Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Did you hear a moving lorry last night?" Jackie Tyler asked her daughter as the two stood in the kitchen, trying to figure out what they could come up with for breakfast. Rose had been busy working and her mother had been on a date so neither woman had much time to pop over to the market to replenish their fridge. Rose shook her head, not sure why her mum would ask a random question. The older blond carried on at rate. "Someone's moved in down the hall. I can't believe it, you know it took us weeks to unpack and settle in. How on earth could someone do it in the wee hours of the night without waking anybody up? It's so weird." Jackie said as she poured herself some coffee while Rose fixed herself a cup of tea. "You oughta go over there with something nice and check it out. Who knows, it might be a handsome young man."

"I've got Mickey." Rose said, knowing her mother and the boy didn't along well, even though they grew up together and thus, knew each other for years.

"I meant for me!" Her mother said.

Rose rolled her eyes and shuffled out of the kitchen. "I do have the morning off. I guess I could go over and see what the fuss is about." She considered aloud as she headed back to her pink bedroom. The girl changed out of her pajamas and into some jeans and a union jack tee-shirt. She brushed her hair out and grabbed her wallet, figuring it would be better to go buy something than try to come up with something in the kitchen. Though she and her mum lived alone, neither of them were great chefs. They got by but Rose knew it would be impolite to offer a neighbor something questionable. Rose called out to her mother who was watching the news. In the background, Rose caught a few snippets. It seemed there had been some break-ins around them but nothing had been taken, nor had anyone been hurt or killed.

How odd.

She closed the door and meandered down the hall, looking out at the gray view. As usual, the weather was gloomy with a chance of rain but it was November and she expected to see the sun in say, about six or seven months. Rose headed down the long flight of stairs and headed down the two blocks to the store. She pulled out her cell phone and sent a text to Mickey to see if he was awake or not, though he probably wasn't, since to her knowledge he spent the night at the pub watching the match. Rose poked around the store and chatted with the old woman behind the counter. Some cookies with dark blue frosting caught her eye so she bought them and headed back toward her flat. As she walked along, she could have sworn she heard someone walking around.

Kids and teens would be in school though, so Rose assumed she was hearing things. The blond headed up the stairs, taking her time still. She was bored, work was boring, everything was boring. Even Mickey was boring, though that was probably because they were such good friends, drifting between more than friends, at some points. Rose finally got to her level and began to walk down the long stretch of open hallway, letting her hand trace side of the rail as she went. There were many apartments open and she had lived in hers so long, she already knew which were still on the market and which weren't. She stopped in front of the one she knew must be the one someone had snagged in the middle of the night, 709.

Knocking once, she stepped back and looked around.

Even though she didn't have anywhere to be and didn't mind waiting, she couldn't help but move to knock a second time. "My name's Rose Tyler, I live a few doors down, I wanted to have a chat, welcome you to the neighborhood." She called out and stepped back, hoping it was a cute guy, rather than some old lady with a collection of cats. They had far too many of those. The girl glanced down at the round sugar cookies with their ocean colored frosting and silver sprinkles. They sort of looked like the night's sky. Of course in London seeing the sky and stars was impossible. It was too bright. But Rose did have fond memories of camping with her mum when she was younger, when they got out of the city, they could see stars much easier. Rose liked to poke around the forest and play games with Mickey but now it seemed that passion had hidden itself away somewhere, leaving Rose in a dull job and a dull life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by trenzalore


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Wouldn’t one get tired of running? Always hopping from planet to planet, time to time, era to era – and for what? What satisfaction was there from time jumping all by his lonesome? It began to grow on him, just as his previous adventure. All that he had saw..all that he had done as the War Doctor he wanted to forget. It was like a bad dream that he couldn’t wake up from, but, he finally did and wished that he could give himself amnesia. It was a very wrong choice and yet so right for the given situation. After all, there was a war to be fought; a war that ended in nothing but destruction and sorrow. Why did he think that it was a fantastic idea to lose himself for an episode? What rubbish.

