Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Acceptable, provide alternative" The Trans-Lance said simply, folding his arms and waiting

Nova Selkatha

The Selkath began to preach, drawing a crowd of people to the plaza, come to gawk at the odd Selkath speaking foreign words. Only a few minutes later he was met by the sound of a mechanical gurgle behind him
"Public disturbance, not very wise. Explain yourself, and apply" The Civilis Protectione said folding his arms as he stared the Selkath up and down
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 7 days ago

((Even when my people have no idea what you're planning, they still manage to insult your plan))

"We understand, your culture has an interesting way of making sure we don't think you are trying to deceive us. You make the most obvious allusions to a hostile action that it is clear you have no hostile intentions. I am sure our people will enjoy learning of your culture later... we are ready to receive your gift."

Equestrian Request
"We understand, the Starfire currently holds members of all species. We have asked the Delphans to gather data on whether or not the other species will accept those present on the Starfire as representatives... Humans agree, Abh agree, Dolphins agree, Loroi agree, Boskops agree, Ethra'Hirel agree... the Delphans are debating. Fairlan is not connected to their hive mind due to his relationship with Emily... they agree with a 67.213% majority. The Starfire has been dispatched."

((I apologize for the minuscule post, I don't have any major storyline ideas right now.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kinkaz


Member Offline since relaunch

We accept your trade of crystals. We have recently noticed an increase in the movement of secularists and we fear that anytime now they will try to overthrow our Yaherid and destroy the legacy of the gods, so any of those crystals would be very useful for our war machine. We do not know about the Lakfakalle Trade Federation, so we will have to put your request aside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Equestrian Cultists had been worshipping for days, it was a wonder they were not caught in the first place. They had stabilized the warp portal just long enough for a single being to enter real space.

Lord Nihlus of the Night Lords flexed his new fist. He hadn't quite settled into his new body yet. The body of an adaptus astartes did take some getting used to.

The hulking figure took to the streets in full power armour, his Daemon blade seemed to absorb all light surrounding it in a curious manner. His armour was deep blue and black, his helmet had a scull engraved on the front and he wore a clock made entirely of crow feathers. An intimidating figure to say the least.

Nihlus made no attempt to hide from the equestrians laughing at those who fled from him in terror. He had come to talk after all and had no ambitions if killing anyone... or at least not yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


The other Lance Human took a few steps forwards towards the Equestrians and Wookies, speaking "Quid facite tu resistunt? Nos nisi volunt attollere qualitas de vita nam omnis species."

Invasion proposal for E-1 001

Prospector: Executive, E-1 is ripe for collectivisation. Not only would it remove a barrier to Universal Union but it's planetary bodies would be an excellent addition to the Collection should we succeed. Destruction of E-1 species is undesirable but acceptable

Executive: Begin invasion preparations, they are unacceptable. Universal Union, is that so much to ask? I don't think so.

Construction begins on:
Two Times Evocatus
Two Times Princeps
Four Times Hastati
Four Times Velites

Technological advancements

Two simple devices have been created as of late for usage by Civilis Protectione against any remaining Trandoshan resistance, and possibly in combat against other species

Roller Mine: The Rollermine is an electrically charged, spherical device slightly larger than a soccer ball that reacts to movement within a sizable radius. Rollermines are used as offensive and defensive traps. As the name implies, they roll towards enemies and electrocute them via close-range electric shocks similar to electro stunsticks. Extensively used along roads, they are often deployed in groups of two to four by dropships. Upon landing, the mines will remain inert or, if they land on softer terrain like soil or gravel, they will burrow themselves into the ground, remaining almost invisible. When an enemy target is detected, the roller mine will pop out of hiding and roll towards it. The mines can magnetically cling to a target vehicle and make the driver lose control, often making them veer off road and into buildings. Attached mines cannot be removed except through excessive force; touching them will merely cause electrocution. They are also deployed in buildings and structures, taking any intruders by surprise.

