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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

okay, sorry i'm late but i had a crap day yesterday and didn't really want to put any of that into this. on that note.....

sorry if this sounds rude but what idiot would hold something as heavy as lith would be parallel to the ground with one arm without holding it at it's center of balance? that would put excess strain on his arm and leave him vulnerable to the types of attack he's expecting. the best positioning for what he has would be;
kneeling down with lith in his right arm, using lith's guard to protect his arm, the head on the ground in on his left and in front of him. holding geth in his right, armored arm to protect his right. like this he can move lith to defend most of his body from above, the left and the front with minor protection on his right which is supplemented by his right arm. but due to me not thinking clearly when posting i didn't include all that and at any rate lith would be placed with the tip in the ground to reduce strain on the fighter.

second, while size wise lith isn't that large the surface area of it is roughly twice what it appears due to the 'petal' blades (which i keep calling petals due to each being about the same size as a standard rose petal) that cover the entire surface and overlap, also counting the small gaps between the rings that allow them to spin. giving the entire thing as a whole a very large surface area.

this one i have to call into question. looking at your sheet you only mention that he discharges the electricity, not that he can control the path it takes meaning that really his attacks shouldn't be able to arc in the manner you mentioned. with how you put his ability it can only be interpenetrated as he can launch bolts of electricity but he can only fire it in a direct path. meaning that while it doesn't follow a straight line is you were to you could draw a straight line through the path it took like a graph. you made no mention of being able to control electricity, only generate it, so really as soon as it has left your body it would be nothing more than an aimed lightning bolt and therefor unable to pull off the precise hit you're saying he's using.

another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed. your charge has little to no effect on your character where a normal charge attack has some kind of drawback while it is charging, despite this you have displayed him being able to use even advanced moves such as the sword without and drawback while charging your bolt. the only noted drawback being that he can't use the hand he's charging with which can be avoided since he doesn't have to use a hand to charge.

this one is covered in the first bit, since he knew he was against an electric enemy he covered as much as he could, expecting an attack coming from just his opponents general direction.

and sorry for this one, but it's my interpretation of the power you're using. with that said the power you've described comes across as something that you're not going to let me come away from alive if i do take any of the damage from it. after all this was the description you used for an attack against another character, that has less charge than this one.
" A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade"
with that kind of power and you saying that i should be taking more than a little of the force. when, with the kind of power you've described 'a little' damage would be the loss of the arm holding lith and severe internal scaring and damage leaving my fighter crippled and basically dead.

all it sounds like you're arguing is that i take the drawn out version of you saying 'nope you're dead cos i fired in your general direction'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

okay, sorry i'm late but i had a crap day yesterday and didn't really want to put any of that into this. on that note.....

sorry if this sounds rude but what idiot would hold something as heavy as lith would be parallel to the ground with one arm without holding it at it's center of balance? that would put excess strain on his arm and leave him vulnerable to the types of attack he's expecting. the best positioning for what he has would be;
kneeling down with lith in his right arm, using lith's guard to protect his arm, the head on the ground in on his left and in front of him. holding geth in his right, armored arm to protect his right. like this he can move lith to defend most of his body from above, the left and the front with minor protection on his right which is supplemented by his right arm. but due to me not thinking clearly when posting i didn't include all that and at any rate lith would be placed with the tip in the ground to reduce strain on the fighter.

second, while size wise lith isn't that large the surface area of it is roughly twice what it appears due to the 'petal' blades (which i keep calling petals due to each being about the same size as a standard rose petal) that cover the entire surface and overlap, also counting the small gaps between the rings that allow them to spin. giving the entire thing as a whole a very large surface area.

this one i have to call into question. looking at your sheet you only mention that he discharges the electricity, not that he can control the path it takes meaning that really his attacks shouldn't be able to arc in the manner you mentioned. with how you put his ability it can only be interpenetrated as he can launch bolts of electricity but he can only fire it in a direct path. meaning that while it doesn't follow a straight line is you were to you could draw a straight line through the path it took like a graph. you made no mention of being able to control electricity, only generate it, so really as soon as it has left your body it would be nothing more than an aimed lightning bolt and therefor unable to pull off the precise hit you're saying he's using.

