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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Welcome to the battlerama, a place where you can fight one (or more) of my many characters to your heart's content! No story is necessary if you want a simple good old fashioned brawl to the death or otherwise, although there can be a story complete with motivations if you want. My characters will be of various power levels and genres. Although I have a little over 100 characters right now, a lot of them are obviously not as battle ready as others and I'm not as interested in fighting with them, but I'll start off with 26 to choose from. Don't bother reading character sheets for those not posted here because they may or may not end up heavily modified anyways if I end up posting them here. Those posted here are not necessarily all complete either but are indeed (mostly) battle ready. My goal is to make them as balanced as possible for what I want of them, so hopefully our battles will be a great learning experience to make whatever adjustments and improvements I need on my characters to get a better feel for the. Hopefully you get a lot of fun out of this in exchange for your assistance.

This won't be for a single battle, but will hopefully be an ongoing thing. Therefore, even if someone has already expressed interest, then you still have a chance to express your own interest as well to get on a list that I will get around to fighting sooner or later. It also goes without saying that anyone is free to fight against each other while they wait by way of their own threads, which can copy this format or use your own. Once I get around to you I'll send a PM and wait 3 days until passing on to the next on the list if you don't reply. If you show up later you have to sign up on the bottom of the list again.

This doesn't have to be 1 vs. 1, so if you prefer using more characters then I'm all for it.

For a battle to start we both need to accept each other's characters, then you or I can start the battle in the IC with the battle cleared marked on the first post by way of the characters participating and what match it is. For example, I'd write "Character A vs. Character B (Match 3)". That will make it easier to see when a new match has begun in the IC and I'll make a link to it in this post once enough battles are around. If I end up fighting more than one at once then I'll separate my posts into sections and clearly mark what is for what.

For character sheets you can use any format for your character sheet that you'd like but it must include all of the relevant details for the battle such as their weapons, armor, magic, appearance (height/weight if outside of expected ranges), skills, etc. Personality, backstory, etc. is not needed but could be good to have so we can get more involved with the characters doing the fighting. You may use the format that I'm using for most of my characters should you desire.

To help you better find the character you wish to fight the best I'll list them under their genre and I'll also list their "level" to the right of their name. Take the number with a huge grain of salt; it's just a general guide that I may need to adjust the number around when seeing their actual performance in battle. In theory the levels go sort of like this: Level 1 to 5 is unenhanced humans. Level 1 is worse then average, 2 is the average joe, 3 is a trained human, 4 is the very well trained human, and 5 is like the elite special ops with great modern technology. 6 to 9 is enhanced in some way through magic or futuristic technology, or simply physically better then humans, but can still be defeated by unenhanced humans alone or in a groups depending on how things go. 10 to 19 can beat hundreds of normal humans, 20 to 39 can beat thousands, 40 to 49 an army, 50 to 59 the entire world, 60 to 69 the galaxy, 70 to 89 the universe, 90 to 99 the multiverse. 100 is an all powerful being. Some adjustments to this level system may be made if I see flaws in it. You don't need to post a level for your character unless it's for our benefit to try and get a fair match up to help us visualize things.

Fighting System

Every post besides the beginning three are comprised of first a reaction and then an action. The first two are introducing the characters to the battle where they cannot take any action against each other, then the third post is what starts the battle off, skipping the reaction step and jumping straight to the action. Therefore, the fourth post will actually be the first one to feature the reaction and then action.

Reaction is going off of what your opponent has written in their latest post. If they are swinging their fist at you, for example, then you may use this opportunity to respond to this attack in any manner that you feel fit as long as it can reasonably occur. A reaction could also be receiving the hit, more then likely because you didn't have any other reasonable options available to you. This reaction portion of the post does not exist in the first post because there is nothing to react to.