Look where it brought him, running from some happy mercenary from another planet to avenge their fallen loved ones. Well, what about his loved ones? What about…well, no matter. He was The Doctor, not a miracle worker. He couldn’t bring people back from the dead nor revisit their livelihood. Well, he could but the pain would be too severe. A long heavy sigh crossed his lips as he stood above the control panel of his beloved TARDIS. Where would he find homage, temporarily, from this hateful brute? The man stood there in thought as he scanned the galaxies over his computer until he finally settled upon a little less alien trafficked speck in the universe – the Milky Way galaxy. Of course, that sounded splendid. Humans were his favorite source of entertainment. They were so uncomplicated creatures that it pleased him. The children were utterly delightful when they played, believing in things only one with such an innocent mind could unearth.

With the swift motion of his hand, he spun the dial and punched in the coordinates for Earth. There, he would stay until he felt safe enough to travel again. Once the TARDIS vanished into the worm hole, the man found his little blue box happily drifting through the Milky Way galaxy. Unfortunately, he was followed he soon found out when the TARDIS shuddered under the weight of a blast. His hands gripped upon the console while his teeth clenched in his mouth. “I can’t believe this,” he uttered in disgust, “How on earth did he follow the trail so fast.” Grunting, the man slammed his fist on a cloaking device but the TARDIS spat sparks in return. The alarm flashed inside the spaceship and the police box was no later plummeting down through the atmosphere of the blue and green planet called Earth.


A week later, the Doctor stationed himself in a small flat at random complex he found in short distance from the location of his crash site. Every day or so, he would go and check on his beautiful blue box and make attempts to repair it. So far, he had no luck. The machine also had to recharge, which took quite a bit of time. So, in short, he was stuck. Miserable? Slightly. But at least there were decent chips in that area in Cardiff. The fish wasn’t too bad either, but, he wasn’t a fan of the fancy crunchy coating. Some gent made a rude suggestion, after he made a comment, to go stick his fish fingers in some custard and call it a day. Oh, how rude!

After another failed day of repairing his beloved ship, the man sat bored in the couch that the tenants, who lived there before him, generously left behind as well as the cable activated and the telly, and…well, a few other things. They just happened to, uh, disappear quite spontaneously..

With the remote in hand, The Doctor casually flipped through the channels passing infomercials, dramas, children shows, until he finally stumbled upon the science fiction channel. There he paused, staring at some giant alien bug trampling over London. After a few minutes had passed, he was scowling. “That is so rude,” he mumbled, “They didn’t even ask him if he needed directions or if he had miscalculated a warp hole or something of the lot.” Before he could make further judgment of the show, there was a small knock at the door which caused him to freeze like a deer in headlights. His head whipped about to stare at the door, curiously.

Was it the hunter? Had he already found him? He hadn’t been there but for only a week! Quietly, the man rose from the couch and grabbed the sonic screwdriver from his pocket. Silently, he moved to the door and held his hand ready on the button with the other hovering near the doorknob. Just as he was about to make his move, there was a second knock that caused him to jump and shoot a hole in the ceiling right above the door. The man paused, listening to the person beyond the door introduce themselves but he couldn’t help but stare at the hole in the ceiling. “Well that was brilliant,” he murmured. Due to his lack of restful nights, he was a bit on edge. “Uh, just a moment,” he called out softly and tucked the screwdriver inside his denim pocket. The man then opened the door to look upon the petite blonde offering cookies as a welcoming gesture.

