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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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"I second that." Genya responded to what Yang had said. However Ruby and Weiss were already walking towards the injured girl. Guess they had no choice now.

"Hey!" Ruby called out to the injured girl as she ran towards her. "Are you alright?" She first asked before seeing her injuries. Ruby knelled down by the girl looking at her injuries. "Oh man those look pretty bad. Don't worry we'll get you some help."

Genya was basically the last person to arrive there. He stood his distance watching Ruby tend to the girl. However there was something familiar about her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang shrugged and went after Ruby and Weiss. "This girl was attacked?" She said watching as Ruby went over to the girl who was wearing a bow and had yellow eyes. Looking at her Yang could not help but blush. Then she shook her head. "I think she was caught off guard by the Grimm."

Weiss watched Ruby. "We could take her back to the palace once we get the job done. I do not think we brough healing supplies." She said .

Blake looked at them and began her act. "I..I was just out for a stroll when suddenly the Grimm came without warning and pounced on me." She gripped her injury. Yang made a annoyed sound. "Grimm attacking a innocent girl is unacceptable." She said looking around.

Weiss heard Blake's story. " Then we need to keep our guard up."

As the group was talking Blake smirked and gave Phacia the hidden signal and gave her Grimm the mental command to attack. The Grimm growled and began to approach the clearing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Something doesn't feel right about this girl. Genya thought. He got a good look at her this and realized. "Wait a minute! That's her, that's the one I saw in the castle. The intruder!" Before he or anyone else could do anything they were surrounded by Grimm of all different shapes and sizes. "Shit." Genya muttered. Yang was right about this being a trap.

"Heh heh. Goodbye princess of Vale." Phacia whispered to herself. She was still in hiding as she aimed her bow right at Weiss' head and fired.

"Watch out Weiss!" Ruby yelled as she saw the arrow coming towards the princess and pretty much tackled her to the ground with the arrow almost hitting Ruby instead but instead hitting the tree behind them.

"Damn it." Phacia muttered. "That was suppose to go through her head and not in the tree." She spoke out loud finally revealing herself.

"Who the hell are you?" Genya asked drawing Slayer out.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the leader of these Grimm."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang took a stance. "Finallly. I was thinking this would be a boring stroll." She said. When Genya said Blake happened to be the intruder she looked confused. "Um Genya the intruder had a mask. She might look familiar but this is not the same girl who stormed the castle.."

Blake spoke up. "You are right. The Grimm Mistress put me under her power. I had no intention of harming you. She is after you Yang. You should run away..she is here.."

Yang heard what Blake said. "She is targetting me. Well that sucks. Do not worry about me." She said confidently.

Weiss blinked as Ruby tackled her down. "Dunce would you be more..careful." She then noticed the arrow. "Ohhh thanks.." She said realizing it was fired off in a way that if she had not been pushed down she would have been dead.

"Leader of the Grimm huh?" Yang said facing Phacia. "You do not look like much.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

"Well that makes sense. You obviously aren't that much if you're controlling others to do your work." Genya said.

"I could say the same for you filthy humans. My friends and I are going to enjoy ripping you all limb from limb, except you blondie. I have a use for you. As for the others." Phacia spoke as she snapped her fingers. The Grimm began to attack. Genya had no trouble laying waste to one Ursa Grimm as quickly as possible. These disgusting creatures killed his younger brother and now it was time for payback. Meanwhile Ruby was taking care of a Beowulf Grimm that tried to pounce on her and Weiss. She took out Crescent Rose and quickly sliced one of its arms off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Blake stood up and went somewhere to hide.

"Well if you think you have a use.." Yang saw the Grimm coming and equipping her gauntlets she began to attack by punching and firing her gauntlets off." You better think again."

Weiss moved her rapier and switching the dial to blue then red she fired off ice and fire attacks as well as with a flick of her hand she created a glyph which acted as a shield to help protect the group from any sneak attacks.

"Phacia.." Blake said mentally from her hiding place. "Make your move while they are distracted."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

"Of course mistress." Phaica replied mentally. While they were all distracted by the Grimm Phaica aimed her bow at Yang. Normally she would go for the head or in Yangs case the stomach. She got amusement of how humans would act all cocky. She got even more amusement when she was chocking said human with their own intestines. However Blake wanted her alive so she aimed her bow at her legs to slow her movement and fired. They could heal her when they got back to their hideout.

Genya sliced another Grimm into pieces before switching Slayer into whip mode. He got one Beowulf Grimm by the neck and threw it into a tree and it was impaled trough the chest by a large and sharp tree branch. It howled in pain before going limp and dying.