Manhack: The Manhack, referred to as Dissector by the Collective, is a flying, gyroscopic device with three razor-sharp blades that constantly spin at extremely high speeds. They are able to cause severe damage to anything they collide with. They are small anti-personnel devices that use razor-sharp propeller blades for both propulsion and attack. Their spinning blades produce a high-pitched whirring sound, which is often an indicator of their proximity. Their blades are powerful enough to cut and break through wooden obstacles and some weak metals, but not through stronger materials such as concrete. They are programmed with very little concept of self-preservation, careening off walls and through objects in their single-minded pursuit of their target. The concept of the Manhack is an example of the inhumane methods that the Collective uses to control the populace. Even if they do not kill outright, the deep cuts, scars and marks that are left on it's target are highly susceptible to infection. Manhacks are used to scout areas, escort scanners and to force enemies out of spaces they cannot easily or safely access. Manhacks never travel alone and are usually deployed in groups of four or more. Some Civilis Protectione officers and soldiers carry them on their person and can deploy them to clear out inaccessible areas. Their razor-sharp blades make them especially deadly in confined spaces such as alleyways, sewers, and small passages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukui


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Contact - LCF
Mmhm, so you want an attack for real? Since you sounded eager to expect such, the terraforming bombs we were going to give you as a weapon you can use are now terraforming bombs we will use to inhabitate your world. One final reminder:

Our regards go with you.

(The "originally a gift" situation is still a lie, but a rather clever cover-up reason for the attack.)

Cylindrical bombs with yields ranging from 10 to 150 megatons float in the air for few seconds as they near their targets, spinning rapidly before they detonate just a few hundred meters above ground. Intense radiation fallout is released, slowly spreading throughout the world and will soon render the planet uninhabitable to all but the Qourux species.

Although the Ceramus recognized the presence of the targets, diverting focus on the bombardment has prevented them from demonstrating their strength to the Equestrians.

This is a trade situation, not a gift situation, thus you would need to give us some help in the beginning conflict. However, if you wish as to give some defense around our territorial borders instead of direct interference, that would be fine also. Whether that, or to have us give some information about the Lakfakalle *cough* Cooperative *cough* Federation, make your choice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"You attacked our allies, we attack you. Consider this war."
The Few Equestrian ships in the system left, explaining to the LCF diplomats that they were being carried to safety till the conflict around Lakfalle was over. A fleet of 101 ships shortly appeared, with there fleet shield activated, and began firing massive amount of weaponry at the Ceramus fleet, including two 500 megaton balefire megaspells.

"We also wish to improve the quality of life of all species. You claim this as well, but you are arrogant, thinking you are superior to all merely because you have more advanced technology. You are hypocritical, claiming you want peace and prosperity for all yet you would declare war on a species that has done nothing and weaken and destroy them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


The first trans-lance mouth dropped open, and his mechanical voice echoed out again "The Collective survived. We are the union Victorious. Many survived because of the Collective that would not have under others. This union brings a species wide safety to which you cannot compare. Destruction is not the goal, your failure to understand echoes your failure approximately 50,000 years previous. We shall remove that failure. We shall add evolution and prosperity and fraternity. We shall bring an end to war, an end to suffering, we shall bring a universal ownership of resources, from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"You got lucky, you managed to find a solution in the end, but I do have a question for you. How many nations did you help, or did you just sit by and watch them drown in pools of there own blood as the reapers marched over them? And then another, how many lives were lost because of your solution to the universal war? Everywhere other galaxies are ravaged by the tears, tears that have most likely killed trillions, more then any other nation would ever be able to kill. And our people are safe, safe as yours in fact. Our defensive grids protect them, our soldiers would go out and die for them, and there is no crime. Wherein your people have safety, yet they fear the government. They are constantly monitored and tracked, living in fear that they will be dragged off. And we did fail, yet we have learned from our mistakes. The ends do not justify the means, they never have and they never will. Your goal, your end, is noble, yet your means, are not."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Logical fallacy, all remaining sentients alive were helped by the solution. You have failed, you have learnt nothing, you seem incapable of stating that which you have learnt. Your grids are weak, your soldiers are weak, your people are weak. You would not outlast the reapers, the Collective not only outlast but saved all remaining nations at the time. Tears were an unintended side effect, no one knows the damage caused. You can boast neither accomplishment listed above. You have never lived within the Collective, you know nothing. You did not live at any point in the war, you know nothing. You know little, but you don't cease communication. You are foolish."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukui


