Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katakon
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have an idea for an RP.
Basically this roleplay will take place in something like a mix of the Real world and PMM world.

There's a group of weird men and women who asked boys and girls on what kind of wish they can grant for them. You heard of them, everyone has. For the kids they helped become famous defenders of the world from the Unknown Shadows. They will give you amazing powers beyond your dreams and you can have your wish granted and all they ask is that you fight the Unknown shadows for fifteen years and you can retire in peace after that. That may seem like a long time but the reward outweighs the risk. How ever long it takes, you made your wish , for better or for worse, you made your pact with the strange person. And you became a Magical Soldier!

So that's the intro for the Rp, so the rules, two sets of them.



1. No god-modding or Mary Sues, or Meta-Gaming.
2. Don't be rude or use abusive language toward other roleplayers .
3. My word is final in this roleplay, but if you do have a problem with anything I do or say please tell me though PM's, I don't want to start drama with everybody else in the RP.
4. And please if you have to leave for any reason please tell me or somebody involved in the Rp, you don't have to go into details about what happen or why, you can just say "I have to quit the RP" and I'll understand, I'm just saying this so nobody doesn't have to wait for a person to reply who quit the RP.


1. We only accept Boys and Girls ages 8 - 18, because kids are magical~
2. You can make any wish unless it hurts or kill people, or causes any kind of suffering.
3. Also if your wish affect another person you need that person's consent to make that wish, unless if the person is dying at that moment and you make a wish for them to live.
4. You can not make a wish that causes people to change their personalities or change their ideology, to many problems with groups if we allowed that.
5. You can retire after your Fifteenth year of being a magical soldier.
6. You cannot wish for the death of all Unknown Shadows, one kid did that... It didn't end up like they wanted.


I will post the App up once we have a few interested people~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Interested. What will the main plot line be? Can charas be any time of the way through their 15 year service? Will people interact through missions? And how are they to fight, is it through given tasks?

I like the idea I just want a better understanding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katakon
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Characters can be at anytime in their enlistment, but what the public and most newbies don't know is that many independent Magical Soldiers die in their first year since the most famous of these soldiers are the experts or a strong group.

People can interact either during missions or their off time if they trust the person enough, as many Magical Soldiers have a secret identity mainly so they don't have to deal with fans and the paparazzi since being a magical soldier is pretty much a celebrity in this world and many of the older soldiers have fandoms.

The powers are dependant on the wish and anything they can think of. Like let's say a little girl wished to healed of an illness, she would have the power to heal herself and others, also this girl is creative so she has unique weapons for instance she has a bow that can shoot lasers and that is very sharp so when it's used up close it can cut though buildings without a problem. Mainly the reason kids are chosen to be soldiers is because they are creative no matter how impractical it seems to adults. If you want a basic idea of limitation is that they can't be game breaking, like control all of time and space or to be immortal, I ask that the powers be as out there as possible and also that it isn't game breaking.

For the most part the missions are up to the Magical Soldiers, but sometimes big events will cause the Wish Granters will tell the Soldiers what to do.

The main Plotline is to get into the Shadow Hive and destroy it from the inside, but the recent influx of Unknown shadows is making that difficult, so to get to the hive are unique locations called Shadow ports which unknown shadows will pop out of and you can go though, but only some of them are open at a time.
I hope this answer the main questions if anything please ask~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I think that explained enough so far! Definitely interested now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 22 days ago

Poke with interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

Member Offline since relaunch

I am most certainly interested.
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