Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey, Eyesonlyhacker, I don't think you should have so much control at Level One.

If I remember correctly, Level One to Five is like finding your power and not really being able to control it, to focusing your power and efficiently using it. I don't think you should be able to make light-blasts while everyone else is still metaphorically stumbling about.

Just a suggestion, ai dunno if that's how it should or shouldn't be. Opinions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Oh whoops, Eyesonlyhacker isn't here anymore. Even though his posts and character sheet is still there, his name is off of the roster. Those are the people that are currently present in this roleplay.

No worries Dpickle. Hopefully things will be resolved and I look forward to your post once you are able to get it up. With quite a few people out for different reasons I'll get a post up either tomorrow or Wednesday to keep things moving but I won't push things too far forward but enough for everyone that already responded are able to do so again. Most of the events will happen between the TSP and the Reformers in my next post so that I can wrap things up in that aspect before moving our characters onwards with the Reformers.

I'm liking everyone's reaction so far! Here's the next one. You were given a $50 gift card to anywhere. Where would your character go and what would they buy?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Kirra said
You were given a $50 gift card to anywhere. Where would your character go and what would they buy?

"Sweaters. Really, because since i'm getting colder it be best to stock up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlessedWrath
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BlessedWrath Guardian, Champion Class

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kirra said
You were given a $50 gift card to anywhere. Where would your character go and what would they buy?

"Either lockpicks or a decent set of bolt cutters. There are at least fifty junkyards in this town, and I can score enough spare parts and junked tech to outfit my entire rig. Put a price on that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

should I finish my app? I think there's a queue in front of me
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izkripp


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Cat food... Cat liter.. cat, cat. Shoes. I need shoes. My shoes have holes in them. Maybe a shirt. Oh!! That new thing from the store. What was it? Oh no time for work!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

No I don't think there's anyone ahead of you so go right ahead Wilson.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

General Bio
Name: Dante Cleryton
Age: 30
Gender: Mail.
Appearance: 5' 11", hazel eyes, dark brown hair, usually wears black jeans and a black shirt, because he likes the darker colors. On days when he's in a mood where he doesn't remotely care about anyone else, when he doesn't have to work or do anything, he dresses up in a set of carbon-fiber armor he made while he was in high school. Black, full helm, chestplate, leggings, arm, and gauntlets, as well as a special pair of shoes that have carbon fiber plate-stuff molded/stitched in. Wears a pair of blue-black Nike tennis shoes on a daily basis. [Note that the carbon fiber are faulty parts: air bubbles and the like, which is why everything is interlocking. Read the history for more info]

Name of ability: Electromagnetic Sight
Description: At the highest level, Dante will be able to see the nervous system as it light sup with impulses and the like, including the brain. If he focuses on the nervous system and such, he'll be able to expand his range of 'mental sight', and be able to see around him for anything electronic or with any kind of impulse or nervous system. If he studies enough people, he'd eventually learn how to read their minds, first from basic emotions to actual thoughts, progressively, depending on how much he studies people. Not that he DOES NOT JUST READ MINDS. He's seeing all the impulses, and with patience and study, he'll be able to interpret them.

Level one abilities: Random flashes at seeing the nervous system and an 'intuitive' feeling as to where living things are in a small area [because of the energy-sensing]

Level three abilities: If concentrating at any amount, he'd be able to see the nervous system of someone [including the impulses], an 'intuitive' feeling as to what the person, more or less, feels at that moment [if he studying them, and only with base emotions]

Level five abilities: Be able to see or ignore the nervous systems of any living creature, pick up base emotions on anyone if he focuses a little bit, knows where any living creature is in a large radius, can read someone's thoughts [with study], can pick up the general thought someone's thinking about with just a little focus after a short time of studying.

Weakness/drawback: Crowds will make him confused and feeling blind at later levels, would probably get attached to someone around level 2 or 3 and won't want to be separated or anything, anything conductive would sap at his strength and make him feel dizzy and weak, as well as block his powers, if there is enough of it.

