What I'm looking for:
- Someone willing to play a dominant and more forward male character (depending on the RP).
- Someone who isn't afraid to speak up if there is something they want changed or if they have an idea that would work.
- Someone that can write well and with good grammar.
- I’m fine with any method of RP (Thread, PM, E-mail etc...)

What you should know:
- I like hearing your Ideas so tell them to me.
- If you have your own RP Ideas then let me know! I'll probably like them better than my own and want to do them!
- Most of (actually all of my pairings are) MxF unless you can convince me otherwise.
- * <- that means it’s a craving
- I like to talk outside of the RP so don’t freak out if I send OOC messages just to see how you are
- If there’s something in bold it means that’s the character I’d prefer to play.



-Harry Potter: Draco X OC
-Harry Potter: Snape X OC
-Earth's Children: Jonayla x OC
-OHSC: Haruhi x Kyoya
-Midnighter x Darkling
-Earl and Fairy: Kelpie x OC (or Lydia)
-Earl and Fairy: Edgar x OC (or Lydia)
-Earl and Fairy: Raven x OC (or Lydia)
-Vampire Knight: Zero x OC
-Vampire Knight: Kaname x OC
-Vampire Princess Miyu: Miyu x Larva
-ANYTHING Lord of the Rings, The Tudors or Borgias, or Avengers (cinematic-verse)


-Viking x Witch
-Witch (Wizard) x Hunter (Huntress)
-Witch (Wizard) x Vampire (Vampiress)
-Princ(ess) x Dragon(ess)
-Foxwoman x Werewolf
-King x Princess
-Witch x King
-Male Model x Author
-Ghost x Ghost
-Slender Man x Psychic
-"Peter Pan" x OC
-Summer Faery King x Solitary Faery
-Dark Faery King x Solitary Faery
-Solitary Faery x Solitary Faery
-Little Red x Big Bad Wolf
-Jockey x Trainer (or Jockey)

Full Out Ideas (more or less thought out)

Cowboys and PianosTAKEN
[spoiler]Aslynne’s a Pianist from the East Coast who has a passion for horses and it reflects in her stallion Adolfo, who follows her like a love sick puppy and does anything she asks of him without much complaint, though he has his days.

One evening she receives a phone call from her older brother Aden whom she hasn’t seen since she was twelve (They’re ten years apart). He moved to Nevada to become a Cattle Rancher and he offers to fly his little sister and her horse down to his Ranch for the summer to meet his new wife Sarah and their three month old baby Joseph. Now 23 she’s excited to see her brother and her new nephew she accepts right away and three weeks later she’s on Clear Water Ranch: Horse and all.

The night she arrives all the local ranchers nearby gathers at Clear Water to greet the new comer. Aden’s sister whom he spoke of with such fondness but not nearly enough of to satisfy the gossiping older women. At the party she meets (insert name here) a cowboy born and bred in Nevada, who was born to the Ranch he now runs (Silver Crest Ranch). He’s charming and only a few years older than herself at the age of 28 and is one of her brother’s best friends. She’s attracted to him instantly and there’s no doubt that there’s a spark between them but will three months be enough time for that attraction to blossom into love?[/spoiler]

Persephone and Hades: The Rebirth
[spoiler]In Victorian Era Boston the Greek Gods have risen again but this time they're almost entirely human. They only have a little of their powers. Example: Hades can see the dead, speak with them, and send them to the afterlife. Persephone has a talent with plants and animals, and can also see and speak with the dead (because of her connection with Hades). Most like Persephone do not remember their life as God's but have flashbacks as either dreams or visions, while Hades, Zeus and Poseidon remember everything. The RP is about how Hades needs to have Persephone fall in love with him again while trying to get her to remember just exactly who they really are.

Hades finds his long lost wife in a very unlikely place: She’s the daughter of a local shop keeper. Not the best match for a rich merchant like himself, (who has a rather dark reputation of being cold, mean-spirited and promiscuous) but with her father being fairly well off it wasn’t the worst either. Unable to stay away he begins to court the beautiful young woman who often attracted many suitors, yet she favored none above the others. Not even Hades, easily the oldest in the group being 28 to Persephone’s 20 can entirely win her favor alone.

When he goes to her father to request her hand in marriage the Shopkeeper is ecstatic and accepts, pressuring the free spirited Persephone into accepting it. The idea of getting married to an older, dark, handsome and seductive man wasn’t exactly what Persephone had in mind for herself when she pictured herself with a husband. Being stubborn and strong willed Persephone either turns down or ignores Hades attempts to get her into bed, spending her time in her rooms or out riding among Hades’ vast property. [/spoiler]

Rancher and His HorseTAKEN
[spoiler]So the general idea is there is this horse-shifter that’s stuck in their horse form and they’re caught by a horse trainer and/or cattle rancher who thinks they’ve found the jackpot of horses and tries to tame the shifter finding it difficult, though both can’t help the growing fondness for each other. Eventually, the shifter is able to take on human for again to the shock of the trainer rancher person.[/spoiler]

The Roman Prince and Celtic Princess
[spoiler]In an alternate universe the Romans invade the Celtic regions of Britain, Ireland and Scotland in the modern day and at the threat of war the King of Ireland offers his only child Princess Sinead as a show of peace to keep his people safe by way of a marriage to the Roman Emperor’s Eldest son (Insert Name Here).