Ruby had finished off the Grimm she had encountered. She turned around to see how everyone else was fairing, mainly Weiss. There was an Ursa Grimm charging towards the princess. "Crap." Ruby muttered turning Crescent Rose into sniper mode and firing off a few bullets into the beast. The Grimm slowed down dramatically after being shot, good enough for Weiss to finish it. "Weiss! Ursa at six a clock!" She warned the princess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Ahh!" Yang gasped out in pain as she saw Phacia had managed to hit her in the legs by a arrow. "What the hell? Guys you just had to ignore the fact I am being attacked.." She mumbled trying to stand back up but she fell back down again as she felt the pain shoot up her legs.

Blake peeked her head out from where she was pretending to cower and chuckled. "That human is so cocky and rash she did not prepare herself.." She continued to speak to Phacia."Now is your chance."

Weiss heard what Ruby said . She also heard the pained scream of Yang. "Ruby I think your sister is in trouble." She said as she shot her ice dust at the Ursa turning it into ice and quickly shattered it.

Blake called for more Grimm and a pack of Beowolves came out to prevent anyone from getting to Yang. Yang's legs were badly bleeding however she growled and aimed a gauntlet at Phacia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

"Yang?" Ruby turned around upon hearing what Weiss said and saw her injured sister. "YANG!" Her eyes widen in horror as she tried to rush to save her only for them to be surrounded by more Grimm and a pack of Beowolves, even more than when they were first surrounded.

"Get. The fuck out of our way!" Genya yelled going into an all out rage hacking and slashing his way trough the Grimm with Ruby helping of course. However just as one went down another replaced it and it seemed like they were getting nowhere.

Phacia simply walked over to Yang. He could see her face because of the mask but she was grinning like a demon. "Still trying to act like a cocky little bitch aren't we? How cute." She told Yang before punching her in the face. She then grabbed her face forcing her mouth open as she took out the potion that Blake made and poured it down her mouth. Just to make sure she drank it she pinched her nose shut and forced her mouth closed. "You may act all tough, but I can smell the fear in you. When I'm done doing what I need I'm then going to enjoy torturing you sister and the princess. I'll even let you watch your sisters suffering."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Weiss growled and tried to get the Grimm to back off as she froze and sliced the iceblocks. "She set up a ambush. We may not be able to get to Yang in time..what is she doing..dammit is that..magic potion..?!" Weiss at one time had studied dark magic potions and lore in order to find a way to counteract anything the Grimm Mistress planned to throw at them but this was all so sudden.

Yang flinched at the punch that seemed to come suddenly before she could fire a shot. Hearing Phacia's threats she tried to say something. Then she felt the warm and disgusting liquid being poured down her throat and she tried to resist but she was forced to swallow it and could only glare at Phacia.

Blake smirked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Phacia grin got even wider as the huntress just stood there helpless. "It will be over soon. You won't remember anything. Until then, time to go to sleep." she told Yang removing her hand from the blonds mouth and putting her in a sleeper choke hold. "When she's down and out she's all yours mistress. I wanna have some fun." Phacia told Blake mentally.

"Yang hold on! We're coming to get you!" Ruby yelled fighting her way through the Grimm. She was hoping her sister heard that or more importantly she was still alive.

No no no! I'm not going to lose someone else. Not this time. Genya thought as his sword went through the chest of two Beowulfs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Do as you wish.." Blake said to Phacia. "While she is out my power will be over her when she wakes up. I must say she'll make a sutable mate for me." She did not want to admit it but that time for a Faunus was approaching..heat...where Faunus mate..

Yang grunted but instantly blacked out. She was breathing luckily tho Phacia's hold just caused her to fall unconscience.

"Ruby do not get reckless now.." Weiss said as she continued to attack the Grimm with herDust tho signs of fatigue were beginning to show as she had used too much of her semblance and Dust in the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

"I don't need a mate. I have plenty of them." Phacia said mentally looking over at the Beowulf Grimms. She let go of Yang and took out her bow using a special type of arrow which was laced with a strong poison. She looked through the group of Grimm right at Weiss and proceeded to fire.

Ruby was trying her best to get herself through the Grimm but it seemed more and more kept coming in a falling ones place. However she saw Phacia aiming for Weiss again with her bow. Not again. Ruby thought as she ran towards the princess. Damn it I'm not going to make it. In one last attempt she jumped right in front of Weiss taking the poison arrow right in her right shoulder. "Ah!" She cried out in pain as she fell to the ground.

"Ruby?" Genya looked over only to be knocked down himself by a Ursa. Shit this is looking bad. There's too many of them.

Damn it! That fucking little shit! Phacia thought as she growled in anger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Of course you do.." Blake said as she quickly headed over to where Yang was out cold and picked her up. "Phacia fall back.." She ordered even tho she knew Phacia wanted to kill the human's outright now was not the time. The attack had been just a diversion to get Yang.

The Grimm began to fall back as Blake mentally ordered them to. "Listen humans.." She said calmly to the group. "I have been generous to let you live. That poison used on Ruby may very well kill her if you do not retreat. Yang is mine ..my destined partner..leave before i change my mind.." Blake of course spoke mentally as she dashed back into her cave.