Indeed she was a cute thing, but, he was always was a little cautious and he wasn’t sure what this hunter was capable above. He peered down at her, wanting to scan her but he also didn’t want to scare her off if she was, indeed, a humanoid. “Hello there, Rose,” the man said with a smile, “How can I help you?” His eyes then fell upon the small circular baked goods in curiosity. What on, well, Earth were they? They looked quite weird, yet smelled quite divine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she found herself growing bored. Though for Rose, that feeling was with her constantly. She couldn't help it. There wasn't anything to do except work, sleep and eat. Maybe catch a match with her boyfriend or check out the shops with her mum but for Rose Tyler, there as a lack of excitement in her dreary life. Her complacency was making her mind and ambitions rather stagnant, content to remain untouched and unfulfilled. If she had any smart friends, they might suggest she go try taking some college classes at the local university or to go abroad for a few weeks to see something new, in a place she could really explore and find her passion.

Alas, her friends weren't the sort to encourage such actions so Rose had no idea how to fix her predicament. Though by this point, the blond was unaware of how bored she really was, and how badly she wanted something to change. And since she wasn't self aware, she didn't see any point of executing the needed change herself. The only thing which may spark some kind of fire within her, was the notion of new neighbors and if that didn't prove just how bad things were, nothing would. Rose glanced over her shoulder but was met with nothing new except a light chilly breeze. The person inside finally replied and told her wait so she did, shrugging, even though he couldn't see her.

"Hello." She offered a polite, small wave with her free hand.

He asked what she wanted and she glanced down at her offering. "I just thought I'd welcome you to the neighborhood and see if there was anything you needed, like finding things or anything like that." She looked back up at him. He was a tall fellow but seemed alright. The people renting the flat before him were certainly strange but with them, Rose figured the less she knew the better. But with them moved out, she hoped the next one would be more friendly or at least polite. "By the way, there's a woman on the second floor named Abby Wilson, she'll probably try to sell you some canned goods, don't buy em. I'm pretty sure she bought them during World War 2." She grinned a little, reminding how awful the canned radishes tasted. Though to this day, she questioned the contents, despite Ms. Wilson's claims.

"Oh and here, I bought these. I'm not sure if you're allergic to anything but..." Rose's voice trailed off as she extended her arm to hand the baked goods to the man. If he was allergic or didn't like them, she could go try and get something else but most people couldn't say now to cookies, even if they happened to be on a diet. "They might do well with some tea or ice cream." She suggested. Unable to stop from being a tiny bit curious, she glanced around to see not much had been changed to the apartment's interior which was weird but considering how had lived there, wasn't totally out of the question. To have them up and leave was something Rose would believe.

And for now, there weren't any signs that the new man had anything to do with it, though he seemed a bit off, she could chalk it up to the hectic means of moving to a new place and having the settle in. "Where'd you come from?" She wondered, his voice suggested somewhere in the north but then that one question ended up prompting others, "Are you alone?" She blurted out. "I mean, is there anyone else with you?" She attempted to clarify a bit. "It can be a bit hard to move on your own. Of course some people like being on their own but I don't see how." She had her mum and Mickey and Shareen and Keisha. And while she could try to move out and live on her own, the idea didn't sit well in her heart. In her mind, people weren't meant to isolate themselves. At least when she was bored at home, she had people to be around.

"Sorry, didn't mean to pry." She shook her head, realizing she was being rude. In the back of her mind, she could hear her mum lecturing her, telling her to mind her manners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by trenzalore


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The eyes of the Doctor scanned the blonde up and down several times, scrutinizing her from head to toe. He silently questioned her human authenticity. Was she for real or was she the alien in disguise? Were those sugary goods a genuine sign of hospitality, or, were they a poisonous trick? After all, he had never seen such delights before. Of course, they did bare a resemblance to small sugary cakes that he swore he tried once before… or had he yet to try them? Sometimes, he became confused to what had occurred in his duration of existence and what was to come. With so much time on his hands, sometimes his “life” was nothing but a lonely blur.

