Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillerXX


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Devon scoffed at the girl. A cure!? They were more likely to poison then try that! As soon as the dot was ripped open Devon was off. As he sprinted down the hallway, he noticed arrows on the floor. He had not heard the girl say where they lead, so he assumed exit. He followed them quickly.

Hanna was unsure of herself. She was human, but she would be taken to prison if she spoke up. She uncertainly followed the arrows.

Hawk stood docile, waiting for commands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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Natasha raced down a different corridor, searching for the nearest window. All I have to do is fly away. The other flying hybrids can escape through there too. She shot 5 guards as she sprinted through the hallways, and finally found a window. Okay, now I have to smash it. She banged her machine gun on the thick glass pane. It cracked a bit after a bunch of strikes, and Natasha shot at it a few times. It made 5 round holes in a small area and created a slightly larger hole. She tried to throw a guard's body through it and slammed it a few times at the window, but he was too heavy and Natasha put him down. She saw a nearby fire exstingiusher and ramed it into the window a bunchof times until she threw it and made a big enough hole to crawl through.

Sonja followed the majority of hybrids and hid in the crowd so she wouldn't get hit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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The Hybrids scattered, fleeing from their cell of a room. Some followed the directions given by the human woman, allowing her poisonous words to slip into their minds. Fools. Others elected freedom and sought ways to escape. But Rage.. Rage saw this as an opportunity. They'd gassed him, bound him, and made a fool of him. More than anything.. they'd pissed him off. Alarms were sounding throughout the building, letting the humans know of their escape. The White Tiger grinned and roared in excitement. Alarms meant guards, armed resistance. Prey. He bolted into the hallway in time to see a girl with wings and a tail grab a gun. Rage scoffed at the use of firearms. Heavy footfalls down the corridor reached his ears and he bared his fangs, extending his claws to their fullest. A group of guards rounded the corner and the first found himself pinned to the wall with a cluster of ice spikes protruding from his chest.

Rage sprinted through the hallway towards the guards with unnatural speed, the walls and floor icing over in his wake. The soldiers opened fire. Or they would have if their guns worked. Instead they found their trigger mechanisms frozen stuck. The air in the hallway had reached subzero temperatures and ice started to creep along their limbs. With a primal roar, Rage was upon the three remaining soldiers. The first fell as he punched through the mans rib cage and tore his still beating heart free, bright red blood spurting out and staining the icy floor only to freeze as it left the warm body of its former host. Rage leapt and kicked off of the wall to propel himself at the second soldier who fell with a shredded throat. With both of his jugulars and his windpipe slashed the man bled out quickly. The last of the trio was felled with a flurry of slashes to his chest, neck, and face.

Blood lust in his eyes, the White Tiger that was Rage stalked through the halls looking for more prey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillerXX


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Armed forces rushed the hallways, and Devon was lost among the arrows, not knowing where he was even going. He didnt have much blood left from fighting before he was gassed, and he wasnt sure he could handle any more. But as forces gushed towqrds him, he was forced to fight. He was hoping he would get at least a little fight in, but he wasnt too eager to use his blood. So instead he used his animal DNA to leap to the ceiling and hold strong there until armed forces were directly underneath. Then, he fell down upon one of their heads, grabbing their gun and shooting them with it. Then he easily took down the other 9 men with two guns. He held onto the guns as he made his way down the hallway. He saw someone in the hallway ahead of him. The lights had burnt out all around them. He recognized her as the girl with wings from the dangerous room. He stopped when he was on the last remaining light. "Are you friendly?" he asked the girl. Her back was to him, and suddenly five orbs of green light shot out from her back, zipping around Devon and burning his skin. "Hey, I'm on your side!!" He yelled. "I am sorry, this is necessary." she said. Devon used the blood seeping from one of his burnt spots to lash out and smash one of the orbs, however the orb just sapped the blood inside of itself, and turned blue, flying back to the girl. Then, all the other orbs smashed into devon's skin, electrocuting and burning him, and they all turned blue as well. Once all the blue orbs gathered around the girl, she dissipated into a blue light. Devon limped down the hall, feeling drained and sleepy. He could barely move when he reached the room. Scientists asked him a question but he couldnt even hear them, he was losing feeling in his body, and as the needle pierced his skin, his legs gave out, and a whole new fire began. He could feel the serum coursing through him, like fire, and he regained all feeling. He began thrashing wildly and screaming, and he knew he was dead. He felt himself losing conciousness and then, right before he lost wakefulness, he saw the door open, and heard yelling. Then he felt dead.