another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed. your charge has little to no effect on your character where a normal charge attack has some kind of drawback while it is charging, despite this you have displayed him being able to use even advanced moves such as the sword without and drawback while charging your bolt. the only noted drawback being that he can't use the hand he's charging with which can be avoided since he doesn't have to use a hand to charge.

this one is covered in the first bit, since he knew he was against an electric enemy he covered as much as he could, expecting an attack coming from just his opponents general direction.

and sorry for this one, but it's my interpretation of the power you're using. with that said the power you've described comes across as something that you're not going to let me come away from alive if i do take any of the damage from it. after all this was the description you used for an attack against another character, that has less charge than this one.
" A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade"
with that kind of power and you saying that i should be taking more than a little of the force. when, with the kind of power you've described 'a little' damage would be the loss of the arm holding lith and severe internal scaring and damage leaving my fighter crippled and basically dead.

all it sounds like you're arguing is that i take the drawn out version of you saying 'nope you're dead cos i fired in your general direction'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Max I don't wanna seem rude, but your guy literally just got hit by a guy wearing durasteel armor at mach 1 and rolled it off. Not only that, but now he can just absorb a lightning bolt with Lith. That is kind of OP I mean taking the hit from my guy even if it was a glancing blow would have broken a couple of things. On top of that his speed is a problem even if he is fast

A. my guy is moving at mach 1(that's the usual highest accepted norm for arena characters)
B. Arty didn't move he literally just blasted electricity up and down on you. It wasn't fired in your general direction since he knew where you were.
C. even if you were fast enough normally to absorb the bolt with lith you just shrugged off a hit from mach 1. Your guy would be at least somewhat dazed or winded which would slow him down. Maybe he shouldn't be outright dead, but he needs to take damage from that because he cannot dodge and logically he would be unable to muster a block. Again I don't want this to come off as angry or rude, but its just from what ive read.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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You're right about how he'd be holding the lance, when I originally wrote that portion I was operating under the assumption that Lith was spear-shaped, which isn't the case.

For the size, it would only be slightly larger than a standard lance, unless you had the petals standing on end and sticking straight out, but then there would be gaps through which the electricity could pass without striking it (assuming that the petals face the tip of the lance).

With regards to Arty's electricity, he can very definitely control it. If he couldn't, no bolt would ever make it ten meters, much less a hundred. If he couldn't control it, it would ground itself the instant it left his hand and just plow right into the ground or the nearest grounded object. This isn't the first time he's arced a bolt around something, and nobody had an issue the first time it happened.

As for charging, the biggest drain with the sword is its creation, when he's expending a bunch of power to get it made. Once its made, there's very little maintenance because it's a fairly closed system. The sword was also made in a post prior to the one where he began charging his bolt, so there isn't a noticeably substantial effect on the power of either. If he'd made the sword while he was charging the bolt, there would definitely be a drain on the power of the bolt, just as there would be if he were to use any other powerful active ability (like creating gusts of wind).

Most of the wording in the description of that previous bolt was artistic fluff and hyperbole. All it was meant to do was get across the fact that the guy it was hitting wasn't going to get out of it alive, because he simply didn't have the durability required to withstand 2000 degree heat and all the electrical power that was generating it. He also had no means of launching a viable defense.

In closing, I'm honestly torn right now. On the one hand, the bolt was specifically fired in an upward arc then coming down toward your character's head, and your character's lance was specifically held in between the two combatants, which would put it out of position to block the lightning bolt without substantial movement. Getting hit by an undefended bolt would very likely kill your character, even with his superhuman physical stats, and that's what would be most likely to happen with all variables taken into consideration. On the other hand, I don't want to be a dick about this and force you to kill your character, and while the lance could absorb enough energy to make the attack survivable, it wouldn't negate it completely like you say it does in the original post. Either way, you would need to take damage, and while the logical, no-nonsense part of me wants to play this out in the most realistic way possible (your character dying), the good sportsman part of me wants to cut you a break and let the facts slide just a bit this time. So I leave the choice up to you. Realism and character death or sportsmanship and we keep fighting. Either way, I'm not going to hold anything against you (as long as you don't completely ignore the damage).

Though Drall has a point about the Mach 1 hit. That would hurt like hell, high gravity and glancing blow or not. You also would have likely been flung a couple dozen feet through the air and not been able to grab the dagger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

You also mentioned
Max Shadow said another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed.

