Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jig I was thinking that possible Lacey and him know each other, as they are both in business despite their slight difference in views in vampire/human relationships as well as Lailaa working at one of his bars, since I'm guessing he owns most of them?

And sorry Alida I don't think my characters would work for what your looking for. But it's possible the two vampires know each other
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yeah I can totally understand that Touch :) Hmmn, Chris just came to A'dam recently and she's not that into making vampire friends. But I'm planning on letting her explore the city for a bit, so there's a fair chance that they'll meet either at work or in a bar or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Touch of Insanity said since I'm guessing he owns most of them?

Exactly enough of them to own the bars any of the player characters work in. ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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I've added some Locations to the main info post. If anybody would like to add a location to the list, if they can do a brief writeup and post it, I'll add it. :)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll add one for now

Liberal Recovery Bank Head Office

This is the European head office of Liberal Recovery Bank found along the outside of the city, due to a lack of building space within the city itself. It mirrors in style to the one in down town New York city. The building itself, is about twenty-three stories high, and made of glass. The lobby is large and open with a lot of security guards looming around. There is a check in centre before you would have to pass through security, which acts much like an airport. Once inside there are offices upon offices, each having their own little room rather than the cubical style. Almost all of the building is working towards the company itself, but there are some of the lower floors rented out for the right price. Miss Dune’s personal office is on the top floor and is the size of about four offices put together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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Jan Bakers Architect bureau Amsterdam office: Located just outside the heart of Amsterdam, this young thriving company has recently settled in the so-called 'Clipper Building' together with three other companies. Their main office is located in Utrecht, but with the increasing demands for architects, they opened a branch in Amsterdam as well. The building is four stories high, made out of concrete and glass, lacking every characteristic appeal that seems to ooze out of the Herenhuizen (city mansions, I don't really know how to translate it) on the channels, the character that Amsterdam is known for. The reception is shared with the other companies but Bakers' hires the whole second floor. This floor breathes light and is designed by someone who lacked any colours but white. Sketches and photos of finished projects decorate the walls of the waiting room as well as the branch leader's office. It's relatively small, but for a business that opened up only twelve years ago in Utrecht, it's quite the accomplishment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kraft


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Name: Jennifer de Sauveterre
Gender: Female
Actual Age: 224 (Born; December 21st, 1790)
Physical Age: 24
Occupation: Purveyor of the arts and education
Nationality: French
Appearance: Clicky

Personality: The gift of an extended life came with an acute curiosity, knowledge, sexual, music, literature and the arts, a sense of freedom and liberation, Jennifer prefers to live in the moment. A bohemian type of vampire, Jennifer is wilful, freethinking and independent, with a sharp wit, soft smile, capable of displays of great kindness and generosity, Jennifer would like to think herself as a true vampire of the new world, alas she is also still very much a vampire of an old one also, despite her liberal tendencies, her egotism often puts her at odds with others, especially elder vampires – and while, respecting order and the golden rules of which all vampires are now expected to abide to – to see fit to instruct her or to order her, to even simply expect her to conform to a certain standard or ruling, is to draw her immediate ire. And she can hold a grudge for a very, very, long time.

Attitude to The Age of the Vampire: Jennifer has long lived amongst humans without negative repercussions – though, unaware of her vampirism – the Age of the Vampire was simply a long awaited sigh of relief from the annoyance of having to hide her most important aspect of herself. However, she is sceptical of the age all the same, as though it seems as if it is a golden age, the bubble will eventually burst.
Reason for being in Amsterdam: With a bustling scene of both vampire and human art and culture and education, it was a scene Jenn couldn't pass up. She is currently the foremost Vampire benefactor of art and education in Amsterdam.
Vampire Traits: Several years living amongst humans, long before the Age of the Vampire, allowed Jennifer to reign in her blood lust. However, she is incredibly picky as to whose blood she is drinking, preferring the blood of intellectuals and artists, importing her own vintages – whilst not much of a fighter, to humans in particular (and lesser vampires), can come off as incredibly alluring, Jennifer would typically in her nature chalk this up this her charm but she is aware that this ability is for more attributed to her powers.