Hanna made her way down the hall, and she had met armed forces but explained that she was not resisting. She noticed a small spot of knocked out lights and thought that was curious. And then she made it to the room where she assumed she could be given this "serum". She figured since she was already human, it wouldnt affect her and she could get a new life. But when she opened the door, her heart nearly stopped. Blood was everywhere. All over everything. She felt a presence and screamed as something rushed past her, knocking her over. She cried. A lot. And then, regaining her composure, she walked to the other side of the room, through the puddles of blood, and past the corpses of scientists, and used the phone at the other end of the room to page the woman from the room, saying "T-There has been an attack. I came here to get the serum and...they were all dead". She slumped to the floor and waited to be told where to go to get the serum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillerXX


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Armed forces rushed the hallways, and Devon was lost among the arrows, not knowing where he was even going. He didnt have much blood left from fighting before he was gassed, and he wasnt sure he could handle any more. But as forces gushed towqrds him, he was forced to fight. He was hoping he would get at least a little fight in, but he wasnt too eager to use his blood. So instead he used his animal DNA to leap to the ceiling and hold strong there until armed forces were directly underneath. Then, he fell down upon one of their heads, grabbing their gun and shooting them with it. Then he easily took down the other 9 men with two guns. He held onto the guns as he made his way down the hallway. He saw someone in the hallway ahead of him. The lights had burnt out all around them. He recognized her as the girl with wings from the dangerous room. He stopped when he was on the last remaining light. "Are you friendly?" he asked the girl. Her back was to him, and suddenly five orbs of green light shot out from her back, zipping around Devon and burning his skin. "Hey, I'm on your side!!" He yelled. "I am sorry, this is necessary." she said. Devon used the blood seeping from one of his burnt spots to lash out and smash one of the orbs, however the orb just sapped the blood inside of itself, and turned blue, flying back to the girl. Then, all the other orbs smashed into devon's skin, electrocuting and burning him, and they all turned blue as well. Once all the blue orbs gathered around the girl, she dissipated into a blue light. Devon limped down the hall, feeling drained and sleepy. He could barely move when he reached the room. Scientists asked him a question but he couldnt even hear them, he was losing feeling in his body, and as the needle pierced his skin, his legs gave out, and a whole new fire began. He could feel the serum coursing through him, like fire, and he regained all feeling. He began thrashing wildly and screaming, and he knew he was dead. He felt himself losing conciousness and then, right before he lost wakefulness, he saw the door open, and heard yelling. Then he felt dead.

Hanna made her way down the hall, and she had met armed forces but explained that she was not resisting. She noticed a small spot of knocked out lights and thought that was curious. And then she made it to the room where she assumed she could be given this "serum". She figured since she was already human, it wouldnt affect her and she could get a new life. But when she opened the door, her heart nearly stopped. Blood was everywhere. All over everything. She felt a presence and screamed as something rushed past her, knocking her over. She cried. A lot. And then, regaining her composure, she walked to the other side of the room, through the puddles of blood, and past the corpses of scientists, and used the phone at the other end of the room to page the woman from the room, saying "T-There has been an attack. I came here to get the serum and...they were all dead". She slumped to the floor and waited to be told where to go to get the serum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Continuing down the corridor Lucius and Alfa came to a heavily barricaded metal door that Lucius quickly made implode into the room on the other side then walked in with Alfa on his heels. "Freeze! Hybrids do not attempt to move or we will be forced to open fire upon you." a guard with a red chevron on his shoulder cried from in front of about three squads of others. Lucius simply stood at full bearing and said calmly "Alfa.". As he stepped forward past Lucius he replied "yeah I got them." and took his hoodie off. Standing to his fullest with his chest and arms bare he felt the energy in the things around him and in himself. Drawing it in and manipulating it he slammed both of his hands into the ground and cried "BURN!". Electricity arced around his body and along the floor in a wave forward reaching up and hitting the guards with the current of a lightning bolt each. As they fell another group came from the side and took aim as they went to open fire on Alfa a metal wall arose between them as Lucius manipulated the metal tiles on the floor. Spikes shot from the wall and impaled the squad of guards to the wall avoiding any vital spots. Lucius nodded to Alfa and said "finish them". "With pleasure." was the reply as Alfa put his hand on the wall and pulsed a huge current into the metal literally liquefying the guards organs.