Speaking of loneliness, the man could sense the aura of solitude emitting from this female and couldn’t help but feel rather empathetic. Maybe she was, indeed, a real human being with nothing else better to do with her time other than visit new neighbors and pass out sugar coated chemically baked dough. The Doctor really wasn’t sure what made each human being tick and that, quite frankly, excited him a trivial amount. “Anything I need?” he repeated, wondering what she was to gain in response, “I don’t suppose I really need anything..” A companion would have been nice but, no, he wasn’t sure about this one yet and he was rather stuck for a lot of time in the location until time had passed to a point where he felt safe to travel again. “Ah, World War Two,” he repeated, “I recall the Beer Hall and the taste of brats in Germany as if it was yesterday…” He found himself drifting into thought – until he just realized what he said. “Of course, it was on the telly just yesterday,” the man quickly tossed a recovery, “If you aren’t busy, Rose, why not come in for a bit of tea?”

Quickly, to avoid her questioning the statement, he took hold of her arm in a very careful and tender manner, and pulled her inside. “Make yourself at home,” he commented and ushered her forward. While she stepped before him, he quickly took out his sonic screwdriver and scanned her just to be on the safe side. When no alarm chased the scan, he knew the girl was not a threat to him whatsoever – and it felt rather nice. The apartment was rather cookie cutter – literally, as if he pulled the image from a magazine. The apartment even came with a fluffy white furball that waddled its way into the living room upon the manifestation of another being in the household. The white cat sat at the feet of Rose and meowed for attention.

“I’ll get that tea started,” he stated, leaving the girl to get cozy in the living room. The whole apartment was color coded in neutral shades: beige, off white, and metal grey. The floors were hardwood, except for the living room that had a white carpet. The Doctor went into the kitchen and began filling the kettle with hot water. “And yes,” he finally replied in a rather somber tone of voice, “I am quite alone.” Once he became the War Doctor, he took no one as his companion, save for the computer generated vision of someone yet to come but he couldn’t remember what she looked like; all that stayed in his head was Bad Wolf – for whatever that meant. The Doctor quietly hummed as he prepared two mugs with earl grey tea bags. “So Rose, tell me what do you do?” he inquired a little, “Tell me about yourself.” The man propped himself forward on the breakfast counter looking into the living room at the blonde. She was, indeed, quite attractive. A little on the young side, but age never really was an issue to him considering how old he really was.

It wasn’t long before the tea started to whistle upon its acceleration to temperature. The man took the crimson kettle off the black stove and poured equal amounts of hot water into each mug with the addition of sugar. He then brought both mugs over to the microfiber beige couch and sat the two on the coffee table before he plopped onto couch himself. Was this was what a normal human life felt like? It was quite serene. Maybe, one day, he could feel at ease like this moment. No worries. No cares. No stress..

In the distance, several yards away from the apartment, the bounty hunter was observing a flashing light on some futuristic tracking device. The creature had a helmet, and covered from head to toe in scale-like armor, except for fingers which were exposed through fingerless gauntlets. The fingers were long, thick, and green in color, similar to that belonging to ogres in fairytales. The creature’s growl seemed akin to a starving bear with several clicks in between the deep tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

When she had mentioned the war, way back when, the man gave her a very odd, quite personal response, one she wasn't sure how to take. He then mentioned he saw something about it on the telly. Something told her he wasn't being totally honest with her. He didn't look enough to experience World War 2, perhaps he had relatives who told him stories. Or maybe he was right, maybe the telly gave him vivid details about beer and bratwursts. "Thanks..." She just said, brushing off the weird comment when he carried on and invited her in for some tea. It would be rude to decline an invitation and she was curious about the new guy, who she still didn't know the name of.

Had he told her already?

Sure, Rose wasn't the best student and had a knack for spacing out or forgetting things but she didn't think she'd miss the man's name if he had told her already. The man took her arm before she could say much else and pulled her inside. His grip wasn't harsh or thoughtless. In fact it was surprisingly light. When the young woman stepped inside, she took a careful look around. He was rather strange and she didn't want to walk into some sort of trap. For all she knew, he was some serial killer who preyed on young girls, which would also explain why he hadn't given her his name. As she stepped further into the flat, she heard some sort of buzzing noise but she couldn't figure out where it was coming from. It was a nice place but showed very little personality.

