was a single child, and was taugh archery and sword-fighting from an early age and later magic when she was around ten years old. First, her mother trained her in healing and she became her assistant. In her training she learned of many herbs and how to make poltuces and ointments as well as what plants are edible and which aren't .Her mother would have patients most of the time and Asta would be ther to help with small tasks until she was fourteen and she became a nurse herself. She then pursued other types of magic more related to nature with her father as the rain and lightning spell. Now she lives alone and is in a less regular and more relaxed self training.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Asta Cyszik is accepted.

EDIT: But now that 25 is quite young for an Elf. Wood Elves are immortal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nortrom


Member Offline since relaunch

What is the lifespan of a Drow?

My character

Name: Zyx Norum
Age/Race/Gender: 335/Drow/Male

Physical Appearance: With a height of 1,6 meters and grey skin, Zyx doesn't look much different than the average Drow. His long, white hair make up for his bland face.

Armor/Clothing: Zyx usually wears a custom blue "armored" robe, created for long journeys and combat. This "armor" offers little protection from physical attacks but it has some magic resistance, as it can block a tenth of a magical attack. A cyan gem in the chest area empowers it, allowing Zyx to enhance it and be enhanced by it.

Weapon(s): None.

As a Drow, Zyx has an affinity for destruction spells, which he combines with utility and defensive abilities. He is exceptionally good at disabling and killing other magicians. His main abilities are:

* Increased resistance: Zyx doubles his armor's magical resistance

* Mana burn: Zyx mentally impairs an enemy mage, removing a chuck of his mana.

* Overload: His most powerful ability. Zyx sends propels himself towards a target after concentrating all of his energy on his fist. He then unleashes it, inflicting massive damage to the enemy target and minor damage to himself.

Personality: {WIP}

History: Zyx Norum is a part of a Drow tribe that lives outside Blackhorne. The tribe named "Atis" has been reduced to less than 50 people over the last decade, as many of it's members move to the main city. The oldest members of the tribe used to belong on a cabal that came very close to acquire demigod-like powers but eventually failed. A group of vigilante human battlemages protected some of these powers and eventually chased down most of the Drow from Atis. The remaining survivors were spared and abandoned the search for more power. Mentally injured from horrific spells and extremely tired, they focused on leading the tribe instead.

Many years later, the battlemages stormed the tribe's village and burned it to the ground. They falsely believed that the old Drow Wizards had stolen a relic, as an attempt to restore their powers. Even though they found nothing, the leader didn't only congratulate them, but also ordered them to kill any children who may be a future threat to the order.

Zyx was 14 years old when the village was destroyed and was lucky enough to be away from the carnage. He and his mentor returned to the village hours after the attack only to find everyone dead. One of the corpses belonged to a battlemage. The old mentor immediately realized who she was, even though her friends burned her corpse to make her less recognizable. He moved with Zyx to Blackthorne and taught him as much as he could. Eventually Zyx became even more powerful than his teacher, thanks to his natural affinity in magic. He learned spells that could render a mage useless, that could melt armor with ease. And when his mentor died, he went after some of the human battlemages, outsmarting and killing each one of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll read the bio later, but Drow can live about.... 2000 years. They lost their immortality after the Arcane Wars. Some may be able to stay alive longer depending on how much dark arts they know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fuji
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Fuji Part-Time Drama Queen + Full-Time Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

How old would an independent elf who is still mastering magic be?
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