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Ceramus was as fast as to react to spread thin to avoid the 500-megaton explosions fired, but over 20 out of 50 has already been destroyed. 10 has been immediately tasked to land on the planet and begin colonization procedures, while the Thzeer radiation slowly synthesizes oxygen into human-harmful substances. While most of the target cities has been mostly stripped away, it'll take about some time before the entire world will be oxygen-depleted, allowing Qouruxes to live without the hassle of excess exposure to such environments.

Two ships have fired 300-megaton Thzeer bombs within the close regions of the planet's electromagnetic field, preparing an irradiated zone for preventing landing and recolonization by enemies. The rest has been tasked to continue the defense of the new colony until Thzeer finally spreads thoroughly throughout the world. Caution is advised against ships with suspicious weaponry that may [REDACTED].

Technological Advancement
Incantation Spells
Vocal speeches that direct the flow and behavior of arcane magic has now been developed, but is still in experimental stages. The following are the spells discovered (parenthesized are the incantations for the spells):

Curse of the Fearful (Noshiee, Czsrak, Asrid, Eshir) - Directs arcane energy towards a ship with a size up to at least less than one km in any size dimension, whether it be width, length or height. The energy stays for at least five seconds, and after that creates moderate damage to a ship, in addition to shutting down its weapon systems temporarily. Firing a weapon during the 5-second period releases the damage prematurely, but has no disarm.

Barrier (Czsrak, Ntesh, Ivriim) - Creates a barrier around a 1km or less in size ship that provides no protection, but periodically damages surrounding ships within 1km range. Does not damage the target, however. Lasts for one minute.

More spells are currently in research, but it is estimated that it'll take a bit long before the next spell may be discovered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Implying that the solution helped all remaining living sentients implies that no sentients were harmed by it or the side effects of the tears. No one knows the damaged caused, by probability would dictate at least some sentients somewhere were killed. And saved all remaining nations at the time? Almost none remained except your own, with any remnants of them being thrown into the stone ages. Our grids are strong, our soldiers are strong, and our people are strong. You have never faced any of them, so how could you know. And we may have never lived within the Collective, but we have seen it. Oh and a question, where is your police force? I only see military units on the streets."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


"If it had not been deployed all life would have been annihilated. You live today because of a sacrifice in numbers incomprehensible to a mind who has not witnessed it. You should be thankfully they were willing, not hateful of their cause. Your people lack logic, reason, respect. I propose you watch some Collective period pieces, some educational pieces or some pieces from the time, though as with all wars of such a type the latter had to include propaganda and more censorship. You see what they want you to see, you would understand better if we took you inside"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"We are here because of Faust, not some Collective who claims to want peace and prosperity yet is committing slavery, violence, genocide, and removing freedoms that all sentients deserve! Your arrogance reeks in your words. As for our offer, as we actually want peace instead of war, 5000 tons of basic metals."

The place where Nihlus was was a desert, the only place safe for the cultists to begin the ritual. It be likely they be dead soon. Using Chaos carried the death penalty, and the cultists were be rooted out anyways. It wasn't long before Nihlus was surrounded by Equestrian Gunships, and several Archmages approached.
"You will stand down now, you are under arrest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

duck55223 said
"We are here because of Faust, not some Collective who claims to want peace and prosperity yet is committing slavery, violence, genocide, and removing freedoms that all sentients deserve! Your arrogance reeks in your words. As for our offer, as we actually want peace instead of war, 5000 tons of basic metals."