Status: Fledged
Sire Name: Albert Ogthoven
Sire Details: Once, Jennifer and her sire had been close. Though she would no longer admit to it, she had once loved him. Her connection to her sire was so strong, her jealously of his other progenies often put their lives at risk if she caught any inkling of their attempts to gain the favour of Albert over her. However, over the years, as she grew more independent and his number of progenies grew – Jennifer and Albert eventually separated. With no contact between the pair for nearly a hundred years, their mental link is less than stellar.
Progeny: Though she has nearly sired her own progeny on more than one occasion, Jennifer has gone through life thus far without a single progeny.

History: Jennifer remembers her early humans years surrounded by social strife and imperialistic wars across Europe. All, largely, originating from her homeland of France. She grew up during the age of the Revolution and was witness to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, who would take her four brothers and father from her to serve in La Grande Armée, which came to a staggering and spectacular halt in Russia. She was twenty-four by time the wars finally came to an end with Napoleons' final defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, living alone with her mother, a country still devastated by the numerous wars, were rather an oddity for their times, being women of common birth ran what was once their father's inn, a popular destination for travellers and locals, the pair garnered some relative power and stature in their town. However, beyond this, Jennifer would seem to be another character of history with no other noticeable causes or impact on the world. Or, so she thought. Living close to the borders of what would become modern Belgium and Germany, men, especially soldiers, would come and go on regular occurrence – the night the man arrived however, she felt a difference. A difference which would become apparent after their night together and with it a whole new world awoke for her.

Weak like all progenies from the beginning, she soon adapted well to her new found lifestyle and initially; Jennifer was fiercely loyal to her sire, falling in love with him in the process. Even though Albert would sire other progenies, ones she was insanely jealous over, she would go to great lengths to ensure none of them would come to usurp her place. Of course, time passes and people, even vampires, slowly begin to drift apart.

Jennifer's own curiosity of the world as she grew into her strength began to grow with her; the opposite sex, the same sex, art and music and poetry, Jennifer began to detach gradually from her sire, her personalty becoming more desiring of personal liberties and freedoms, Jennifer entered what some could argue was a stage of vampire rebellion. She would venture to Paris, Milan, Rome, Vienna, even far as the Ottoman Empire to visit places of art and culture, dabbling with the great minds of Europe, several of which became lovers – for months at a time she would leave, barely informing her sire of where she was going or what she was doing, before abruptly returning again, unaccounted and expecting life to continue as normal. It was upon her return from one of these ventures, after a furious night, the pair finally went their separate way, with him staying in the Netherlands and Jennifer leaving for America, where, she has spent the majority of her life since; avoiding vampires whenever she could, she attempted to reintegrate herself back into human society, though it would take an incredible amount of willpower to overcome her lust for blood, which she had almost unlimited access too, she soon adapted, finding ways to acquire it without causing suspicion or panic. L.A, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Canada, across to Asia, back to Europe, Jennifer mingled with the art world, becoming a patron of many famous artists and writers, a keen supporter of cinema and music; a world that she enjoyed and made her happy.

Then other Vampires decided to reveal themselves to the world, bursting her bubble. At first this was an annoying reminder of her fellow kind, then that annoyance became a relief as she longer had to hide or sulk around for blood. She was also first to jump on the resulting art scene of the so-called, “Age of the Vampire.”

At the start of the millennium, Jennifer left America to travel to a destination she had long avoided; Amsterdam. The metropolis of the new world. Jennifer made her visits on and off, uncommon but enough to be noticed. However, with the construction of one of her own pet projects, she has decided to make a permanent stay within the city, and, to pop in on a few old faces.

Other Details: Jennifer is the chief patron of The Voltaire. A high profile art gallery and museum open to the public in central Amsterdam, it is also known for its extensive library and study centre, making it a popular destination for both students and tourists.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Caito and Jansen Law Firm: Located just inside the border of the city. Built in the early 90's, what was once the Caito Law Firm has recently taken a new partnership becoming Caito and Jansen. The building isn't the most modern, standing only two stories high. Made of a mixture of both brown and red bricks. Plans are currently in the making so that the building can be remodeled to add in another story. On the first floor is the waiting room which is fairly large, with light wooden floors and easily fits at least thirty chairs for clients. There are at least two security guards, and three lobbyist who take in the paperwork and answers the phones. Also there are a few offices of the legal assistants. The second floor holds more legal assistant offices, the law firms records, and the office of Anthony Catio.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Erm, so we now have a problem... the character sheet post won't accept enough characters, either in terms of playable characters or letters. Grr.