A special type of reaction is known as a counter. This is if your opponent is doing an action or sequence of actions that you can reasonably react and respond to before all of their actions written down in their post can complete. For example, they spin around while winding up their fist to telegraph a heavy handed blow to your face. If your character is able to hit them before they can do this entire action or sequence of actions (spinning around, winding their fist, and then punching, in this case), the reaction in your post can reflect this interruption and the rest of the actions your opponent had taking place after the counter are possibly void depending on realism. Let's use this wind up punch guy as an example again. A speedster uses this opportunity to jab him in the stomach with a quick blow. However, this guy is huge and strong so is still able to get his punch off despite the counter. The more powerful you are, often the more durable and the more resistant to counters interrupting your attack, but the easier it is for said counters to hit in the meantime and do some damage, even if just a little, and these tough slow guys are not quick enough to pull off counters as easily, but if they do get a counter off then it will probably have a much larger effect. It's slower to react then act, so if someone is punching at you then odds are you cannot start your punch after them and counter hit with your own punch before theirs connects (but of course if there's obvious speed differences between characters then it would be possible). That being said, counters will be rare and only when the clear opportunity provides itself.

So that gets reactions out of the way. How about actions? Your action can come about as a result of your reaction already responding to your opponent. They reacted by blocking the punch with a open fist, for example, but now what? They need to take action rather then just react, and that's where the second part of your post comes in. A lot of the times the action and reaction can flow into one, responding to their attack by doing an attack in return right then and there. To make things easier on you to understand, any time you do an attack or anything not as a direct result of one will count as an action and not simply your reaction. You may do any number of actions in your post, but this opens you up to counters all the more easily, which may very well void a majority of your actions. For example, you have a guy who punches super fast, so you say he delivers 100 punches towards his opponent. If your opponent can reasonably avoid this at any point in time then your guy will be stuck doing 100 punches until your opponent decides to counter them, quite possibly stopping all punches that were still to come after the point where the counter was made, such as they latch onto their arm so they can no longer move it well enough to punch anymore.

Charges are a type of action. The charged attack can start on the action of one turn and then be unleashed on any post after that as that post's action/reaction, often being a more effective attack then had you not charged at all if it would make sense. You can still react/act before your charged attack as long as it wouldn't interrupt the charge. For example, a guy has his hand held back with static electricity forming in it. He can't react with that hand, but he could still side step an attack, use his free hand to block, etc. and then use his charged hand for his action. As previously stated you only get benefits for charge if it makes sense. Holding your hand back could allow more power to be put into the punch, but it doesn't do any additional benefit however long you hold it back. Therefore, holding it back for hundreds of posts will not add on any extra power.

Posts should be made as detailed as possible to avoid confusion. If you say something overly vague such as "I run up and attack him" then your opponent should ask you to clarify or, if you refuse for some reason, they can interpret your post however they see fit, assuming your attack can be a head butt to their shin and react accordingly if that's what they wish. That being said, the more you elaborate you are the less wiggle room they have. However, they can't abuse this by having them do things just because you didn't say they didn't.

When it comes to disputes, if no disagreements are made or able to be resolved between the participants (me and you) then no judges have to be brought in. However, if there's something that can't otherwise be resolved then everyone else who has participated in this thread or ask to be a judge can put their input into the disagreement. The winner is whoever gets the majority vote, or if both sides agree to a suggested compromise.

After the battle is decided, each person can have a conclusion post if they so desire.


1. I can add more rules to this list as it comes to my attention as long as it is fair and balanced.

2. Despite saying "you", all rules also apply to me as well.

3. Everything mentioned in this post, even if not listed under rules, is still a rule unless otherwise stated.

4. You can willingly forfeit any of the rules to your opponent for whatever reason, allowing them to break said rule against you.

5. You cannot control your opponent's character's actions. The only exceptions are if there's a power that's specifically able to do so. Of course actions like grabbing onto their hand and swinging them around could be considered "controlling" them, but it's allowed because it's actually your character doing the action and not them.

6. Your character cannot know things that they wouldn't reasonably know. If they are a simple farm boy, don't have them suddenly understand nuclear fusion out of nowhere to conveniently avoid an attack. This rule includes them somehow knowing about something only discussed in the OOC or the character sheet. You know your opponent has that awesome fire attack, but could your character know that? Make sure you can justify it.

