I stumbled upon this site through some blind luck (meaning I searched "play-by-post" in google) and, considering I'm quite an RPer and love things such as these, thought it be a wise idea to join up. So, heyooo! Anyways, I have very little information regarding the site and it's standards, terms, so-on-and-so-forth, so if anyone could point me in the right direction it'd be appreciated a lot.

I come from a happy little place known as Chooseyourstory.com and frequently visit the Forum Games section there, so yeah (good job on the self advertisement, idiot!). I'm generally a fun-loving person who likes sick and twisted things. Gritty stuff, ya know? I also swear rather frequently, though can stop myself if I ever need to (like I'm doing now). The characters I play are also usually female. Don't ask why, I don't know either...

Well, I'm probably boring you to death by now so I'll just leave it at that. I hope to have lots of fun on the site. It looks rather promising.