"So...you do live alone." She concluded, haven't not seen any items which would give away a woman's touch or a child's presence. The man moved into the kitchen and confirmed what she deduced. He was alone. Quite. Her heart fell a little She could detect pain in his voice, at the admittance of having no one else. She lingered in the room, the layout was the same as her own flat, but his had nicer touches, and was much cleaner too. "I work downtown at a shop." She replied to his question. "There isn't much to say 'bout me." She shrugged, wishing she had something exciting to say or brag about. "I dropped out of university and just live with my mum." Rose told him as she watched him lean over from the kitchen. "To be honest, work is pretty boring, I suppose if I had gotten a degree or somethin' I would be doing something more interesting, or at least worthwhile."

Soon the tea was ready, alerting both by whistling rather loudly.

The man prepared the cups and she moved to the couch, following his direction. "Thanks." She accepted the cup and sat next to him. She smelled its contents before she blew on it. In the back of her mind, she still vaguely wondered if who he was. Was he dangerous? Or was he really just alone? "You know, moving to a new place can be a bit scary but it means you do get to meet new people." She tried to assure him. "I'm sorry, did you tell me your name?" Her nagging mind couldn't be contained any longer. Just then her phone beeped. It was Mickey. "Sorry." She apologized again and pulled out her phone with her free hand. Mickey said he was almost to her flat. She told him to let himself in, that she was busy and left it at that. He didn't need to know she was with a strange new neighbor, a man, no less.

Meanwhile, Mickey looked at Rose's reply and smiled. He hoped her mother was out for the late morning which meant he and Rose could have some time together. The dark skinned male had crossed a street and had been hurrying along towards the complex. He stopped when he saw the odd alien bounty hunter. It was a little late in the year for creepy costumes. He had a weird feeling about the bloke and decided to snap a picture to show Rose. Maybe she knew about some kids who liked to dress up. You never knew! As Mickey was looking at the picture on his dinky phone, the hunter turned around and studied Mickey who began to back away. "Shit." He muttered and decided to go another way to Rose's flat, a back way. The hunter continued to walk towards the large building, resuming his hunt with his special device.

Mickey spotted the fiend slowly making his way to the stairs, Mickey quickly climbed the stairs from the other side and called Rose. As he got to her floor, he heard her ringtone except it wasn't coming from her flat, but someone else's. With his imagination already spinning, the boy banged on the door that her ringtone was coming from. "Rose! Hey Rose! There's some creep outside, we better get lost. I've got a bad feeling about him. And what are you doing in there?!" He called out. "You better not be cheating-"

By this time, Rose had answered the phone and moved to the door, hearing Mickey's frantic nonsensical peas. "What are you going on about?" She huffed and opened the door, cutting Mickey's rant off.

"Who's that?" He pointed to the man on the couch. Rose shrugged and took a sip of tea, still not sure what Mickey's problem was.

"Hasn't told me his name yet, he was about to but you rang me up and interrupted him." She said. "Sorry, this is my um...friend Mickey." She turned to the man as Mickey pushed his way through and pushed a few buttons on his cell phone and held it out for them to see the creature he caught on camera. "This some kind'a joke?" Rose rolled her eyes a bit as the image but Mickey still seemed rather panicked.

"No it's not, he's like, right outside. He doesn't look right to me." Mickey insisted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by trenzalore


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Relaxation was never a possibility with The Doctor. Even when the setting seemed complacent enough, the man still appeared on edge, which was visible upon the way he had taken his seat upon the couch. The man sat on the edge as if the back of the couch was comprised of pins and needles, ready to puncture his skin upon contact. He stirred his tea lightly with the spoon and eyed one of her little sugary delights sitting on the coffee table ever so innocently. The man never really ate much. He never really required that much sleep or nourishment, regardless of having twice the hearts of a normal human. One would think extra nourishment was a necessity to keep those two hearts beating. Cautiously the man reached for a cookie and broke one in half. Again, he eyed the piece in his hand before taking a bite. There wasn’t much he was allergic to except for the normal Time Lord weaknesses, such as ginger in combination with some other chemicals and aspirin, with a few other alien poisons but he highly doubted any of those were part of the ingredients of this little cookie.

