
So I'm personally a fan of the 'human lab rat' genre. If anyone's interested in that kind of plot, this is your RP. Here's my idea:

Character A was someone that the world wouldn't miss. Maybe they had no family, maybe they had no home, but for whatever reason, when Character A was taken, no one came looking. Character A was taken to a secret government owned facility, the kind that conspiracy theorists have wet dreams about. There, Character A is used in an experiment to create a super solider. Whether they are mixed with animal DNA, given super powers, whatever, the experiment was a success.

But Character A is not cooperative. It's clear that they will not be fighting in any wars any time soon, so the scientists put character A under lock and key for further study. In comes Character B. Character B was an older test subject, now used as a guard to keep the other subjects in line. Character A and B don't hit it off at first, but after time, they make a strange friendship. They agree that they'd both rather be free than stuck inside this hell hole, and make a pact to escape.

Now, that's the basic plot. Here's the deal:

You can play A or B.

I'd prefer you play a female. My character will be male.

I expect you to write on a high casual to advanced level

And please be able to post at least once a day