A .45 ACP is also capable of killing a human in one hit, and if you load it with incendiary ammo, it'll create the smoke and burn marks too. Killing a human in a single attack isn't a great feat, it's pretty standard for any kind of offensive power, especially in the intermediate tier. Anyone with a .45 can launch half a dozen such attacks in a single post if they so choose, and I'm limited to two (one per hand). Contrary to movie lore, two successive hits from a .45 and you won't be walking away from it. There's an off chance you'll get carted away in an ambulance, but even that's pretty slim. An attack from a .45 ACP is also just as un-dodgeable for a character with the speed yours possesses as a lightning bolt is. The only thing missing in an attack from a .45 ACP loaded with armor piercing ammo (that is present in an attack from my lightning bolt) is the intermediate-tier telekinetic that can curve the bullet (or the killer from wanted, who might not even be intermediate tier).

Point is, being able to guide my lightning on a pre-determined course is no more OP than being able to do the same with a bullet. What would be OP is if I could change the pre-determined trajectory mid-flight in order to continue the attack on a target fast enough (or lucky enough) to avoid it.

All that said: You may be right. Arty's current powerset may be OP. This is the first fight I've used it in, so there was nowhere else to work out the kinks. Even if he is though, he wouldn't be the only one, and I'm going to use him at the level he was approved for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

first off, before i come back with my reply, i just want to apologize for the number of times it posted. i was rushed towards the end of typing it and panicked slightly when the site didn't seem to put the post up (trying 7 times on two computers >__<) i'll hopefully reply and edit my post at sometime tonight.

whoever it is that is after me please don't wait for me unless you need to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bushidoxisamu2

bushidoxisamu2 Underdog Shido

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fixed my character

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's better, but there are still some things that I mention in my prior post about the character that haven't been addressed. I would also recommend increasing the size of the wingspan to something around twelve feet, since a three foot wingspan wouldn't be even remotely large enough to carry a 5'9" man weighing 125 pounds aloft. That's only 1'6" per wing. Generally, a good rule of thumb for winged characters is to make the wingspan 2x greater than the character's height, though you can shorten or lengthen that a bit if you prefer more maneuverability or more endurance respectively.

I hate to be "that guy", and I apologize in advance if this makes me sound like a jerk because I honestly don't mean it that way, but there are a lot of grammatical errors in that CS that make it very difficult to read. Normally I try not to make an issue out of it, but in this case good grammar is pretty necessary in order for us to obtain a decent grasp of the character and his abilities. If you could try and clean it up (maybe read it aloud to help work out better phrasing and punctuation), I'd be really appreciative.

All that said, don't let this discourage you from participating. I know how frustrating it can be to have to go back to a CS after you've already written and altered it once, but once the kinks get worked out you'll have a much cooler character than you did originally (I'm speaking from experience on that). :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

guy reminds me of Adrian except Adrian fights head up and has an enormous demon maul. Though I find Karnix much more interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 13 days ago

Meh. I don't really have the motivation to post, so i'd rather drop out. Feel free to finish Rauchnaut off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

quiet, you're up. i'll try to fix my post today, just been distracted and shit. likely going to kill myself off and work on a different fighter. not sure though
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

i finally got around to making an edit. quiet, please try to hurry up and post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry to do this again Max, but he can't turn to shadow. He just used that ability last turn and the cooldown hasn't expired yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch


and feel free to post, quiet has had at least 3 days since it became his turn
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oh crap. I've been waiting to see Vordack this entire time. DAMMIT. SKIP ME.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

i'll have a post up tonight. drallinix you have till the end of the day to post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

allright gimme a bit ill have one up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

you know there are 4 fighters still in this >-> one of which is still fresh and unchallenged......on that note....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Max, wouldn't the retrieval of the weapons and return to his original spot require at least two teleports in a single post? He'd have to materialize in order to grab the weapons, then initiate a second teleport to return to where he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

i was originally going to ave only part of his body vanish, but someone decided to interrupt. and really he could partly materialize, only enough of him to grab the weapons and turn them to shadow forming rather that the majority of him meaning that technically it would only be one move rather than two or three. this being possible through how he's actually teleporting, where he's really converting his body into millions of tiny shadows and re-assembling himself from that in another place, which is why his movements through this method aren't instant. you and i discussed that part of it a while ago
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