History: Dante grew up in a rural-ish town with a population around 3-thousand peoples, about 70% of them being pure rednecks. Because of his higher intellect, mainly because of reading, playing games of both fantastical, strategic, and historic settings, and actually thinking, he quickly grew to just laugh with them and hate them for holding him back, silently, though. After some time, he began to focus more on staying home and studying higher level items, such as biology and, on a whim, quantum physics [more just because he wanted to read something interested; no REAL knowledge of it here], computer coding, and history.

Eventually, he escaped from his small-town life, and went to the city life at the University of North Texas, In Dention, near Dallas. There, he studied until he earned a computer science degree, and went on to work for a VR-specific gaming company, working on making game characters more life-like, making models and animating them. And so he was going on a vacation, many years after high school, and decided to take a bus.

The day before the bus ride:
Dante doesn't like crowds. Dante must be with a goddamn crowd for hours without a foreseeable end just because he should 'take a vacation.' Vacations suck. Crowds suck. Politics suck.
Dante's head whurled and hurled in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions that another would struggle to match; he just didn't like being a people person [although he is among best friends with those he is truly comfortable with, which is a surprisingly large amount of people], and he didn't like going somewhere unfamiliar, without anything remotely familiar or comforting, all on his own, UGH. He hated it when people were superior. He prefers being the one on top; he can take control, and do what he pleases. But... he doesn't know what he'd do, then. He never has been like that, he never tried to be so, he never was given the opportunity to do so, and so he never knew what to do...

Which was why he was here. Again, for the thirteen hundredth time, he cursed his parents and employer for setting him up for this miniature trip of hell called a 'vacation.'

After beating his head against the chair in front of him for three times before the man in front of him and the man sitting next to him cursed at him for being aggravating, he leaned back and went to his happy place. It was alarmingly close to meditating, he had earlier discovered, because it wasn't as if he went somewhere; that was far from the truth. It was just that... he was floating. No, not floating, he was... there. And he could feel his thoughts and emotions like different little wisps swirling around him. And with a single command, a single idea, a single thought, they all cleared away, sucked away downward in some kind of locked case, where he would later lose control of the lock, and have them surround him once more. But for now, there was nothing, but memory. He sifted through them, discarding the ones he had already labelled as negative into his locked chest, reviewing the few that he labelled positive.

And when he was pulled out of his meditative state, with only what seemed like a few minutes in his subconscious mind, he found that well over three hours had passed, and they were coming in to land. He didn't bother looking out the window; it was all land, and land, and more land, often dotted with the product of humanity's rampant growth and expansion. Greatness and prosperity, one would call it. He would call it encouragement to slowly dig humanity's six-foot-deep hole. Wait too long, and they may find themselves too dug-in to get out. And then everything would collapse in on them.

But that was sometime later, far from now. He didn't have to worry about it; he just took some satisfaction that for all the self-centered fools of the world, nothing with protect them from their own nature. Of course, he knew he was self-centered; he liked doing what he wanted to do, which is why he was so good at his job. He made a piece to a new world come together, if not for him, there would be no population. He always left a hidden easter egg with most of the more important characters, before they become important. That was always fun; to look at the game, and see them rise up, and conquer their fellow NPC foes and allies.

All through his thoughts, he had been just walking along with everyone else, getting his backpack and later his overnight bag, waiting ten minutes, patiently, for a taxi, and then checking the slip of paper with the address to his hotel, and then later paying the taxi driver. Then checking into his hotel, a middle-class type. Nice enough, with a good breakfast and rooms that weren't cheap and poor, nor overdecorated and cramped. He checked the maps on the walls, cross-referencing them from the schematics he had found online, thinking of escape routes should the zombie apocalypse start, or a dragon attacks, or the Russians invade. He was bored, and he didn't enjoy real life; crossing his mind into the real world made it so much more... entertaining. Interesting.