"Dammit Ruby.." Weiss said as she took the arrow out of her arm. "She has been poisoned but do not panic.." She said to Ruby and Genya both as she took out a vile of Dust which was not Dust at all but a antidote she made for poison . She gently poured it down Ruby's mouth. While it would not stop the poison completely it would slightly remedy its effects.." Thank you again. But you should stop risking your life for me Red.." She said softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

"Fall back? Awe....we were just getting started." Phacia said sound really disappointed but she would not dare disobey Blake. "You humans are lucky that you get to live for a while longer. I can't say you'll live the next time we meet." She said to the hunters before falling back with Blake and the Grimm.

Ruby groaned in pain as Weiss pulled the arrow out of her shoulder but started to feel some relief when the princess gave her the remedy. it didn't stop the poison for taking a toll on her as the huntress was trying to stay conscious. She heard what Weiss said and let out a weak chuckle. "Hey.....i-it's my job.....to...p-protect you."

"Ruby!" Genya quickly got up and ran over to her and Weiss. "Shit that doesn't look good." He said as he looked at the wound which had a dark purple like ring around it. "That isn't your normal poison."

"Don't.....worry about me Genya. I-I'll be fine....We gotta save my s-sister first." Ruby got out before becoming unconscious. Genya picked up ruby from the ground bridal style. "We gotta head back now otherwise this will be permanent."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Weiss nodded her face littered with worry when she saw Ruby was in danger. "Dunce..why risk your life to protect me.." She mumbled as she quickly led Genya back towards the palace to get to the castle doctor who knew the best remedys for this magical poison.

Blake was back inside the cave smirking. All had gone according to plan and Yang was finally hers. "Nice work Phacia. I am pleased.."

Yang slowely began to wake up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

"Why thank you mistress." Phacia replied with as Yang was waking up. "Seems she's coming to." Phacia had her weapon on hand just in case that the potion didn't work on Yang, though she mostly knew that it would work.

Upon arriving back to the castle Ruby was immediately taken to medical bay of the castle. Luckily the doctors there knew exactly what kind of poison Ruby had been infected with and rush to cure her. It wasn't for another few more hours that the young huntress regain conscious. "Huh.....w-where am I?" Ruby asked no one in particular as she got up. She realized that she was in a bed.

"We're back at the castle. You were poisoned but luckily the doctors here were able to cure you." Genya replied with as he was leaning by the door to Ruby's room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Blake smiled as Phacia informed her Yang was waking up. "At ease. This should work sience I am a master of this sort of arts." Blake had taken her cape back from Phacia and stashed her mask away so Yang could see her face. She then walked over to Yang. "You are finally awake..."

Yang heard Blake's voice and saw she was in some sort of cave. "Hey what.." She was about to say what was the big idea of attacking her as she partially remembered tho there was a sort of fog in her mind that was clouding her mind of certain memories..like what just happened.

"You do not remember..." Blake said in as much of a sincere tone as she could without feeling some natural disdain at being nice to a human but she shrugged off her Faunus instincts. "This is your home. We lived here and we are lovers. Until that day the kingdom of Vale stole you from me and lied to you. They gave you to a family so they could raise you with false memories. Phacia and I saved you from thier wickedness. Now you are where you belong.." Blake extended a hand to Yang...

Yang heard what Blake said and for some odd reason believed it. She took Blake's hand with a smile. Blake then pulled her close and kissed her.

Weiss who had been worried about Ruby for those long hours suddenly burst into the room ignoring Genya and quickly going over to Ruby. "Ruby..how dare you make me worry.. " She said taking the young huntresses hand sobbing a bit. "If..I had lost you.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VileSnake
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Phacia lightly clapped in delight upon seeing the two girls embraced one another. she walked over to her Beowulf Grimm and wrapped her arms around its neck hugging it. "Don't worry. We'll have our special time later." She whispered.

If you had......man you just met her this morning. Genya thought rolling his eyes a bit.

Ruby was kind of surprised to see Weiss just burst in like that. It looks like she did care for her bodyguard, she didn't seem like that earlier when they first met. Ruby put her hand on Weiss shoulder smiling weakly, she was still getting over the effects of the poison. "You won't lose me Weiss. I knew you guys would find a way to save me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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The Beowolf she was embracing made a growl of excitement hearing what Phacia said. The other Grimm moved to attack Yang thinking she was a threat until they saw thier Master kissing her and fell back.

Yang blushed as Blake kissed her and kissed her back. "I missed you Blake.." She said in a off tone.

Weiss blushed as Ruby touched her shoulder. "Yes luckily I have been studying alot of things. Yang was not saved. And I know what magic was used. It is one of the forbidden black magic spells involving Grimm Blood..."
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