The two moved past the smoldering corpses of the guards and towards glass doors. Lucius changed back into his human form and looted a pair of clothes from one guard throwing Alfa the mans shotgun. Pumping it Alfa said "Its time for us to take our place at the top of the food chain". As he walked past him Lucius threw a door open and said "my thoughts exactly" as he disappeared into the darkness of the night. Alfa picked up his hoodie again zipped it up threw his hood up and followed Lucius into the darkness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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Natasha soon had all of the arial hybrids outside. "There are hybrids inside there fighting. We need to clear the outside area-" "Freeze!" a man said sternly. Natasha turned around and saw three helicopters, all containing 4-5 guards inside. "You're surrounded. Go down to the ground and accept the serum or you wil al die." A few hybrids started going down, but Natasha told them to stay put. She blinded the guards, which was difficult considering there were about 15 people to blind but she managed as they started to fall out of the helicopters, pushed off by the hybrids bolting into the helicopters and shooting them. The hybrids grabbed weapons from the copters and three hybrids grabbed the controls. However none of them knew how to operate a helicopter and they dove out of them. "Get away!" Natasha yelled as she dodged a helicopter that crashed right at the bottom of the building and created a large hole. The other two crashed i the streets of the city and killing the screaming humans below.

Sonja, confused, got lost in the crowd until she found a nice empty hall. She walked around, and whenever she saw guards she tod tem she wanted the serum. Unfortunately she came across a guard that told her that the serum was destroyed. Sonja shot him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillerXX


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillerXX


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Devon stumbled out through the hallways, coughing up blood and then using his powers to absorb it back in. He was losing control of his body because of the serum. His powers were flaring out of control and his moods were swinging. Every once in a while he would lose a couple minutes of time. He rounded a corner just as he felt his body burn once more, and came face to face with a woman shooting down a guard. The fire feeling traveled throughout his body, and his veins felt like they were filled with acid. He lost control once more, his body contorting as he lost conciousness.

The bestial Devon leaped forward, his body contorted and his red eyes glowing, pupils slits, Ripping at Sonja's wrist quickly, releasing blood and rendering that hand, which was holding the gun, unusable. Then his out of control powers instantly made her blood shoot out everywhere and ignite into dark red flame, setting the building alight and bathing both him and Sonja in dark red flames hotter than regular ones. His body was only minorly warmed up, but Sonja was burnt badly, and her clothes were set alight, plus flames were surrounding both of them by now, and she would begin to feel lightheaded. Devon screamed, falling to all fours and seizing, losing control completely, his actual mind blurring in and out. He wasnt sure if he would survive the effects of the serum, but he was desperately trying to fight it and revert to normal. He had no control over his actions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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As they exited into the darkness Lucius suddenly stopped. Alfa took a few steps further then realized and asked "whats wrong?". Lucius turned and bolted back through the door breaking the glass and racing through corridors as he tracked Sonja by her scent. "What the fuck!?" Alfa yelled as he followed Lucius. Lucius rounded a corner to see a flaming corridor and Sonja on fire. He raced down it past the man in agony and grabbed her extinguishing the fire and rushing her out of the corridor. Alfa followed seeing the man the quickly grabbed him and sent a jolt of electricity into him strong enough to render him unconscious picked him up and carried him out after Lucius and the girl.