"What did Faust do when all the other races were dying, enlighten us as to why she deserves no criticism for letting them die but we are held accountable for it? Why are we guilty for having done what was logically best while she is innocent of it all because she simply did nothing? If we had not destroyed the Reapers, you would have been destroyed by them whether Faust was helping you or not. Hiding behind your gods. What is better, to be given the world or to struggle for it? To be born with all or to obtain it?. 5000 tons of minor metals does not adequately compare to Universal Union, offering is insignificant."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Before the unicorn could speak again a new voice entered the room
"Perhaps because if I assisted I would have been weakened or imprisoned, I wanted to help, but taking my attention away from the God Wars would have destroyed me, making my help nothing. And before you argue that I could have done something or at least sent a word Gods Wars are taxing, they require the full undivided attention of the Goddess or God in question, or they could possibly die. I wanted to help so badly, but I could not."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


The Lance Human glared up, called out as his mouth dropped open, challenging her
"And a universal war isn't? Your children insult the corpses of Quintillions, maybe more. At least we did something, what could you have possibly been fighting over that was worth the waste of an entire Universe of creatures?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Apparently I need to explain what a God War is. I was fighting other Gods."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Diplomatic Actions
All Diplomats had pretty much been in a remote stasis, immovable and untouchable, floating an inch or so off the ground in a light blue transparent cloud, eyes frozen and mouths locked into an expression of tension.

Far away in the place known as "Elsewhere"
A human, dressed in combat fatigues with woven carbon-titanium fatigues and carbon-titanium armor plating, with powerful automatics that fire rounds in a hailstorm of supersonic armor-piercing/incendiary rounds [Punching through anything while leaving fire], equipped with drum mags, grenades, night-vision, infrared, and several other sight-types that they have no idea what they do, and a combat knife that's more like a shortsword strapped to their waist, looked down the long, empty... ish dark tunnel cautiously, 5 other similarly-dressed soldiers standing at various points throughout the tunnel: along the wall, right behind him, on the catwalk dangling from the ceiling, etc.

The 5 humans were a squad; they didn't know each other, but they did know the chain of command. They also knew that they had randomly woken up from what felt like a really long, deep sleep, found themselves in unfamiliar, insanely advanced technology, and in a tunnel that looked to be a very old tunnel for at least two very large subway trains... they think. 2 sets of rails ran down the middle of the tunnel, with a concrete walkway lining both sides, occasionally switching to a titanium-link catwalk where there were drain-off gates for what appeared to be sewer water. Why that was in a subway tunnel, they had no idea.

"Switch to infrared," the newly-designated Squad Leader called.
The other four, listening in through the crisp, pristine voice channel, responded, "Switching to infrared now."
One said, "Movement up ahead," and another said, "Movement on our six."
Then, "What the [beep] are these guys? Why the [beep] was I just censored? What the [beep]?!"
"We've got reds taking up defensive positions in front and behind of us!"
"If we want to survive, I'd bet on those sewer tunnels."
"Because we're being played, so we might as well-" His talk was ended with a snap, as something inside the marines' circle, all of them facing OUTWARD, violently twisted the man's head so hard that it separated head from body. The head, red-tinted visored helmet and all, found its target, and knocked another soldier hard enough into the wall that his vision black for a moment, giving enough time for the unseen enemy to sprint up to it and punch the soldier hard enough to cave in the thickest part of the chest armor, crushing every single one of his ribs, and most of his internal organs.
The next moment found the chestplate and a good portion of the second marines' chest splattering onto the head of another soldier, covering him with his acquaintances' chest.

By that time, at least one other squad mate had realized what the sounds were, and opened fire on the humanoid, thick-skinned Supreme. The rounds tore through the Supreme, passing straight through him and setting several stomach-like sacks inside his body alight, the gas produced burning at a slow rate. The heavy gas poured out of the now-dead Supreme, making it look like streams of blue fire was pouring of the body as it fell to the ground. Horrified, the remaining 3 soldiers, one soaked in blood, turned to take in the massacre of their squad leader and smart-[beep!].

Moments later, the were overrun from the North by another Supreme. Too shocked to respond fast enough, the squad became a meal, and after the Supreme had his fill, he was teleported back to a waiting station, where his much-needed built-up violence had finally gone away, and he was ready to return to active service.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Over what? What petty little divine argument was worth an entire Universe, Goddess " He said spitefully
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