7. Your character cannot suddenly develop powers not mentioned in their character sheet unless their power says that they can do just that (which is highly unlikely to be accepted). This rule includes non-magical abilities such as suddenly become a kung fu expert. However, when it comes to non-magic there can be more leeway. After all, you don't need to explain that they have the ability to eat, run, etc., so pulling said "abilities" out of nowhere can be justified. Just make sure it stays within justification for what we know of the character.

8. You must allow your opponent a reaction to your attack; no auto-hits in your post. You can't pull out your gun, shoot a bullet, and say "his head explodes". You have to say things like "I pulled my gun out and pulled the trigger, aimed at his head".

9. Don't keep your opponent waiting on a post for more then 3 days unless you give proper warning beforehand and they accepted. If not then your opponent can deal whatever damage to them that would reasonably come about as a result their current attack (basically, their reaction post but put into your post written by you), and then you may continue your post with the rest of your actions. If they still haven't posted while keeping you waiting for 3 more days after this post then you can write the reaction post for your latest actions again and then do whatever you wish to end the battle.

10. Timed matches can be requested but do not come standard. They can be time as seen by the character's point of view, real world time, or simply a limit to the amount of posts before a winner is decided.

11. Winning the battle can be achieved my many ways. It can be stopping them from being able to fight any longer, getting them to surrender, or knocking them out/killing them. Additional winning rules can be agreed upon.


Participating in this thread will earn you various achievements and battle points (BP). More will be added to this list if I come up with them or you can suggest your own achievements. The number next to the name of the achievement is the BP you get for earning that achievement, which can be done multiple times unless otherwise stated. Every battle you participate in gives you one BP for a loss or three for a win, plus BP for said achievements. I won't list all the achievements everyone gets, so just keep track of it yourself in your own post if you want.

Wins in a Row
Double Feature-10- Win twice in a row
Third Time's a Charm-20- Win three times in a row
On a Roll-40- Win five times in a row
Now It's Just Embarrassing-80- Win ten times in a row
I Call Hax-160- Win 100 times in a row

Pacifist-10- Win three battles without killing your opponent (only unlockable once)
"Killing Spree!"-10- Win three battles by killing your opponent (only unlockable once)
Kill Two Birds with One Stone-30- Kill two characters in a single attack, not including your own character
"Omae wa mo Shindeiru"-40- Win a battle in three or less of your posts, not counting introductions

"I'm Waiting!"-Negative 20- Lose a battle due to making me wait

Records/Waiting List

Here's the list of everyone who's participated based on their position on the waiting list. Their total BP is next to their name.
1. Schradinger: 3 BP
2. kapuchu: 3 BP
3. Alphakoka:

My Characters

Choose from this list. In all honesty I haven't re-read through all of the sheets to make sure they are 100% ready, but I know they are at least very close. Feel free to be as critical as you want in asking additional info that isn't found in the sheet that should be. I'm mainly assigning their levels right now based on how I remember them and what feels right, so upon further investigation you can expect the numbers to fluctuate drastically. Feel free to give your own opinion as well, as I'd love to see your take on them. My brain hurt on some of them on who would really beat who to be honest. If you want me to come out with more characters of a certain genre or level than feel free to suggest this to me.

Fantasy (Only medieval weaponry)
Evvie (She can be used for various power levels with some adjustment)
Cardinal Knitter (90)
Kyuryuin Senren (80)
Xerra Urandee Ri'Hara (78)
Ryomi Fiett Leitania (39)
Citrune (31. Possibly highly misleading)
Frederick Blaze 30)
Lynks (23)
Mellow (22)
Valecia (20. Likely underestimating)
Redden Mathews (19. Likely underestimating)
Eldrein Alchiot (18)
Raln Freidrick (18)
Elissa March (17)
Kallena (17)
Vibrissa (17)
Faritha (13)
Mimi Tail (10)
Cellinli Lienfeld (9)
Mywt (7)

Sci-fi/Modern Fantasy
Melon (Varies wildly depending on equipment)
Rave Friendenburg (Varies wildly depending on equipment)
Mauk Tu (40)
Karissa (29, but a glass cannon so could lose to an average human)
Vordadak (Vord) Milsiem Ki'chin'tei (24)
Resten Wiles (16)
Elaine Elendall (15)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm definitely interested, seeing as how the multiverse appears to have died.