Though both the Prince and Princess are attracted to each other at first glance they keep each other at arms-length despite both Royal families’ pleas for an heir. But, to produce an heir they must first get closer than Sin is really willing to get without knowing her husband better. But, they find that the person they were married to not as agreeable in personality as they had hoped. This is the story of how they overcome their dislike of one another and find that love can be found even in the less desirable circumstances.[/spoiler]

Avengers: The next Generation
[spoiler]In 2045 thirty-three years after the attack on New York Tony and Pepper proudly announce their only daughter Antonya (Tonii or Toa for short) as the new CEO of Stark Industries. Blessed with the elegance (and work ethic) of her mother and the genius of her father Miss. Stark was born for the job of not only taking Pepper’s place at the top of the Company but has proven a valuable asset to the science community as well; inventing more advanced medical equipment mostly.

Preferring the solitude of her lab over press conferences and galas and of course Stark Expos, Tonii is a hard woman to find. Especially when Mr. Stark or Pepper will not give you her general whereabouts.

A woman SHIELD wants to find.

Which is fairly easy when you have Agent (Insert name here) Barton the son of SHIELD's greatest assassin team on the hunt for her. The hard part was getting her to come back with him.

Tony doesn’t want his only child running about with SHIELD Agents or even affiliated with SHIELD in away. In fact her brilliant mind was a rather well kept secret from SHIELD until she was sixteen when she invented the first fully-functional replacement heart and perfecting the programming algorithm for Nanites, for fear of them turning to her instead of himself as a weapons designer and consultant. Though, his real fear is of her becoming the new Iron Man. He hardly wanted to it himself, how could he bear the thought of his one and only daughter risking her young life in a job he could do instead?

The young Miss. Stark doesn’t want to be apart of SHIELD either and proves to be a quite stubborn and dangerous opponent for the slightly older Agent (insert name here) Barton.

In fact whoever said she didn’t have her own Iron Man suit... had lied. Because she does. And she’s not afraid to use it.

So this is an idea that came up REALLY late at night. Just as I was about to fall asleep. It all started with this one idea: What if Agents Barton and Romanoff had a kid, and Tony and Pepper had a kid and those two kids fell in love? And then it kind of grew from there.

This is strictly cinamatic-verse (in my head anyway). It will consist of Barton jr. ( age 26) trying to convince Miss. Stark (age 23) to join SHIELD. When being polite and nice gets him nowhere and then violence and espionage fails, seduction is left but what if he finds that he’s the one falling for the quiet yet spunky daughter of Iron Man? Who will be left with a broken heart when it has to end? If it ends at all.

Quite obviously I’m looking for someone to play the spawn of Agents Barton and Romanoff

The plot and what happens in it is always up for debate. I love suggestions and make an RP that is enjoyable for both of us. [/spoiler]

The Actor and the Author
[spoiler]This was something that just kind of wormed it’s way into my mind and to be honest I’d like to see what kind of shenanigans the two can get into off set and how it turns from playful fun into romantic evenings out.

It would be awesome if someone would play the actor; you can pick a real one or make one up whatever you’d like

Sam was an average hard working girl from Salem Massachusetts. She’s been writing ever since she could put words together to make a sentence and even had a few books published on the side for some extra money to put into her horse Adolfo a handsome Friesian stallion who follows her around like a lost puppy.

When one of her books hits the bestseller list Sam get’s a call from her editor saying that if she wanted she could sell the rights to her book and it would be made into a movie by some big time director that she’s never heard of. What’s more is that she’s offered the chance to come down to the set and act as a reference for the actors and set designers. She agrees happily and flies both her and her horse out to Hollywood.

The cast is nice enough especially the actor playing the main character. A popular star in many action/military movies, he was far from what she expected but it made a lot of sense that someone so playful and bubbly would play the “broken hero” kind of character so well.

With plenty of time between scenes Sam finds that her new actor friend is very curious as to what she does for a living, and just what exactly made her want to come out to a place so far from what she’s used to just to play reference book to a bunch of “snooty actors”.

As they get closer on set they end up spending a lot of time off the set as well and slowly but surely a romance blooms but Sam doesn’t think she’s good enough for him and treads lightly. He’s a wealthy actor while she’s... well not... she feels their love was doomed from the start and while Mr. Big Time Actor disagrees he needs to find a way to prove it to her before she leaves for Salem and possibly lose her forever.[/spoiler]