“This is fantastic!” he commented, enjoying the sweetness. He had never had a cookie before…these were absolutely delightful. Humans did have such delicious foods, such as chips that he also so much enjoyed. The expression upon his face was near childlike over the little cookie. As the woman continued to explain how scary it can be to move and so on and so forth, the man almost acted as if he hadn’t been listening, especially until he finished off the other piece of the cookie. “Sometimes it is a little frightening to change your entire world and find out you’re the only one left but it isn’t hard to meet new people, make new friends, and explore a place you haven’t been to before. It is fascinating, I believe and, perhaps, you should do some exploring yourself, Rose. I think you would find it most enjoyable,” The Doctor commented while meeting the dark brown eyes of the blonde with a very serene smile painted across his face.

His eyes then fell upon the device in her hands that saved him from the trouble of explaining his “name”. He had a name, but, no one was to know it. Well, except for one person and the confinements of one place where his name was to be; a place that he hoped that he would never have to visit for any reason at all in this era. Before either of the two could enjoy their “evening alone”, the phone went off in the bubbliest ringtones that he had ever heard emit from an electronic device. The man’s brow furrowed in curiosity until the girl answered the phone in a rather aggressive tone. Note to self: not anger the blonde. The Doctor studied her as she left the couch and smiled vaguely. Maybe this would be his next partner? She appeared bored of this world and it didn’t appear as if she would be leaving behind anything important, aside a mother and a shop where the work she did seemed to not fancy her at all.

The thought process of the Time Lord was interrupted as she opened the door and a voice bellowed her name from the opposing side. Immediately, the man stood as Rose explained her friend and the Doctor nodded in a gesture of greeting. “Hello,” he said with a chipper tone, “Nice to meet you, Mickey.” The Doctor moved on over when the lad exposed the picture on his phone and the expression on his face immediately turned from a cheerful smile to a dismal frown. “Sooner than I expected,” he murmured, “They’re getting faster. Must have some new devices on hand.” With a quiet sigh, The Doctor pulled off his leather coat from the coat rack on the wall and nestled it over his broad shoulders. The frown immediately vanished and was replaced with a smile as he placed a hand on both the shoulders of Rose and Mickey, “Why don’t you two enjoy yourselves and watch the telly for a bit while I step outside to take care of something.” Before the two could object, The Doctor took off out the door. He wasn’t about to be the cause of his newly made friends to be in danger. The Doctor ran towards the stairs and immediately began his descend, hearing the faint beeping sound of the detector. “I know you’re here,” he mumbled before shouting, “Show yourself!”

Once upon the ground floor, the creature appeared before him a few feet away. “What do you want now?” The Doctor asked in a heated tone of voice. The alien hunter responded in its own foreign language that would appear to sound like gibberish to the human ears. “I did nothing of the sort,” The Doctor replied, “We left on good terms and that was that. Now, if your royal highness went back on her word, that’s her fault, not mine.” Again, the creature replied in his own native tongue and then withdrew a high-tech, yet small, weapon from his pocket. In response, the man withdrew his even smaller sonic screwdriver and pointed, as if they were in a corral during a showdown. “You don’t want to do this,” The Doctor said, “Tell your queen that I have done everything she asked and she doesn’t need to endanger the humans of this world.”

The creature fired his weapon, shooting a rather large laser towards The Doctor. The man immediately dropped to the ground and turned to the location of the falling blast. The beam hit a tree, encasing it in a blue glow before having it disappear from its current location. “I suppose you don’t want to play nice..” mumbled the Doctor in a grumpy tone, “Why can’t anything be easy?” At that point, the man looked up towards the complex, hoping those two would stay put but it didn’t seem as if they were the type to avoid danger – at least, that blonde. She seemed to have spirit within her – something that excited him. With one quick movement, the Doctor swiped towards the creature with his screwdriver on and knocked the devices from his hands.