As they exited the facility again Alfa dropped the still unconscious man onto the grass. "Who is she?" he asked Lucius. Waiting a few seconds as he checked Sonja's minor burns he replied "One of the two people I now trust". Walking over behind him Alfa asked "Who is the other?". Lucius stood and turned putting his hand on Alfa's shoulder "you my friend." he said then picked Sonja up and walked away. Alfa stalked over to the unconscious man and raised his hand electricity gathering around it, but just before he let loose the energy to kill him he put his hand down. "Another time." he said calmly as he strode off after Lucius.

The two men and now unconscious Sonja went a good distance into the city. Finally Lucius pulled off a manhole cover and they dropped into the sewers. As they walked the two men discussed things such as how to draw others to their cause. Finally they hid themselves in an abandoned subway station that the sewer linked to and decided to rest there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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Natasha grinned at their work. "Where do we go?" One girl asked, and the others muttered in agreement. "Let's have some fun. Who would like a little...'dinner?'" she said,and pointed at a restraunt. "Or perhaps something else out here may do us good." Some agreed while others decided to find their way back to the abandoned city, and eventually the little group split up, doing things their own way. Natasha flew over to the nearest subway and decided to get herself some real food for once instead of burnt pidgeons from the abandoned city. She hid in an alley, and reached out and grabbed someone from the street. She smiled at the man, and he looked hideously confused, but Natasha hissed and slit his throat, stole is jacket and hid her wings and tail inside. Her ears were hid in his beanie and she hid her feet in his shoes. She felt strange but just sucked it up and walked into Subway, and saw people eating and ignoring her.

"What can I get you?" The woman at the counter said.

"I'd like you to put all your vegies in a sack, all your meat in a sack and all your bread in a sack. I'd like a bucket of coke too. Now." Natasha hissed, and ripped her beanie off her head and took off her jacket. With her wings spread she held up her gun.

Sonja blinked. "W-what happened. I-I was burned. Am I dead? Lucius? Is that you? Who's that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Sonja awoke in the corner calling out to Lucius and asking who the other man was. Lucius knelt beside her checking her making sure she was alright. "Yes Sonja its me and don't worry he is a friend." Lucius said. Alfa ran up from the tracks and glanced at Lucius "We haven't been followed and my name is Alfa. You must be someone important for him to risk the revolution for your sake." he finished talking and walked off, Lucius pulled out a sub machine gun he had looted from the body of a guard. He held it out to Sonja as well as three extra magazines setting them in her lap then he sat beside her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serendipity23


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Sonja stared hopelessly at the gun. The burns on her arms and legs flamed with pain and pus was coming out of one bad one on her hand. "I don't know how to shoot." she said. "And my right hand is burnt." She felt weak,eeing all the amazgg things hybrids could do whereas she could barely hold a gun. "It's nice you meet you,Alfa. I am Sonja, Lucius' friend." She sniffed the grosteque air of the sewers. "Where are we going?"

Everyone in the restraunt stared as th woman hurridly filled a bucket with coke, and three sacks of meat vegies and bread. She gave Natasha the loot and she hot her in the head, grabbng the bags and bucket as well as a package of dixie cups she found. It washeavy and Natasha decided shed go and take some person's car, and grabbed someone going into his car and slit his throat, grabbed his car keys and stashed the fod in the backseat. She hit the gas ad drove onto an abandoned road to the hybrids base.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

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Outside the building

several armored and masked hybrid soldiers stormed the building. the soldiers were from the resistance. human soldiers opened fired, as did the hybrids.
a handful of hybrids broke through into the building to get any hybrids they find out.

Aqua and Arthur saw the fight break out.
"Yes!" Arthur pumped his fist in the air "the Calvary has arrived! Hang on tight A!" and he burst into a full on gallop, Aqua had just had time to grab hold of his mane before she could be uprooted.

Alessia took the girl's hand before she got a response and started pulling her (gently) down the hall, following the arrows. when she got to the room where they would get the syrum she pushed the door open and a few scientist stood there smiling, which looked a little forced. and let the 2 girls to 2 separate beds. in mere moments the scientists had a syringe prepped, and Alessia's sleeves rolled up. before she could react they strapped her down. "What the hell?"
"just in case you body doesn't react well as it separates the mutation" the scientist said, standing just out of reach of Alessia's hand.
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