He spent entire days in a half-conscious state, without ever smiling, or even truly participating in a conversation. He injected his voice with enough emotion to pass by as, perhaps, slightly ill, or possibly just tired. And so people left him alone. He was in his room, and he knew that there were a very, very small amount of people who would come into one's hotel room without being invited, all of them figments of his imagination. So he sunk into his bed, pulled out his laptop from his bag, and began reading online fan-fics, science articles, game updates, and writing down ideas for new characters and models. He spent the rest of the day doing nothing more, nothing less, besides getting snacks and drinks, and then promptly eating/drinking them all. He had no reason to take notice in people around him, so it was really just down the elevator, choose what he wants, and back up again. He would not make true and lasting friends with those around him, and he doubted he would impact them in any way. He didn't want to waste his time and energy on something that wouldn't be.

He fell asleep late, and wouldn't wake until it was an hour until the end of breakfast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kirra said
You were given a $50 gift card to anywhere. Where would your character go and what would they buy?

"What the hell would I do with this? Put fifty in my bank account, and I'll go get the newest Assassin's Creed, just for kicks. Assassin's Creed never works right..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlessedWrath
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BlessedWrath Guardian, Champion Class

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Who gets to ask the next question?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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I Think you do, Wrath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlessedWrath
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BlessedWrath Guardian, Champion Class

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I do? Well, here goes.

Your character has been discovered by enemy agents. You have time to grab only one object from the room you're in. What is that object and how does it help you to escape capture?

For Sam, that object is a high-power portable radio transmitter. 90% of modern pursuit tactics, military or police, hinge on use of radio communications to coordinate personnel. With the right tweaks, a radio transmitter could completely blanket those frequencies. Without that communication, every officer would basically be on his own; no support from command, no information from other officers...nothing but his own eyes and ears to rely on. Hell, I'll bet it's even possible to set it up so that it uses cell towers or Wi-Fi hotspots as signal relays. If that's the case, you couldn't even pinpoint her location by tracking the signal; it'd be like trying to figure out which raindrop hit the puddle first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

For mine, should he be accepted, it would be his carbon fiber armor suit. Just for kicks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlessedWrath
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BlessedWrath Guardian, Champion Class

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm not sure whether it will be accepted or not, Wilson, but if it is, you need look no further than Sam if you want it tricked out. I have some ideas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izkripp


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I don't have a clue... Vida isn't to bright so she would probably just get caught.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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BlessedWrath said
I do? Well, here goes.Your character has been discovered by enemy agents. You have time to grab only one object from the room you're in. What is that object and how does it help you to escape capture?

'A Kitchen Knife.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

For mine, should he be accepted, it would be his carbon fiber armor suit. Just for kicks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

We've reached six months! We're halfway to a year!

Oh and on the topic of news, I've been thinking about this for quite awhile and I have come to the decision. I'll be promoting BlessedWrath to Co-GM. We've already spoken to each other and he's accepted so give the same regards to him as you would for me.

Wilson, I can see improvement compared to the last sheet you gave me but there's still one thing that needs to be worked on. Let me send you a PM and let's see if we can get this figured out.

I have tomorrow off so I'll finish up my post either tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlessedWrath
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BlessedWrath Guardian, Champion Class

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I accept the position of Co-GM. We've talked it out and are arranging permissions as time goes by. Any decision I make will be confirmed by Kirra before being made public. I have offered my assistance with certain plot elements, including technological advisement, NPC development and duties as a combat consultant.

I will be available via PM, and via TitanPad by appointment. If you have something you'd like to collaborate on, or work through, that really is the best medium to use, as it is real-time and editable. This is especially true for combat, since attempting to describe something so fluid and dynamic through text can sometimes be very difficult. I have some experience in coordinating roleplay combats which centers on feasibility and execution of maneuvers, which I believe will be helpful here. If you have any questions, please ask.

For the interim, just think of me as a liason or a helping hand. I will try not to disappoint.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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After watching the trailers for Infamous: First light i'm happy to say i'm excited for them.

Also, I think that this is relavant because Ester's FC, Laura Bailey plays Fetch in InFamous.
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