And then, the Doctor did what he did best – run.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

Before she could once again attempt to brush off Mickey's delusional rambles, the tall man slipped on his leather coat and appeared to be changing gears, as if he was almost going to war. But with what? And why? "Wha-" Before Rose could even finish her single syllable word, he has dashed off but not before suggesting the two of them stay and watch some telly. This only raised more questions in her mind. And then like a flash of lightening, he had taken off. Mickey walked over and asked what that was all about but she could only shake her head. Mickey gave a shrug and moved over to sit on the couch, not one to turn down the offer of free telly. Meanwhile, Rose stood in the small entrance and looked from her boyfriend to where the man had ran off. Something just didn't feel right. Something was sort of "off" and she wanted to figure out what.

Who was this guy anyway?

What did he have to take care of? What did Mickey's picture have to do with it?

"Rose come on, sit down." Mickey called to her.

"Sorry, I just gotta check somethin'!" And with that, she headed out the door and slammed it shut. She knew Mickey wasn't adventurous, that he liked to order the same fish and chips whenever they went out. He was boring and predictable. He could be a good friend, yes, but right now she couldn't sit on the sidelines anymore. Something inside was telling her to run after the strange man with the big ears. She hurried down the nearest stairwell and spotted something near by but she couldn't quite discern what it was so she kept going. When she reached the ground floor, she ducked behind one of the dumpsters and peeked around to see what was going on. It appeared the man was having a standoff with the weird creature but she couldn't understand a bloody word that it was saying. Was she going mental?

Rose shook her head a little and looked back to see both guys pull out funny looking objects which sort of looked like pens with a glowing light. The man's words were once again puzzling her. Back in his flat, he had mentioned he was the only one left, that he was in a new world. It made no sense! And now he was going on about a queen and humans. Wasn't he human? He looked human and sure sounded human but the other thing looked weird, like some kind of alien. Rose wasn't sure what to believe. Her heart began to race as the apparent alien fired his pen thingy first. Luckily the bloke hit the ground and the tree vanished. This made the girl do a double take. Now she was sure she was mad. A tree had just vanished! What the hell was going on?! Every logical thought in her head was urging her to run back and hide with Mickey and pretend she saw nothing.

But she couldn't really do that.


Suddenly the leather clad man charged the alien and managed to knock the device from his hands. Then he took off running. "Wait!" She called out and bravely, or stupidly, depending on who you asked, she ran out and grabbed the odd devices from the alien and ran after the other guy. One seemed to have some kind of tracking layout and the other looked similar to what the guy had used. Rose wasn't the best at running, though she did gymnastics for a bit and fared alright, even got a bronze medal. As she ran past a building, the words "Bad Wolf" had been scribbled in dark blue spray paint but the blond didn't even notice. "Hold up will ya!" She called out as they came to a stop light. Maybe now she could catch her breath! Rose's face was slightly flushed as she loosened her grip on the things she snagged. "Oy, you run like mad, did ya do track and field or something?" Rose panted.

From what she could tell though, the man and the weird creature thing were at odds and she hoped she had helped out some, by snagging what she did. "I nicked these." She held out the two high tech devices to him as the light signaled for them to walk across the street. "I think after all that, you at least owe me your name, it's kind of rude. I mean, who are you? And what was that? It was speaking a language that I hadn't even heard of. This might sound mental but...for a second I thought it could be an alien." She laughed dryly and glanced to him as they walked across the crosswalk, the traffic oddly minimal for the afternoon. It was approaching lunchtime, and soon she would have to go back to work but none of that really interested her, not right now. "So what are these?" Her questions kept spilling out as they got to the other side. "Are you in trouble? Or..." The notion that he might be dangerous crossing her mind again as she stepped back slightly. "Or are you trouble?"
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