I've only looked over the Elaine Elendall bio thus far, but she seems a good match for David Smith. Or an unarmored tier 4 Bloodshot. I'm posting on my phone right now and about to head to bed, so links to bios will have to wait until tomorrow, but I wanted to officially throw my gauntlet down before heading off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by R4inator


Member Offline since relaunch

If you're accepting newbies, I'll join!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Heyo, importing Niks. Guess work level for just him (minus suit) is around 9.
Should I just link to his CS in the Multiverse or edit it out first?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

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Interesting... I think I'd like this.

So, just for clarification: We make a character whom we control and then post the character sheet here, and then we choose one of your characters whom you will then control in the fight, correct?

I have an idea for a character, or rather it's an old character from about a year ago that I think will fit in rather well, and I think this one would be a ~22/23.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Schradinger said
I'm definitely interested, seeing as how the multiverse appears to have died.I've only looked over the Elaine Elendall bio thus far, but she seems a good match for David Smith. Or an unarmored tier 4 Bloodshot. I'm posting on my phone right now and about to head to bed, so links to bios will have to wait until tomorrow, but I wanted to officially throw my gauntlet down before heading off.

I'm wondering if Elaine will end up a higher level or not. We'll see how the battle will go. Being the first one here you're the top of the list. I will probably fight more then one battle at once, though.

R4inator said
If you're accepting newbies, I'll join!


Alphakoka said
Heyo, importing Niks. Guess work level for just him (minus suit) is around 9. Should I just link to his CS in the Multiverse or edit it out first?

So maybe Mimi Tail or Cellinli would be a good match?

kapuchu said
Interesting... I think I'd like this.So, just for clarification: We make a character whom we control and then post the character sheet here, and then we choose one of your characters whom you will then control in the fight, correct? I have an idea for a character, or rather it's an old character from about a year ago that I think will fit in rather well, and I think this one would be a ~22/23.

That's correct.

Edit: If someone can't find a good match of a solo character, either ask me about this problem and I'll bring one in or you ca fight multiple lower level characters who would be a good match.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

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Good to know. I already have a character, as I said, and I'll be fixing her up so that she fits this better and flesh her out a bit more. Should I Just post the CS here when it's done?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yes, although if you guys demand it I could create a character thread for this. Maybe it would make it easier to have all characters in one place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 mo ago

ImportantNobody said
So maybe Mimi Tail or Cellinli would be a good match?

Just plain Niks without any add-on? Yeah, I think so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Alphakoka said
Just plain Niks without any add-on? Yeah, I think so.

I think his sheet would be ready as it is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Right, continuing with the assumption that he has no suits at all then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah. Although he could wear a suit to combat certain characters on an even footing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Pretty much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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For Aurelia, any backstory is fine because this isnt in any continuity. They mostly all come from separate worlds. I do have a continuity planned up where all the worlds are connected, but it doesn't have to be used for this battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

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Alright, that's fine. The backstory she had was one where she grew up wanting to go on an adventure, but wasn't because her life was pretty much already decided: She was promised to some guy and ended up having to marry him and be the dutiful housewife. Then, upon her death, she wished for an Adventure and woke up again in some multiverse-kinda world where everything was possible, and she had the abilities listed above.

...I'll just post it as it is, might edit it to be a bit more detailed later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

On second thought, I think I'd like to pit tier 5 Bloodshot against Ryomi Fiett Leitania. Full armor and weapons.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Schradinger said
On second thought, I think I'd like to pit tier 5 Bloodshot against Ryomi Fiett Leitania. Full armor and weapons.

What battlefield do you want to fight in?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Doesn't make much difference to me, though I'd prefer something you'd find in real life to a staged arena type thing. Main Street in some small town, top of a skyscraper surrounded by taller skyscrapers, random street in a big city, something like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Schradinger said
Doesn't make much difference to me, though I'd prefer something you'd find in real life to a staged arena type thing. Main Street in some small town, top of a skyscraper surrounded by taller skyscrapers, random street in a big city, something like that.

I'll work on my post.
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