I'll sort something out.

Edit: Love Dove, I'm going to ask the mods to remove your first post in the OoC, so I have three consecutive posts at the start of the thread so all the most important OoC is held together. I hope that's okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Oh yeah that's perfectly fine with me Jig :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Okay, so, I'm trying to work out how all the characters know one another and I'd like to encourage everybody else to do the same. Since I have little influence over the human side of things with my vampire characters, you guys might need to put in a little bit more work to get yourselves involved, but I'm sure you won't struggle. This is how I see it, but don't take it as gospel. If you have different ideas, let them be known! :)

Albert is the sire of Jennifer, Felix (sheet yet to be submitted) and Alexander. Felix was probably a contemporary of Jennifer and is a contemporary of Alexander, though Jennifer and Alexander have met only very briefly.

Albert, Anthony, Jennifer and Lacey are all vampire business-owners (of sorts) in Amsterdam. Albert (and possibly Jennifer) may well be a client of both the bank and the law firm, while certainly expecting to have some influence in their runnings based on his status alone. He'll basically be expecting to be able to swallow the art museum into his empire, too.

Yannick is an artist, and Jennifer is heavily involved in an art gallery and museum. You guys should consider talking. :P

Alexander, Felix, Natalia and Lailaa all work in vamp-friendly bars. Felix and Alexander definitely work for Albert's places, but I'm gonna guess that they all do, to make life easier. Alexander works in The Burlesque, while Natalia and Lailaa probably work in the sleazier Downstairs in Red. Haven't heard from Felix yet. Albert is probably only very vaguely aware of employees of Downstairs in Red, while more closely tied to those that work in The Burlesque.

Not sure what ties Skylar or Christina have yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

All sounds pretty good to me. Love and I were speaking, since Lailaa, during some point of the role play is going to become Anthony's Progeny (as he's currently a regular client for her's). One part I got a little stuck on though was where she's going to work. Downstairs in Red fits more of her job title, but with her connect with Anthony we can't see him going there. So we were debating on either, there being a middle ground bar where she works OR she started off there and only just started to work at The Burlesque. Then there is also the idea of maybe on her days off from one bar she works at the other.

We love to hear your guys thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nice ideas. However you want to work it, that's fine. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 16 days ago

Yeah that sounds good to me too, and of course Albert can be one of Anthony's clients (sorry I missed that question until now). If you'd like Albert could have something to do with Anthony's being able to get the firm as well. Since he seems so set on building up an empire, though I'd sure Anthony would have paid him back by now. Also like Touch said Anthony has a connection with Lailaa as well :)

As for Skylar, I really didn't think of it before now but since she is a blood donator, is it possible that she could work in one of the rooms of The Burlesque? That way she could have a tie with Alexander? I don't think she would be able to work at Downstairs in Red, mainly because she really wouldn't fit in there the way she is.

Also Kraft and/or Alida if either of you would like your vampires to have ties with Skylar. I think that would work quite well as they both seem to like music, Which is what Skylar is going to college for the study of. Though that is up to you :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

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That sure sounds like a plan Love Dove! They might have met at some concert or something? I guess I'll pm you about the details :)

And I was planning to make Christina go to the Burlesque somewhere soon in the IC, that way she can make some extra connections.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 16 days ago

Okay so Jig, me and Alida have been talking. Skylar and Christina are going to have ties together, though there are still some details we are working out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

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Bear with me, guys. I'm waiting on one more sheet before we start this; it will be another progeny of Albert's, and so will affect his character, and since he'll be the one I use to get the ball rolling, I want to know what I'm doing with him before we begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No worries on my end since I will be jumping in late anyways!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 16 days ago

No worries Jig :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm just glad you lot didn't start the IC without me lol. No problemo agmigo
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